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Did You Know...

... that Florida's ICL team at iFLY Tampa has 2021 scores for two consecutive months?

Florida's February team at iFLY Tampa
posted Feb 23rd, 2021 - Florida's Indoor Cloud League team at iFLY Tampa had a restart this year, as the NSL News reported on February 1st. The ICL 2020 season had been just as challenging for the Florida teams and competitors as for the whole Formation Skydiving competition community.

The restart event in January attracted enough participants to fill the ICL 14+ leaderboard at least with scores and videos for five of the six monthly ICL sequences. FSL team Jump Florida Furtherance and three ZEAL members brought some 4-way experiences into January's ICL group.

There was not enough potential to add the AAA Class sequence to the event agenda, and the iFLY Tampa team missed one of the scores in January.

The situation was very similar at the February event. Jump Florida Furtherance were back to perform the eleven rounds of the NSL Cloud Mondial. The complete lineup had participated in the January event and were featured for the first time on the InTime screen.

NSL Cloud Mondial January 2021
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class 11,10,22 16,H,D,8 13,5,F A,9,2 Q,14,J,P B,19,G,7 17,O,L,21 1,N,6 12,M,20 18,4,3 15,C,K,E Total Avg
1 VDV-1  RU  20 -4 31    32 -4 35 -2 40 -2 35 -1 27 -4 30    26    22 -1 37 -2  335 30.5
2 Agera FS 2022  NO  16    22 -1 23    22 -2 25 -2 22    21    19    15 -1 17    21 -1  223 20.3
Rank AA Class 11,22 H,D,8 13,F,P A,9,2 Q,14,J B,19,G O,L,21 1,N,6 M,20,7 18,4 15,C,K Total Avg
1 Jump Florida Furtherance  US  11    14    16 -2 17    15 -1 9 -2 16    14    12 -1 9 -1 -     133 13.3

Jump Florida Furtherance with Sebastian Jimenez (left)
The eleven February rounds were on Jump Florida Furtherance's event agenda, as well, plus the AA Class sequence of the Indoor Cloud League draw for the same month.

Team captain and player-coach Bob Byrne could not attend the February event, and Jump Florida Furtherance recruited Sebastian Jimenez for their lineup. Bob Byrne and Sebastian Jimenez both are very familiar with the AAA Class dive pool, while the other three team members are not trained yet for the performance of all 22 blocks.

Adam Himel, Kanishka Perera and Paul Wilson, now with Sebastian Jimenez in Bob Byrne's outside center slot, will be able to compare their February scores with the results in January as soon as the month is over and the judging will be completed.

The judging for the ICL February sequence was nearly impossible and more or less a guessing game, as the top camera at iFLY Tampa was not ready to capture the AA Class sequence. The 13-pointer on the leaderboard is just the number of points that the team completed within working time.

Indoor Cloud League 2021
Rank February 14+ B,20,G,10 J,20,6 Q,K,9 Q,K,J M,P,G M,P Total
1 iFLY Tampa  US  - 13 11 11 11 11 57

Jump Florida Furtherance for NSL Cloud Mondial February - Indoor Cloud League February at iFLY Tampa
Katy Pfalzgraff's lineup in February
The corona virus crisis has had a heavy impact on all parts of life and Formation Skydiving competition. The Indoor Cloud League has tried to make it as easy as possible to continue with participation, which is still far from the numbers in the past years. Participating ICL teams have the opportunity to fill gaps on previous leaderboards, and the rules and regulations for the lineups have been softened, as well.

The lower participation at the iFLY Tampa event in February generated only one additional lineup with the potential to perform as many of the six 4-way sequences as possible. Katy Pfalzgraff, Matt Teetshorn and Craig Sagalow had Kurt Gaebel in the lineup and went through four of the six sequences (A - RRR - RR - R) after meeting each other in the flying chamber for the first time the same evening.

Katy Pfalzgraff, 16 years of age, had collected her first 4-way experiences in January and will be back for more and with her own brand-new jumpsuit, as her father promised, who is her biggest fan. Matt Teetshorn was in the iFLY Orlando lineup who posted the first restart scores just a week earlier at the second Indoor Cloud League location in Florida, while Craig Sagalow has attended local and regional 4-way events for many years.

The total of 57 points puts the iFLY Tampa team back on the ICL leaderboard for the second consecutive month.

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