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Did You Know...

... that the A Class has a long tradition in Arizona?

Arizona Skydiving League March 2021
posted Apr 3rd, 2021 - The Arizona Skydiving League League had a much earlier restart than the Carolina Skydiving League will have. Eliana Rodriguez and Michelle Karamon offered the monthly events at Skydive Arizona again beginning in December 2020.

In fact, the weather in Arizona does not really invite skydiving in the extremely hot summer months. Even under regular circumstances ASL teams and organizers take a summer break, as the 2021 schedule is showing, as well.

The different climate will have teams and competitors in Arizona complete their 4th ASL meet in May this year, just when the Carolina Skydiving League launches their restart next month.

Eliana Rodriguez and Michelle Karamon completed their ASL March meet with four teams in three categories. AZ Defiance have neither missed an ASL meet this year nor in 2020, and they were back once again on the AAA Class leaderboard. Where's Gabby? was a new team name on the AA Class leaderboard. The A Class had a duel between two teams, the ASL regulars of Eggplant and new team Purple. Eliana Rodriguez pointed out that she and Michelle Karamon welcomed three new ASL competitors: Gabby Pisano from Colorado, with a total of 60 jumps, her team mate Steve Ivy from Arizona, and Josh Radcliff from Texas.

Arizona Skydiving League March 2021
1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class 11,10,22 16,H,D,8 13,5,F A,9,2 Q,14,J,P B,19,G,7 Total Avg
1 AZ Defiance 8 -2 11 -1 11    14    10    14    68 11.3
Rank AA Class 11,22 H,D,8 13,F,P A,9,2 Q,14,J B,19,G Total Avg
1 Where's Gabby? 6    9    9    9    6    -    39 7.8
Rank A Class K,C,2 H,D,8 F,P,G A,9 Q,J,E B,19 Total Avg
1 Eggplant 21.1 6    5 -1 7    6    7    -    31 6.2
2 Purple 3    6    5    -    -    -    14 4.7

A Class team Elsinore Equinox at the Southwest Skydiving League 2002
The A Class leaderboard, where Eggplant and Purple posted their scores and exchanged highscores, is not new for the Arizona Skydiving League teams and competitors. The category has been offered at ASL events since the league was launched as a part of the Southwest Skydiving League in 2004.

The Southwest Skydiving League eventually split into the California Skydiving League and the Arizona Skydiving League. Both leagues then continued to use all four NSL 4-way categories (AAA - AA - A - Rookie RRR).

Eliana Rodriguez and Michelle Karamon continued with the same format when they restarted the Arizona Skydiving League in January 2019. Most of the monthly ASL meets had teams competing in the A Class.

One of the teams was Eggplant, who put their first lineup together when Eliana Rodriguez and Michelle Karamon organized the comeback of the Arizona Skydiving League. Eggplant attended nine of the eleven ASL meets in 2019 and slowed down in 2020, with two meets on their Eloy home turf, including the 4-Way FS Skydiving Championships in November.

Southwest Skydiving League June 2004
1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class L,11,10 18,4,C 12,2,8 B,D,21,Q 6,P,7 13,F,H,N Total Avg
1 Arizona Blade 15 14 13 20 19 20 101 16.8
2 Perris Schoolboys 14 14 13 22 17 20 100 16.7
3 Elsinore GT 13 13 10 18 16 16 86 14.3
4 Elsinore Satori 13 0 11 18 17 17 76 12.7
5 Perris Jamba 9 11 10 14 14 15 73 12.2
6 Elsinore Adrenaline 12 11 9 14 14 10 70 11.7
7 Perris Katalyst III 7 11 9 13 12 12 64 10.7
8 No Pressure 5 7 6 10 9 6 43 7.2
Rank AA Class L,11,15 18,4 2,8 B,D,21 6,P,7 13,F,H Total Avg
1 Perris Pending 8 6 7 10 10 12 53 8.8
2 Elsinore Equinox 8 6 8 11 9 7 49 8.2
3 Elsinore Fuse 7 2 7 7 7 7 37 6.2
4 Arizona Divewerkz 6 6 5 8 5 6 36 6.0
5 Perris-Ites 5 7 5 7 7 4 35 5.8
Rank A Class L,7 M,4 2,8 B,D,21 6,P Q,F,H Total Avg
1 Evolution FST 8 7 5 7 7 12 46 7.7
2 Elsinore Fury 4 2 3 4 4 4 21 3.5
3 Elsinore Tent Trash 2 2 0 5 3 7 19 3.2

A Class team Donkey Punch at the Arizona Skydiving League 2007
Eggplant have moved back and forth between A and AA Class competition draws. In fact, the different lineups attended seven of their twelve meets in the A Class. The other five times they posted their scores on AA Class leaderboards.

They used both categories in turns in 2019 and then competed in the AA Class only at the two meets in 2020. Last month Eggplant was back in the A Class at their first meet of the ASL 2021 season.

This year, all teams visiting Skydive Arizona for the USPA Nationals in October will have the same opportunity. The NSL News reported on May 13th that USPA introduces a new 4-way category this year at the national championships, which is identical with the A Class. Steve Hubbard, USPA Director of Competition, and Kirk Verner, National Board Director and Chair of the Competition Committee, provided more information during the NSL Live Talk at the Paraclete XP Indoor Championship.

Teams like Eggplant, who may feel more comfortable with the limited dive pool of the A Class (all random formations, eight blocks), will be able to compete at the USPA Nationals without having to move up into the more challenging AA Class and 16 blocks. However, Eggplant will probably make this call after knowing who of the currently 22 team members will compete on home turf in October...

Arizona Skydiving League March 2019
1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class 9,17,11 E,12,2 22,18,13 C,8,N,7 14,G,A,19 D,J,H,M,Q Total Avg
1 AZ Crime 12    11    9    10 -1 10 -1 23     75 12.5
2 AZ Defiance 7 -1 11    7 -1 13    10    18 -4  66 11.0
3 Wombat Combat 9    9    8    11    7    12 -4  56 9.3
Rank AA Class 9,11 E,13,2 22,18 C,8,N 14,G,A D,J,H,M Total Avg
1 Perry's Pals 9    9    8    8 -1 8 -1 12 -2 54 9.0
Rank A Class 9,N E,2 M,4 C,8 G,A,O D,J,H Total Avg
1 JR Squid Squad 9 -1 8    6 -1 7    9    9 -1 48 8.0
2 Eggplant 8    7    7 -1 1 -3 8    6    37 6.2
Rank Rookie N,F,D E,P,J M,B,K C,L,Q G,A,O D,J,H Total Avg
1 It'll Be Fine 3    4    5    3    1    -    16 3.2

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