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Did You Know...

... that Paraclete XP 4-way juniors are on the ICL June leaderboard?

Jeana Billings and Michelle Karamon with Alyssa Parks and Addison D'Annunzio
posted Jul 14th, 2021 - The NSL News reported on July 2nd that the HF Cubs had a comeback at the June event of the Indoor Cloud League at the Hurricane Factory in the Czech Republic.

HF Flying Circus had posted the AAA/AA scores for the Hurricane Factory in May and were outscored by Skydive Midwest NEXT (48 - 44). HF Flying Circus took a break from indoor training to prepare for the FAI Tanay Mondial 2020, and the HF Cubs took care of the two Open Class sequences (AAA/AA) in June.

Paraclete XP have now submitted the ICL videos for June, and the HF Cubs are still winning the AAA/AA competition at the moment. XPG4 were not available with the complete lineup to perform the same two sequences, and there are no ICL Midwest or iFLY Dallas scores on the June leaderboard yet.

XPG4 member Jeana Billings, organizer of the June event, put a very interesting combination of experienced U.S. competitors together to perform the two Open Class sequences, and they finished only two points behind the Czech HF Cubs (42 - 44).

Indoor Cloud League June 2021 - Paraclete XPAAAAAARRRRRRTotal
TeamsC,1,N,10 L,1,8 H,F,19 H,F,L M,C,N M,CTotal
James Hall, Michelle Karamon, Sandra van der Bilt, Christy West2121----42
Jill Stephenson, Katrina Shows, Jeana Billings, Ian Drennan--28---28
Ana Bruner, Brenn Richards, Nikki Nasiatka, Joss Martin---17--17
Alyssa Parks, Natalie Hemlin, Jeana Billings, Michelle Karamon----191736

Paraclete XP's Best of June212128171917123

Paraclete XP's Indoor Cloud League highscores for June 2021
Not on the leaderboard yet: Aidan D'Annunzio - Mattias Hemlin
Christy West and Sandra van der Bilt are Aviatrixx team mates and will soon travel to Russia to compete at the FAI Tanay Mondial 2020. Michelle Karamon is Jeana Billings' XPG4 team mate and joined forces with her two opponents in 4-way Women. James Hall was at Paraclete XP for a Vega XP training camp and completed the lineup in his former tail slot. He is outside center for Vega XP.

The Czech 4-way juniors of HF Flying Rebels had already posted a 27-pointer for the A Class sequence, and Paraclete XP's Indoor Cloud League team needed a very strong lineup to offer opposition in this category.

It was a very experienced lineup of well-trained AAA Class competitors who eventually took on the A Class sequence. Jeana Billings herself joined forces with the other half of Aviatrixx (Jill Stephenson, Katrina Shows), and another Vega XP member (Ian Drennan) completed the lineup. This team managed to beat the Czech score by a single point.

Katrina Shows was in the active Aviatrixx lineup to replace Rhonda Wilcox after an injury. She has recently been in the camera and alternate slot for Aviatrixx in the preparations for the FAI Tanay Mondial 2020. Now she is back in full action and will travel to Russia with the team.

Indoor Cloud League 2021
Rank June 14+ C,1,N,10 L,1,8 H,F,19 H,F,L M,C,N M,C Total
1 Paraclete XP  US  21 21 28 17 19 17 123
2 Hurricane Factory  CZ  23 21 27 23 19 6 119
3 iFLY Tampa  US  - 12 16 23 17 17 85

Not on the leaderboard yet: Jordan Krause
There was another videographer who switched to a slot in front of the camera. Joss Martin is filming Vega XP and works at the Triangle Skydiving Center. He performed the RRR sequence together with Anna Brunner (Kaos Theory), Nikki Nikki Nasiatka (TSC Cadence) and XPG4 member Brenn Richards.

The Czech 4-way juniors are not the only juniors any longer on Indoor Cloud League leaderboards. Paraclete XP's ICL team is introducing their own juniors to 4-way training and competition, as well. However, the new XP 4-way competitors have been very close to the sport with their families.

AZXP8 team mates Brian Krause, John D'Annunzio and Niklas Hemlin could watch their sons and daughters perform the ICL sequences. Alyssa Parks and her mother Jeana Billings had Natalie Hemlin and Michelle Karamon in their lineup and posted the Paraclete XP highscores for two of the three Rookie Class sequences (RR/R).

John D'Annunzio's and Brian Krause's offspring did not make it to Paraclete XP's leaderboard for the month of June, and their fathers have 8-way outdoor competition in their minds anyway a few weeks before traveling to Russia...

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