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Did You Know...

... that Matt Davidson plans his 8-way comeback for December?

Matt Davidson with the Golden Knights in Australia 2018
posted Aug 27th, 2020 - The NSL News switches back from France to the United States, where the 4-way and 8-way opponents are in training at Skydive Paraclete XP. Airspeed XP8 completed a training camp of over a week on Wednesday, and Arizona Airspeed started a new 4-way training camp on Thursday. XPG4 has indoor training scheduled for Thursday evening and will be jumping from the Twin Otter on Friday.

Airspeed XP8 training camps are always worth the attention, as the U.S. national team will compete for the U.S. delegation at the Mondial 2020 next year and try to defend the U.S. gold medals that the Golden Knights have won four consecutive times (2012 - 2014 - 2016 - 2018). The team is also very open to publish some of their training jumps, which brings the world's top level in 8-way directly to the audience, especially at a time with not much of Formation Skydiving competition events.

There was still another very good reason to visit Skydive Paraclete XP for the recent 8-way training. Matt Davidson was back at the drop zone after his hip replacement surgery four weeks ago. It was too early for a live conversation just a few days after the surgery when the NSL News visited Paraclete XP in July.

This time, Matt Davidson was ready for NSL Live Talk, as his progression in the recovery process is the one of a 5-time world champion. He took the time to discuss several topics while Airspeed XP8 was in the middle of a 7-jump back-to-back package with alternate Andrew Happick.

Airspeed XP8 Training - NSL Live Talk with Matt Davidson - Jennifer and Matt Davidson performing the "Push-Up Challenge"
Jump-off with Golden Knights against DeLand Fire at the USPA Nationals 2005
Matt Davidson said that the cancellation of the USPA Nationals 2020 will make it significantly easier for him to prepare for his comeback. At the time of the previous Airspeed XP8 update, he still had to be ready for the competition in November. Skydive City had announced that the Florida DZ would not host the event this year, and USPA were still considering other options.

There would have been pressure on Matt Davidson's recovery schedule with USPA Nationals later this year. The cancellation of the event gives him enough additional time to be well prepared for the 8-way comeback that he now plans for December this year.

The conversation with the most successful active 8-way competitor in the world included not only the physical component, which is the most basic foundation, even though it is also the easier part for a top athlete as Matt Davidson has always been. He explained that he wants to be mentally ready to fit into a well trained 8-way team.

Airspeed XP8 have not interrupted their training to wait for Matt Davidson's recovery. SDC Rhythm XP member Andrew Happick is the official alternate and has trained with the team a lot, indoors and outdoors. Other substitutes, like Craig Girard, have also stepped in when needed.

USPA Nationals 2005
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Total Avg
Rank 4-way Open 2,A,19 F,20,D,9 C,21,N,11 15,M,8 4,6,P 5,1,H 22,7,12 3,K,16 E,17,14 13,18,J O,G,B,L,Q Total Avg
1 DeLand Fire 22 27 22 20 18 21 17 21 22 20 36 210 21.0
2 Golden Knights Black 21 27 21 20 22 22 17 19 23 18 34 210 21.0
3 Airspeed Odyssey 21 26 20 19 20 20 17 20 22 18 - 203 20.3
4 DeLand Majik 20 25 19 19 17 20 16 20 18 18 - 192 19.2
5 Fastrax 20 26 20 19 18 18 15 19 19 17 - 191 19.1
6 Airspeed Velocity 21 23 21 16 17 17 15 18 22 18 - 188 18.8
7 Phugoid 18 20 12 15 16 16 12 16 17 15 - 157 15.7
8 Perris Fury 17 19 17 15 13 14 14 15 17 15 - 156 15.6
9 Perris Synchronicity 16 19 17 15 15 15 12 15 17 13 - 154 15.4
10 Spaceland Thunder 15 19 15 16 15 15 13 15 16 13 - 152 15.2
11 Fastrax Select 16 17 15 15 15 15 11 14 14 13 - 145 14.5
12 Spark 14 18 13 15 14 16 13 13 14 14 - 144 14.4
12 GKOG 16 18 13 16 16 10 12 15 16 12 - 144 14.4
14 Arizona Directe 14 17 15 14 15 13 11 16 14 13 - 142 14.2
15 Aerodyne Mamba 14 14 12 13 11 13 12 11 13 12 - 125 12.5
16 Dallas Mojo 12 15 13 10 13 13 11 13 14 10 - 124 12.4
17 Element Perris 14 14 13 11 12 12 10 13 12 10 - 121 12.1
18 Kachina 10 14 10 11 11 12 9 10 13 10 - 110 11.0

Jump-off with Arizona Airspeed against SDC Rhythm XP at the USPA Nationals 2019
Matt Davidson is fully aware of the fact that the team will be on a different performance level compared to the earlier XP8 days when he was training and competing with the team. He said that his situation with Arizona Airspeed in 2019 was good training for what is waiting for him in December this year.

He had joined the defending U.S. 4-way champion just a few months before the USPA Nationals 2019, as the NSL News reported on 13 June 2019. Ari Perelman had left Arizona Airspeed unexpectedly, and the team needed an experienced 4-way competitor to get ready quickly for the next world meet qualification.

Airspeed and Matt Davidson did not have much time to bring the new lineup to the top scoring level on the USPA leaderboard, and they still missed the gold medals only after a jump-off round with SDC Rhythm XP. Matt Davidson remembered how he prepared himself mentally for the Airspeed performance level.

A similar situation is probably waiting for him in 8-way, and he is focusing once again mainly on the mental part of the comeback. He also mentioned how important it is to be in a productive state of mind, and he pointed out the Golden Knights experience at the USPA Nationals 2005. The well trained U.S. Army team, with his current 8-way team mate Brian Krause in the lineup, lost to DeLand Fire in another jump-off round. Matt Davidson and Brian Krause both said that they have the 2005 experience in their minds when they think of mental preparations for a competition...

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