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Did You Know...

... that the HF Cubs are back in Indoor Cloud League 4-way action?

Very busy schedule in 2020: HF Cubs
posted Jul 2nd, 2021 - It was a long break for the still reigning 4-way Junior world champions, the HF Cubs from the Czech Republic. They were one of the busiest indoor teams in the world, with ten completed 10-round meets in 2019, and three more in January and February 2020.

Then the corona virus pandemic also brought an end to 4-way training and competition of the HF Cubs, who were already in the transition to becoming an outdoor team, as well. They quickly posted another 26.0 average in June 2020 when the Hurricane Factory was opened up for a few weeks.

The restart attempt in the Czech Republic lasted for five months before the Hurricane Factory was locked down once again. The HF Cubs participated in the Indoor Cloud League events at the Hurricane Factory between July and September before the next lock-down in October and November.

The NSL News reported on 21 December 2020 that there was a 2-week window in December that Jan Klapka used for a new competition of the Czech Tunnel League and to secure the top position on the ICL 2020 leaderboard.

Czech Tunnel League December 2020
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class 15,B,C,17 L,11,1 G,7,E,6 M,21,A,13 N,3,Q,5 J,O,16,14 19,12,22 4,K,H,P 8,2,9 F,10,20 Total Avg
1 HF Flying Circus 27 22 29 25 26 22 17 31 20 22 241 24.1
2 HF Cubs 22 22 29 26 23 22 15 28 19 16 222 22.2
3 HF Flying Rebels 14 22 28 26 5 17 8 24 19 14 177 17.7
4 HF Dragonflies 14 16 23 21 8 14 15 21 15 12 159 15.9
5 4 V Tunelu 15 14 19 17 14 15 12 18 13 13 150 15.0
6 M Team 15 13 18 17 14 15 11 16 13 14 146 14.6
7 Accord 13 12 16 15 12 13 11 15 11 12 130 13.0
Indoor Cloud League 2020JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTotal
Flying Chamber: 14+ Feet
1Hurricane FactoryCZ147154134-158122117110123--1371202
2Paraclete XPUS110135114---139114141901081451096
3ICL MidwestUS-------142130149127104652
4iFLY DallasUS8910996------1039299588
5iFLY TampaUS10110455--49-36-56--401
6Capital RegionUS106117----------223
7iFLY SeattleUS92110----------202
8iFLY JacksonvilleUS1866-------27--111

Back together in action: HF Cubs
It was only a very short restart attempt in December 2020, and there was no 4-way indoor activity at the Hurricane Factory between January and April this year. Then the Czech Indoor Cloud League teams were back in action in May, as the NSL News reported on June 4th.

However, there were still no HF Cubs scores on the Czech leaderboard in May. The comeback of the 4-way Junior world champions happened this month, and the June leaderboard features nine teams altogether, even without the national 4-way Open Class team, HF Flying Circus, who are in outdoor training for the FAI Tanay Mondial 2020.

The Czech 4-way juniors have once again the clear majority on the June leaderboard. In fact, the two senior teams, M Team and Accord, have no chance to get even just close to the highscores in one of the six ICL categories. M Team and Accord still enjoy their internal battle, which was down to one single point (42 - 41) for three of the sequences (AAA - AA - A).

The HF Cubs, who are in the transition from a junior to a senior 4-way team, posted the AAA and AA scores with their complete lineup at the new comeback event. HF Flying Rebels member Denisa Jeziakova had substituted for HF Cubs member Sabina Cioleková in December. The Czech senior teams are back in action this weekend for the restart of outdoor competition - still and probably not for too long without the HF Cubs...

Indoor Cloud League June 2021 - Hurricane FactoryAAAAAARRRRRRTotal
TeamsC,1,N,10 L,1,8 H,F,19 H,F,L M,C,N M,CTotal
HF Cubs2321----44
M Team131316----
HF Flying Rebels-1927---27
HF Dragonflies-1421----
HF Chameleons-1623----
HF Juniors Invisible--162313-23
Smart Fish-----66

Hurricane Factory's Best of June23212723196119

June Highscores of the Hurricane Factory
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