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Did You Know...

... that Mathieu Bernier and Matt Davidson have similar time-lines until the FAI Mondial?

Matt Davidson with U.S. 8-way team in Maubeuge 2008
posted Jul 16th, 2020 - Two of the most experienced 8-way world champions in the history of the sport are currently getting ready for the pursuit of their next gold medals in very different ways. Only one of them will eventually be on the top of the FAI podium in Tanay next year, as they are competing for two different teams and nations.

The NSL News has recently covered the comeback of Mathieu Bernier as an active member of the French national 8-way team. Clementine Praet does not continue with the team, and Mathieu Bernier needed a quick solution. After first only filling the slot in training, he has now decided that he can continue with the French team through the FAI World Meet next year.

One of the most recent videos of the 8-way training is showing Mathieu Bernier back in action. He had completed his last competition with Round 10 of the FAI Outdoor World Meet 2016, where France won the silver medals in 8-way.

The gold medals at the same event went to the Golden Knights, with Matt Davidson in the lineup. He is now a member of the Paraclete XP 8-way team, who will try to defend the FAI gold medals that he also won with the Golden Knights at the FAI Outdoor World Meet 2018 in Australia, together with his wife Jennifer.

French national 8-way team in training with Mathieu Bernier in the lineup
Matt Davidson with the Golden Knights in Dubai 2012
Matt Davidson's service time for the U.S. Army came to an end after the USPA Nationals 2019, where XP8 won the gold medals and qualified as the U.S. national team for the FAI Mondial 2020.

His 2012 world champion team mate Brian "BK" Krause had left the U.S. Army and joined XP8 years ago. The new U.S. national team eventually invited Matt Davidson to join XP8, together with Arizona Airspeed members Niklas Hemlin and Mikhail Markine.

His new XP8 slot allows him to compete for his 7th FAI 8-way gold medal, with the 5th one at the completion of his own golden 8-way decade (2012 - 2021).

However, Mathieu Bernier had stopped the Golden Knights once in Menzelinsk 2010, after winning three consecutive gold medals between 2006 and 2010. He will now try again to keep Matt Davidson from winning his next 8-way gold medal.

Matt Davidson still has to remove one obstacle before getting back to 8-way training with XP8, as he explained to the NSL News on May 15th. His hip surgery is scheduled for next week, and the video is showing him in perfect health and perfect shape, ready to recover quickly.

Jennifer and Matt Davidson performing the "Push-Up Challenge" for the Operation Enduring Warrior
Complete XP8 lineup at the Paraclete XP Indoor Championship 2020
Matt Davidson has been coaching the Golden Knights in the meantime, with his wife Jennifer Davidson still in the lineup, and he will continue to help the current U.S. Army lineup with his incredible wealth of 8-way knowledge and experiences.

He was able to help raise over $2,000 for the Operation Enduring Warrior with the "Push-up Challenge" that he created. XP8 and Golden Knights will be 8-way opponents in the coming years in the United States, however, Jennifer and Matt Davidson worked closely and successfully together for this specific project.

SDC Rhythm XP member Andrew Happick has been training and competing in Matt Davidson's XP8 slot while he has been waiting for the hip surgery. He won the indoor world championship title at Weembi 2019, then the USPA 8-way qualification last year and was in the XP8 lineup at the FAI Outdoor World Cup 2019.

Matt Davidson was back with the complete XP8 lineup at the Paraclete XP Indoor Championship in February this year and then gave the outdoor training slot once again to Andrew Happick. France with Mathieu Bernier and XP8 with Matt Davidson both have a late start for training with their complete lineups. However, two of the most experienced 8-way competitors in history step in for the remaining time period until the FAI Mondial next year...

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