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Did You Know...

... that CTR Optimum won the new lineup's first indoor meet with 23.8?

First indoor meet for the new CTR Optimum lineup
posted Jun 2nd, 2021 - The Brazil Tunnel League had a very strong comeback last weekend. The total of 16 teams generated new record participation since the league was launched in December 2018. 13 teams had competed in September 2020, which was the previous record number.

The September meet last year was also the last time that 4-way teams in Brazil got together at iFLY Sao Paulo for a comeback attempt of the indoor league. CTR Optimum and BTL founder André Ferraz had hosted four meets until November 2019, after launching the league project in December 2018. The participation at last weekend's event was showing how much the 4-way teams had anticipated the second restart.

CTR Optimum did not have serious opposition at the indoor meet and won with a 23.8 average, which was not too far from the team's standing 25.1 record average of September last year. The 23.8 average last weekend, which did not have a fast sequence in the 8-round meet as the one in the record draw, defined the indoor starting point for the new lineup.

The NSL News had reported on 10 July 2020 that CTR Optimum had a new lineup. André Ferraz and George Narita continued with Jorge Neto and Alisson Vargas in the two open slots.

Brazil Tunnel League May 2021
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class 11,F,3 H,D,P,18 16,8,L 22,10,21 9,C,14 O,Q,7,19 K,E,J,A,6 M,20,12 Total Avg
1 CTR Optimum 21 28 18 26 28 32 20 17 190 23.8
2 So Pressao 19 23 14 24 22 30 17 17 166 20.8
3 Prime 4 Way 19 24 14 21 22 26 17 17 160 20.0
4 Netunos 16 20 13 18 16 21 15 11 130 16.3
5 Azul Do Vento 14 15 11 15 17 19 13 14 118 14.8
6 Plano B 14 11 9 16 15 20 13 11 109 13.6
7 Matrix 12 15 9 14 15 19 11 7 102 12.8
8 Anima 11 15 10 15 11 17 12 9 100 12.5

Competition rounds of CTR Optimum at the May Meet of the Brazil Tunnel League
Indoor lineup with Juliana Sé in 2020
Inside center Juliana Sé still continued with CTR Optimum for indoor training and competition at the times when Jorge Neto would not not be available. He lives in Manaus, far away from Sao Paulo. She was in the lineup that posted the 25.1 average in September last year.

CTR Optimum's new indoor starting point of 23.8 featured Jorge Neto at his first indoor competition with his new team. He had trained and competed with North Face in 2018 and 2019, together with his new CTR Optimum teammate Alisson Vargas, who joined the best Brazilian 4-way team a little bit earlier.

Jorge Neto has completed two outdoor meets with CTR Optimum and won his own 4-way championship title with his new team in November 2020. The 16.9 average was very close to CTR Optimum's highest outdoor number of 17.2 in 2012. It was still the highest outdoor average ever since, and it beat the highest one of the previous lineup.

CTR Optimum had also participated in the NSL Cloud Mondial 2020 for the first outdoor test with the new lineup.

Brazil Tunnel League May 2021
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Avg
Rank AA Class 11,F,19 H,D,P,18 8,L,6 22,21 9,C,14 O,Q,7 K,E,J,A M,20,B Total Avg
1 Falcoes 16 15 17 13 25 31 30 17 164 20.5
2 iFLY 4 Way 15 18 16 18 22 18 23 14 144 18.0
3 Breakfast 11 12 13 14 20 21 17 12 120 15.0
4 5150 - 4 Way Team 10 12 13 14 18 18 20 12 117 14.6
Rank Rookie F,K,M H,D,P Q,L,B E,G,N J,C,A O,Q,F K,E,J M,B,H Total Avg
1 DAS 30 18 25 24 30 25 31 18 201 25.1
2 Mineours 25 17 30 29 25 24 26 19 195 24.4
3 Katia Flavia 6 13 17 13 16 16 14 11 106 13.3
4 4 Lady's 11 9 17 9 12 13 13 8 92 11.5

Pedro"san" Ushizima with CTR Optimum in 2005
CTR Optimum continue to win the Brazilian indoor and outdoor championship titles. Unfortunately, the country's national outdoor 4-way team will not be able to compete for Brazil at the FAI Tanay Mondial 2021. The restrictions of the corona virus pandemic make it too difficult for the CTR Optimum members to travel to Russia in August.

However, there is still a possibility that Brazil might be represented at the upcoming world meet. Pedro"san" Ushizima, Brazil's longest-standing and most experienced Formation Skydiving competitor has put together a new 4-way team (Prime 4 Way) and considers the circumstances.

Pedro Ushizima is one of the original CTR Optimum members. He was André Ferraz's teammate between 2005 and 2008. He was player-coaching the Go Fly 4-way team between 2018 and 2020, and he now continues with a new team.

It would not be unusual that a national team steps back and allows a different team to compete at the world meet. Germany recently agreed to replace Oceanside AtomiX with the Airbus 4-way team, as the NSL News reported on May 24th. It would be Pedro Ushizima's 5th world meet since 2006, the first two in 4-way (2006 - 2008) and two in 8-way (2012 - 2018), now possibly back in 4-way.

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