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Did You Know...

... that Airspeed XP8 won the NSL Cloud Mondial by two points?

Jennifer and Matt Davidson with the Golden Knights in Australia 2018
posted Nov 4th, 2020 - The 8-way competition of the NSL Cloud Mondial 2020 is over. The three teams all completed ten rounds. Airspeed XP8 and Airbus also added Round 11, while France were not able to perform the extra round, which would exhaust the complete dive pool.

The competition between France and Airspeed XP8 was as exciting as it could be expected. The U.S. team was up by five points after the first four rounds, and France reduced the difference to one point after Round 8. Airspeed XP8 kept the upper hand in the last two rounds and finished two points ahead.

The final standing between the two teams switches the ranking order of the FAI Outdoor World Cup 2019 where France won the silver medals ahead of XP8. Russia's 8-way team from Russia had won in Eloy last year and could not participate due to corona virus restrictions and the weather situation in Siberia.

The German 8-way team Airbus finished on the same scoring level as in 2019 and received a lot of credit from 8-way experts Matt Davidson and Jeremie Rollett for their well organized performance. Matt Davidson and Jeremie Rollett provided feedback after watching the first eight rounds and will be back for NSL Live Talk after the completion of the 8-way competition.

NSL Cloud Mondial 2020
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank 8-way Open 22,21,M 5,C,H,J 7,3,6 10,E,9 18,L,B,F D,20,15 17,P,A,1 8,Q,12 N,13,K,11 G,14,O,2 Total Avg
1 Airspeed XP8  US  19 -1 22    23    18    25    20 -1 20 -1 16 -1 21    16 -1 200 20.0
2 France National 8-way  FR  18 -1 20 -1 21 -1 18    23 -1 22    23    17    20    16 -1 198 19.8
3 Airbus München  DE  15    14    14 -2 11 -1 15 -1 14 -1 16    12    13 -1 12    136 13.6

Rounds 1 - 4 and 5 - 8 and 9 - 10 of the NSL Cloud Mondial 2020 in 8-way
Jeremie Rollett and Mathieu Bernier in Australia 2018
Jennifer and Matt Davidson provided the first commentary after Round 4. They won the 8-way competition at the FAI Outdoor World Meet 2018 with the Golden Knights together, and Jennifer Davidson is still training and competing with the U.S. Army team.

Matt Davidson became Airspeed XP8 member after he left the U.S. Army team and also competed with Arizona Airspeed in 4-way at the USPA Nationals 2019. He is currently recovering from a hip replacement surgery and will soon be back for 8-way training and competition. SDC Rhythm XP member and XP8 alternate Andrew Happick has been filling his slot in the meantime.

Matt Davidson then evaluated the next four rounds together with Jeremie Rollett, and they discussed the strong comeback of the French 8-way team after the 5-point deficit. France won the second part with the next four rounds by four points.

They pointed out that the situation of an online competition is very different compared to a live event. France did not know that they were five points behind after Round 4, even though they performed as if they had to make up for lost ground. Both teams neither knew the scores before going into the last two rounds, and that there was a 1-point difference. The final evaluation by Matt Davidson and Jeremie Rollett will follow later today.

NSL Live Talk with Jennifer and Matt Davidson
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