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Did You Know...

... that the Dream Team was back with HF Cubs member Sabina Cioleková?

10 more test rounds: HF Flying Circus last weekend
posted Jul 5th, 2021 - The latest 4-way scores and videos arrived from the Czech Republic where Jan Klapka had his outdoor restart at the skydiving center in Most.

It was almost exactly a year ago when the same three Czech 4-way teams quickly squeezed in two meets in July to use the short summer window that the Czech Republic had in the middle of the corona virus crisis. A whole year had gone by at that time without any outdoor competition in the country.

The national championships in August 2019 were the last event in the Czech Republic before the corona virus pandemic shut down the country at the beginning of last year. HF Flying Circus, national 4-way indoor and outdoor champions, still attended the ESL Championship 2019 in September before the end of the European summer season, followed by the impact of the pandemic.

The Czech teams still completed their indoor winter season between November 2019 and June 2020. The two July outdoor meets then became the last 4-way activities with exits from jump planes.

The impact was the same on the events of the Czech Tunnel League. Jan Klapka is usually hosting 4-way meets at the Hurricane Factory each month throughout the winter season, which was reduced to one competition in December last year.

Czech Skydiving League July 2021
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class Q,L,16,13 M,B,2,12 N,G,4,22 11,E,10 P,O,17,C 19,K,8 7,D,15 H,9,1 6,18,A 14,F,20 Total Avg
1 HF Flying Circus 12    12    13    11    21    14    14    17    13    11     138 13.8
2 Dream Team 10    10    7    8 -1 0    9    9 -1 14    10    10     87 8.7
3 M Team 4    5    6    1    8    4 -1 6    8    6    5 -1  53 5.3

HF Flying Circus - Dream Team - M Team at the July meet of the Czech Skydiving League
Dream Team in July 2020
The outdoor comeback last weekend is a later start of the summer season than usual. However, the three teams were happily using the opportunity, with HF Flying Circus adding ten meet rounds to the preparations for the team's trip to Russia in August for the FAI Tanay Mondial 2020.

The NSL News reported in August last year that the still reigning 4-way Junior world champions, HF Cubs, had plans to be ready with their transition from 4-way indoor to outdoor training and competition for the same event where HF Flying Circus will represent the Czech Republic in 4-way Open. The additional year of time after the rescheduling of the event to August 2021 could have made it possible.

The impact of the corona virus pandemic completely changed the plans, of course, and Jan Klapka and the HF Cubs will now look at the next world meet in Eloy 2022.

The same news update from the Czech Republic after the two July events in 2020 reported that HF Cubs member Sabina Ciolekova had already joined the Dream Team for her first outdoor competition, while her team mates were in training for their first outdoor events.

HF Cubs with the AAA/AA June sequences of the Indoor Cloud League
Dream Team last weekend
The Dream Team was back last weekend with the same lineup as at the first meet in July 2020. Sabina Cioleková was in the point slot a year ago and hit the door-frame on exit. She needed a month of rest for her knee, and the Dream Team attended the second July meet with substitute Vaclav Prokes, Jan Klapka's former Bad Boys team mate.

Sabina Cioleková now completed ten more outdoor meet rounds in the point slot, after the five rounds in July 2020. She has been the outside center for the HF Cubs ever since the 4-way juniors started to train together in 2015. The move to the point slot with the Dream Team was challenging for the exit, while she has been familiar with both front piece slots since the HF Cubs entered the AAA Class world.

Knowing the two front piece slots - outside center and point - is necessary due to the six slot-switching blocks in the AAA Class dive pool, and the HF Cubs have been training them since 2019. Sabina Cioleková was back in her outside center slot in four of the ten rounds on every other page. She had just performed the two Indoor Cloud League June sequences for the Hurricane Factory as outside center with her own team.

The Dream Team was suffering some video troubles in Round 3 and a complete failure in Round 5, which was the reason for the 0-pointer. However, Sabina Cioleková had no problems with the door-frame this time, and the Dream Team will probably be back with the same lineup - unless another HF Cubs member is ready for outdoor 4-way action...

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