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Did You Know...

... that the Moravian Flyers and Smaljlici families have tied only one of 24 rounds?

4-way junior training at the Hurricane Factory with Martina Vavackova (tail)
posted Jan 5th, 2021 - NSL News updates from Poland and Czech Republic have regularly covered 4-way activities in both countries for years. Three indoor meets of the Flyspot Liga between October and December then connected teams from both countries recently.

One of the updates from the Flyspot events in Poland pointed out that two new teams from the Czech Republic, Moravia Flyers and Smaljlici, traveled to Poland for the same three league meets, together with 4-way junior team Rusalky. The story on 27 December 2020 provided details of the Rusalky trip to Flyspot Wroclaw.

HF Flying Circus member Martina Vavackova has been coaching the 4-way junior team and also competed together with them when Rusalky's Lucie Novotná was not available at the December meet after testing positive with the corona virus.

Martina Vavackova is also coaching the other 4-way junior team who competed at all three meets in Poland. Smaljlici appeared for the first time on a leaderboard at the Czech Open Indoor Championship in January 2019, where they were the only team in the Rookie Class. Then they followed up with the three meets in October, November and December.

Flyspot Liga December 2020
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Avg
Rank Rookie Q,K,E F,B,M C,D,N O,J,H L,P,A G,F,D B,G,H M,E,A Total Avg
1 Masters of Sidebody  PL  7 21 11 17 11 15 13 18 113 14.1
2 Epic Team  PL  9 15 8 15 11 10 9 15 92 11.5
3 Moravian Flyers  CZ  10 14 8 13 10 9 12 14 90 11.3
4 Smajilci  CZ  6 10 6 10 8 9 7 10 66 8.3
5 Stforki i Potforki  PL  2 9 6 5 6 6 7 10 51 6.4
6 Tim Potepy  PL  4 10 1 5 6 0 4 7 37 4.6

Moravian Flyers and Smaljlici at the December meet of the Flyspot Liga
Moravian Flyers and Smaljlici at the October meet
It was not a coincidence that the other two Czech teams competed at the same events. Martina Vavackova is coaching both junior teams, while there are additional connections between the senior team of the Moravian Flyers and one of the youngest teams in Jan Klapka's 4-way junior program, Smaljlici.

Smaljlici members Pavla Mlýnková and Kryštof Mlýnek are sister and brother, and their father Pavel Mlýnek trains and competes with Moravian Flyers. That alone would be enough good reason to travel together from the Czech Republic to Poland.

However, there are more family connections, as Smaljlici member Anetka Parízková is also traveling together with her father, Petr Parízek, who is turning points for the Moravia Flyers with his fellow father Pavel Mlýnek.

The combination of coach Martina Vavackova, Rusalky, and the two family generations of 4-way competitors created the same travel group for the three league events at Flyspot Wroclaw in Poland.

Flyspot Liga November 2020
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Avg
Rank Rookie D,N,Q K,B,E G,H,A O,F,J C,L,P M,B,L Q,J,C P,G,M Total Avg
1 Masters of Sidebody  PL  10 11 11 19 14 17 12 13 107 13.4
2 Epic Team  PL  10 8 7 18 7 16 10 10 86 10.8
3 Moravian Flyers  CZ  7 7 5 12 4 11 7 8 61 7.6
4 Smaljlici  CZ  3 6 4 7 3 8 6 7 44 5.5
5 Tim Potepy  PL  6 1 4 8 4 9 3 7 42 5.3
6 Stforki i Potforki  PL  4 5 0 0 3 9 3 4 28 3.5

80 kilometers from Moravia to Flyspot Katowice
Jan Klapka explained that the families live on the country side of northern Moravia, which is only 80 kilometers driving distance from Katowice, where Flyspot is operating another wind-tunnel. To accommodate the 4-way juniors on the country side he extended his 4-way junior program, which started at the Hurricane Factory in Prague, and included 4-way junior training at Flyspot Katowice.

The currently used competition format for the Flyspot Liga events, which copies the NSL format, allows the teams to perform the competition rounds within a defined time-frame at a Flyspot wind-tunnel. This made the logistics easier for the Czech teams, and the families got on their way to the meets once a month between October and December.

Fathers and children have had their monthly internal competitions in the Rookie Class ever since. The Smaljlici juniors won all eight rounds in October against the new Moravian Flyers, with the same performance and average level as in January.

The seniors learned quickly though and were back with vengeance in November and December. Coach Martina Vavackova has her work cut out to bring the juniors back to the senior family level.

Flyspot Liga October 2020
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Avg
Rank Rookie D,J,H L,K,N Q,E,A G,M,O B,P,F C,B,G J,K,H L,A,O Total Avg
1 Masters of Sidebody  PL  12 9 13 13 16 11 14 8 96 12.0
2 Epic Team  PL  4 11 9 12 14 8 11 9 78 9.8
3 Smaljlici  CZ  8 5 8 8 7 6 4 6 52 6.5
4 Moravian Flyers  CZ  3 3 4 7 4 5 3 4 33 4.1

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