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Did You Know...

... that Christy Frikken did not even think of SDC Rhythm XP in 2008?

Larry Hill and Ed Scott at the USPA Nationals 2008
posted Aug 13th, 2020 - The recent USPA update that the NSL News covered yesterday included several videos that were recorded at the USPA Nationals 2008 and have not been published on SKYLEAGUE.COM until now. It was a very interesting coincidence that one of the interviews had host and Skydive Arizona's owner Larry Hill on the PD-TV stage, together with USPA's executive director Ed Scott.

Albert Berchtold, who will succeed Ed Scott in January 2021, had set up the stage for Performance Designs and the NSL News, and Ed Scott introduced himself at the first national championship that he attended. The host of the interview, who staid behind the PD-TV camera, is now moving into the same USPA office 13 years later.

There was much more video footage of the USPA Nationals 2008 that has not been available yet for the NSL News audience, and the updates from the NSL archives continue. This time, the new video footage connects the past with the present with another very contemporary topic, the U.S. national team in 4-way Open, SDC Rhythm XP.

The NSL News has covered the history of the team with many stories, including the USPA gold medals in the Advanced Class of 2008. The event took place at Skydive Perris, which has been Christy Frikken's home DZ for many years.

USPA Nationals 2008
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank 4-way Open 2,10,5 F,C,3,H J,O,4,N 20,M,E,11 13,12,L 9,A,19 18,22,D 21,17,P 6,14,Q B,1,G,7 Total Avg
1 Airspeed Odyssey  US  20 31 28 23 20 30 18 24 22 26 242 24.2
2 Maubeuge  FR  19 29 27 22 20 29 20 22 21 26 235 23.5
3 Black Cat  RU  18 27 29 23 18 25 20 20 21 25 226 22.6
4 Perris Fury  US  18 28 24 23 18 23 17 21 21 25 218 21.8
5 Golden Knights Gold  US  19 28 26 20 19 25 15 21 21 21 215 21.5
6 Aerokart Mamba Pamiers  FR  17 28 25 19 16 25 16 18 19 20 203 20.3
7 Performance Desired  US  15 28 25 20 17 25 14 18 19 21 202 20.2
8 Arizona Divewerkz  US  15 25 23 19 17 19 16 19 16 21 190 19.0
9 Nice Maubeuge Holidays  FR  17 22 19 19 16 22 14 21 18 19 187 18.7
10 Ocean 5  RU  14 24 21 19 15 22 16 17 16 22 186 18.6
11 Spaceland Directe XP  US  13 22 22 17 16 22 14 19 17 18 180 18.0
12 Inept  US  14 19 22 19 12 22 14 16 16 20 174 17.4
13 Sebastian Tempest  US  13 22 21 17 16 17 12 16 17 20 171 17.1
1 CSC Rhythm XP  US  15 19 22 16 12 21 14 16 16 18 169 16.9
14 Mass Defiance  US  15 23 22 20 13 23 15 17 18 1 167 16.7
15 Fastrax Blue  US  12 16 22 17 13 21 13 16 17 18 165 16.5
16 Paraclete XP  US  14 18 19 15 13 15 13 16 18 20 161 16.1
17 Cross Road  RU  13 20 21 17 14 19 12 10 17 16 159 15.9
18 Anzus  AU  11 22 19 16 13 19 11 16 14 17 158 15.8
19 Monaco Pujaut Aerial  FR  12 17 19 13 13 19 11 15 13 14 146 14.6
20 Quattro  US  11 18 15 11 7 14 10 13 12 14 125 12.5
21 Sopranos  US  10 15 15 13 8 16 10 10 11 13 121 12.1

USPA Advanced Class winner in 2008: CSC Rhythm XP
Christy Frikken and SDC Rhythm XP did not even post their scores on the same leaderboard by then. However, the 2008 Rhythm lineup (JaNette Lefkowitz and Steve Lefkowitz, Brian Ball, Laurent Beaudouin, Kevin Nafzger on camera) had already begun comparing their scores with the teams on the 4-way Open Class leaderboard.

Rhythm had an internal competition with Sebastian Tempest across the two separate leaderboards (Open - Advanced). Tempest, with future Arizona Airspeed members Thiago Gomes and Ari Perelman in the lineup, won by two points, and both teams eventually joined forces for the PD Tempest 1X2 lineup in 8-way Open.

There was neither a connection between SDC Rhythm XP and Perris Fury or Christy Frikken, nor with Sebastian Tempest at that time. However, the Rhythm lineup of 2010 - 2012 became the next step for Thiago Gomes before he joined Arizona Airspeed in 2013. His Tempest team mate Ari Perelman followed him in 2017, and they spent two more years together as Airspeed members.

Christy Frikken had almost a very similar story with her Perris Fury team mate Chris Farina. She joined SDC Rhythm XP in 2013 at the same time when Chris Farina left the team to join Airspeed's 2013 lineup. Christy Frikken's and Chris Farina's Perris Fury team mate Josh Hall had just left Airspeed after winning FAI 4-way gold in Dubai 2012.

Christy Frikken, Perris Fury and SDC Rhythm XP members at the USPA Nationals 2008
USPA Open Class silver in 2008: Perris Fury
Christy Frikken, SDC Rhythm XP's newest member and current inside center, and her Perris Fury team mates did not even think of a time with SDC Rhythm XP or Arizona Airspeed in 2008. They were committed to catch up to the U.S. top level and defeat Airspeed eventually.

Christy Frikken was mostly engaged with organizing her large 4-way and 8-way delegation on her home turf at Skydive Perris when the NSL News asked her a few question. Perris Fury won their first USPA medals in the 4-way Open Class with the 2nd place, still far behind Arizona Airspeed, and three points ahead of the strong Golden Knights Gold lineup.

Original Fury members Christy Frikken, Chris Farina, Josh Hall and Uli Stuwe continued together until 2010 and could not turn their runner-up position behind Airspeed into USPA gold medals. Only Josh Hall (2012) and Chris Farina (2014) made it to FAI world meets to compete for the U.S. delegation after joining Airspeed.

Christy Frikken is now making her own world meet move in a different way. SDC Rhythm XP invited her to replace JaNette Lefkowitz after winning the qualification at the USPA Nationals 2019. The NSL News will soon follow up on the 2008 interview with a longer NSL Live Talk next week.

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