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Did You Know...

... that San Marcos 4-Way Showdown draws seven teams?

AA Class winner SPX Toxic

Written by Scott Latinis

posted Sep 2nd, 2020 - The day started with low clouds and high temperatures. After the briefing, the teams started prepping for the first round. World champion/Arizona Airspeed alumnus and Spaceland San Marcos DZ manager Thomas Hughes gathered all members of the Rookie Class teams to provide valuable information about exiting a "chunk." He also made himself available throughout the day to help with engineering and block techniques.

Meanwhile, chief judge Josh Schirard went over the video downloading procedures with the videographers. Competition Load 1 went up with four teams. After two passes, the plane landed and picked up the remaining three teams for Competition Load 2. The same sequence was repeated for five more rounds. Manifest, pilots, and packers had the day moving like a well oiled Otter, er, machine.

Texas Skydiving League rules allow teams to share a videographer. This requires that manifest ensure that the teams sharing videographers are not on the same load. This could have made manifesting loads challenging, as working the competition loads into the DZ's normal operations is not an easy task. However, the manifest ladies, led by Whitney Hughes, took it all in stride. Being able to share videographers increases meet attendance - that's a good thing!

While the teams flew six rounds, videographers Chad Hall and Norris Gearhart rocked on through 12 jumps each. A cold beverage at the end of the day was a welcome sight for both.

NSL Cloud Mondial 2020
1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Avg
Rank AA Class 22,21 C,J,H,M 7,6 E,9,F 18,L,B D,20,15 Total Avg
1 SPX Toxic  US  8 -1 17    11    17    9    5 -2 67 11.2
2 What's Your Name  US  6 -1 12 -1 9    12    4 -2 5    48 8.0
3 Last But Not Least  US  5    7    5 -1 10    3    4 -1 34 5.7
Rank A Class 21,2 C,J,H 7,6 E,9 L,B,4 D,19 Total Avg
1 Paranodon Futura 3  DE  11    8    -    -    -    -    19 9.5
2 SPX Toxic Thunder  US  7    13    6 -1 12    5    8    51 8.5
3 Woolly & The Mammoths!  US  9    11    8    8 -4 7    6 -3 49 8.2
4 Paranodon Futura 2  DE  9 -1 6    -    -    -    -    15 7.5
5 Quattro Ronas  US  2    3    2    3    4    3    17 2.8
6 Ope  US  3    2    2    2 -1 3    1    13 2.2
7 Red Cezzna  US  2 -1 1    1    0    0    0    4 0.7

A Class winner SPX Toxic Thunder
Spaceland Toxic won the AA Class, captained by John "Demo" McDonnell, while the silver medals went to "Last but not least" captained by Mark Pharr, a pickup team that was finalized the morning of the meet.

The A Class competition was give-and-take every round until the last one was judged. Spaceland Thunder, captained by Helaine Rumaner, and Woolly and The Mammoths, captained by John "Woolly" Charleton, went into Round 6 all knotted up. When the first Block 19 for Woolly and the Mammoths turned into a 5-way (you figure it out), the door was opened for Thunder and they took advantage of the situation, winning the gold medals by two points.

Three teams entered in the Rookie Class, with Flew The Coop, captained by Donna "Coop" Bachler, owning the gold medals, followed by Mom x S³, captained by Liz Pitts, with three members of the team named Sean. Spacejammers, captained by Jorge Lopez, brought home the bronze medals.

There were lots of (masked) smiles after the awards were handed out. This was the first 4-way meet for many of the members of the Rookie Class teams, and they all agreed that they are looking forward to more of the same. Meet director Scott Latinis closed out the meet informing everyone about the Nationals 2.0 competition coming up in a few weeks and encouraged everyone to compete.

NSL Cloud Mondial 2020
1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Avg
Rank Rookie Q,P,N C,J,H A,K,G E,M,F L,B,O D,C,E Total Avg
1 Flew The Coop  US  3 -1 6    2 -2 8    3 -4 6    28 4.7
2 Mom x S3  US  3    3    2 -1 4    0    4    16 2.7
3 Spacejammers  US  1 -1 0    0    3    2    0    6 1.0

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