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Did You Know...

... that the Indoor Cloud League team from iFLY Dallas had a comeback in October?

Corona virus pandemic dirtdiving with coach JaNette Lefkowitz (left)
posted Nov 7th, 2020 - The coverage of the NSL Cloud Mondial 2020 has turned to 4-way competition, and the first three rounds were posted on Friday morning. Joey Jones, David Grauwels and Gary Smith commented the first part of the competition and will continue after the next set of competition rounds.

The Indoor Cloud League has been an online event since it was launched by the National Skydiving League in July 2012. It brought teams and competitors together on the same leaderboard without traveling across the country, or later across the planet.

However, the corona virus pandemic had the same impact on indoor events as it had on outdoor training and competition. It is the mission of Formation Skydiving events to bring people together, while the requirements of battling the virus pandemic include social distancing. Both factors don't support each other very well, neither at indoor nor at outdoor events.

The annual leaderboard is showing the impact of the corona virus pandemic quite accurately, with the increasing gap beginning in the spring of this year. There are obviously signs of recovery, which will hopefully continue in the coming months.

Indoor Cloud League 2020JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTotal
Flying Chamber: 14+ Feet
1Hurricane FactoryCZ147154134-158122117110123---1065
2Paraclete XPUS110135114---13911414149--802
3ICL MidwestUS-------142130149--421
4iFLY TampaUS10110455--49-36-56--401
5iFLY DallasUS8910996------103--397
6Capital RegionUS106117----------223
7iFLY SeattleUS92110----------202
8iFLY JacksonvilleUS1866-------27--111
Flying Chamber: 12+ Feet
1iFLY SF BayUS8766----------153
2iFLY OrlandoUS76-----------76
3iFLY DenverUS37-----------37

Closed for November: Hurricane Factory in Prague
Unfortunately, the Czech Republic is back in a complete lock-down situation, and the leader on the 14+ leaderboard will not be able to add any scores and videos from the Hurricane Factory in Prague for the month of October.

The Hurricane Factory was closed for one month, and Jan Klapka missed scores only in April, while iFLY Dallas had a 6-month break. Kyle Hermberg was now able to come back with the first ICL event after the break and submitted a whole set of videos for the six ICL October sequences.

Five different Indoor Cloud League groups have submitted scores and videos for the month of October, two of them (ICL Midwest, iFLY Dallas) complete sets. The Paraclete XP team will add the missing four scores and videos next week and have a complete October leaderboard, as well.

It seems as if participants and hosts of Formation Skydiving indoor activities in the United States have used the past months to learn as much as possible how to keep people safe, and they are ready now to pick up the pace.

iFLY Dallas - OctoberAAAAAARRRRRRTotal
Caden Maydew, Kyle Hermberg, Michael Erickson, Ron Shipp1414----14
Aaron Perkins, Caden Maydew, Donaldo Grajeda, Michael Erickson-1415---29
I'd Grip That---17--17
Aaron Shoulders, Arpit Tyagi, Max Ciccarelli, Kyle Hermberg----18(-2)-18
Flying Unicorn Circus in Training-----3425

iFLY Dallas Best of October141415171825103

iFLY Dallas highscores for October 2020
I'd Grip That at the Dallas Super Cup
The internal October leaderboard of iFLY Dallas is showing that Kyle Hermberg welcomed two of the Texas teams at the event who competed earlier at the Dallas Super Cup, I'd Grip That and Flying Unicorn Circus in Training.

Both teams dueled in the AA Class on the leaderboard of the Dallas Super Cup, and the winner, I'd Grip That, posted the 17-pointer for the RRR Class sequence on the Indoor Cloud League leaderboard. Flying Unicorn Circus in Training added the maximum score of 25 points for the R Class sequence after completing 35 points within the working time.

Kyle Hermberg said that his ICL events continue to focus on mentoring and encouraging the growth of participation, and he applied a new format last month.

His participants first flew the sequences as teams this time, and then paired up less experienced fliers with experienced 4-way competitors to perform the A Class sequence (A,J,6). This allowed some of the Rookie Class participants to experience a block with piece-flying. He said that the group enjoyed the modified format.

Indoor Cloud League 2020
Rank October 14+ O,1,C,10 N,1,7 A,J,6 A,J,N M,O,C M,F Total
1 ICL Midwest 24    29    27    21    23    25    149
2 iFLY Dallas 14    14    15    17    18 -2 25    103
3 iFLY Tampa -    12    12    16    16    -    56
4 Paraclete XP 24    25    -    -    -    -    49
5 iFLY Jacksonville -    -    8    8    -    11    27

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