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Did You Know...

... that the Qatar Tigers are ready for ten more years?

Qatar Tigers with coach Gary Smith at Skydive City
posted Dec 19th, 2020 - The recent update from Sweden connects by coincidence with the 3-week training camp of the Qatar Tigers at Skydive City in Florida that the world-class 4-way team just completed. The NSL News had visited Tigers and coach Gary Smith earlier this month.

Echochamber and Qatar Tigers have been direct opponents at several meets in the past years, and they will challenge each other once again as soon as travel and event conditions allow bigger competitions. The Qatar Tigers are in Echochamber's way to FAI medals at future world meets and world cups.

It was another coincidence that a new NSL Live Talk with the Qatar Tigers took place almost exactly one year after the previous one, and at exactly the same place. Only the color of the picnic table that served as the meeting place for the new NSL Talk was different.

Coach Gary Smith and Pavel Skotak, original team videographer, were with the team in December 2019 for the previous NSL Live Talk session. This time, the conversation took place only with the four active team mates, Rashid Easa Al Kubisi (Inside Center), Hamad Rashid Al Marri (Point), Abdulaziz Shafi Al Shammari (Tail) and Fahad Soud Al Shammari (Outside Center).

FAI Outdoor World Meet 2018
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank 4-way Open - Top 10 21,L,B,G 22,18,17 19,7,O J,16,12 10,A,D,15 Q,M,F,C,N H,20,P,13 6,14,11 E,2,5 4,1,3 Total Avg
1 NMP-PCH Hayabusa  BE  32    21    27 -2 24    22 -3 62 -2 22 -2 20 -1 27 -1 22     279 27.9
2 Arizona Airspeed  US  26 -5 21    27 -1 24    24 -1 60 -1 26    22    27    20     277 27.7
3 Aerodyne Realfly  FR  29 -1 19    24 -2 23    24    52 -3 20 -3 17 -3 24    19     251 25.1
4 Qatar Tigers  QA  24 -2 14 -1 24 -1 21    22    53 -4 21 -1 18    20    17     234 23.4
5 Echochamber  SE  25 -1 16    21 -1 17 -2 20 -1 48 -4 14 -3 18    21 -1 15 -1  215 21.5
6 Amnesya  IT  24 -2 14    20 -1 18    18 -1 48 -5 18    14 -2 21 -1 15     210 21.0
7 Satori XL  UK  21    14 -1 21    19    19    37 -3 19    17    18 -1 16 -1  201 20.1
7 Airheads  CH  22 -3 14 -2 19 -2 17 -1 18    44    16    16 -2 18 -1 17     201 20.1
9 Evolution  CA  21 -1 13 -2 22    18 -1 15 -3 43 -2 15 -5 15 -2 19    15     196 19.6
10 Airbus FSZ Saar  DE  21 -1 14 -1 17 -5 17    16 -1 45 -1 15 -3 14 -1 18 -1 15     192 19.2

Qatar Tigers and Echochamber at the FAI Outdoor World Meet 2018
Ready for Round 1: Echochamber in Australia 2018
It was a very different situation for Echochamber and Qatar Tigers a year ago, in December 2019. In fact, it was a very different situation for all teams and competitors in the world. The outbreak of the corona virus was still ahead, and the teams were simply preparing for the next year of 4-way competition.

Echochamber and Qatar Tigers both had finished the FAI Outdoor World Meet 2018 with very respectable results, right behind the FAI medal rankings, Tigers in 4th, Echochamber in 5th place, and they met again in January 2019 at the Wind Games and in April at the FAI Indoor World Meet 2019, where the Tigers confirmed their 4th place in the world.

Echochamber performed below their performance level and finished behind their expectations, as the Swedish team told the NSL News during the aftermath. Then they began with their training of a new flying style at a training camp in Arizona with Niklas Hemlin.

The results did not show yet at the FAI Outdoor World Cup 2019 in October, where the Tigers could not participate. The timing of the event interfered with their CISM plans, as it did for NMP PCH HayaBusa.

Qatar Tigers Training in December 2020 - NSL Live Talk
Qatar Tigers NSL Cloud Mondial rounds in Portugal
The Qatar Tigers only attended one more smaller competition near their home country in November 2019 and then began with the preparations for the 2020 season in Florida in December, followed by the next camp in February, which was supposed to conclude at the Shamrock Showdown 2020.

The implications of the corona virus crisis stopped all activities and ended with the cancellation of the event. The Tigers traveled home and were locked down in Qatar where they spent a lot of time with their families, as they explained during the recent NSL Live Talk.

However, the Qatar Tigers had their first outdoor scores earlier on a leaderboard than Echochamber did. The end of all competition came for the Swedish team after the Wind Games 2020. They could not participate in the NSL Cloud Mondial 2020 like the Qatar Tigers did. The Tigers were able to complete the eleven rounds during their training camp in Portugal in October, while the Swedish winter allows only indoor training.

The Tigers and coach Gary Smith then watched the action at the 4-Way FS Skydiving Championships very carefully, where their U.S. opponent at the world meet, SDC Rhythm XP, posted their next scores after the NSL Cloud Mondial. The new videos of the Qatar training camp include a few of the Eloy sequences that the Tigers copied from a Cessna Caravan at Skydive City.

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