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Did You Know...

... that Echochamber have a big decision to make at the end of August?

Echochamber with Ann-Marie Jarzebowski
posted Aug 1st, 2021 - Sweden had another comeback in skydiving competition, even though it was as small as can be. Two teams showed up for the national championships in July, and the new Echochamber lineup had no problem with defending the national 4-way title.

Three of the Scandinavian countries (Denmark, Norway, Sweden) came back this year with their national championships, after only Denmark and Norway held their events in 2020. Finland had the last outdoor competition with 4-way teams in 2018. All Scandinavian countries have withdrawn from participation at the FAI Tanay Mondial 2020.

However, the Swedish national team 4-way Echochamber have not been deterred by any obstacles in their way since they launched the team project in 2016. They won the national 4-way title first time in 2017 and have maintained the top spot in Sweden ever since.

The latest obstacles were the withdrawal from the FAI Tanay Mondial 2020 due to Johan Edvall's injury. Then his recovery time was longer than expected and unpredictable, which resulted in at least a temporary change in the lineup, as the NSL News reported on June 23rd.

Swedish Outdoor Nationals 2021
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class 16,F,G,12 L,22,O,C 19,8,14 17,20,2 15,5,K M,6,D,4 H,E,P,7 9,J,21 Q,A,3,18 N,10,11 Total Avg
1 Echochamber 20    17 -1 14 -1 16    15    20    26 -3 18 -2 18    16    180 18.0
2 SweAuFi 11 -1 13    10    8 -2 8 -1 12    18 -1 14    11    11    116 11.6

Echochamber with Ann-Marie Jarzebowski at the Swedish Nationals 2021
Echochamber in 2019
The current lineup, with new member Ann-Marie Jarzebowski in the point slot, started with their training this summer and completed over 200 jumps so far.

The Swedish judges disapproved seven scoring formations, and Echochamber still finished with an 18.0 average.

The current Echochamber lineup has its starting point almost exactly at the level where alternate and substitute Ann-Marie Jarzebowski was when her recent previous team was peaking. Kinetix, Australia's national 4-way champions since 2019, had posted an 18.2 average at the USPA Nationals 2019 and followed up with 18.1 at the Australian Nationals 2020.

Echochamber's last meet average at an outdoor competition was the 18.9 at the FAI Outdoor World Cup 2019, even though the Swedish national team had been up to the 21+ level twice before.

Kinetix were on the same leaderboard with Echochamber in Eloy, as the NSL News reported when Ann-Marie Jarzebowski joined the Swedish team to substitute for Johan Edvall. The new 18.0 average as a starting point is an impressive result considering the challenging circumstances.

FAI Outdoor World Cup 2019
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank 4-way Open 13,11,16 P,22,4 O,7,21 9,20,G 18,15,L K,10,3 6,14,C 1,M,A,17 F,D,Q,8 2,5,E Total Avg
1 Arizona Airspeed US 20 -1 22 28 29 21 21 -1 21 -2 29 31 -2 24 -2 246 24.6
2 SDC Rhythm XP US 19 -1 22 25 21 -2 20 -1 20 23 25 29 -1 24 -2 228 22.8
3 Airspeed Odyssey US 14 -2 17 -2 22 -2 21 -2 18 -1 16 -3 21 23 26 -3 17 -2 195 19.5
4 Defiance US 17 17 21 -1 22 16 -2 15 -2 21 20 -2 26 16 -2 191 19.1
5 Aerodyne Cypres Lille-Bondues FR 15 -1 16 19 21 16 -1 17 18 22 25 21 190 19.0
6 Echochamber SE 17 14 -3 22 20 -3 17 16 -1 19 20 23 -1 21 189 18.9
7 Chimera UK 14 -1 16 -1 21 19 -1 17 16 -1 18 -1 22 26 -1 18 -1 187 18.7
8 Pro Team FI 15 -1 18 20 17 -1 17 15 18 21 26 18 -1 185 18.5
9 Kinetix AU 14 -1 17 19 19 15 -1 17 18 19 23 -1 16 177 17.7
10 China CN 12 -1 17 19 17 -1 14 -1 13 -1 16 20 24 15 -1 167 16.7
11 Eros UK 12 -2 16 20 18 15 -1 13 -2 12 -4 17 -1 22 16 -1 161 16.1
12 eX3MO IT 13 13 -2 17 -2 13 -4 12 -1 14 13 16 -1 22 -2 14 147 14.7
13 Pajama Pumas UK 10 -2 12 17 14 -1 13 12 15 16 15 -2 13 137 13.7

Echochamber and Kinetix at the FAI Outdoor World Cup 2019
Echochamber in 2016
Echochamber continued with training when the competition rounds of the national championship were done and added another 40 jumps, plus 45 minutes of indoor training, the same week. Team speaker Ulf Liljenbäck said that player-coach Mattias Nord added some speed to the goals for the additional training after the competition, and there were even better results:

"Right off the bat we added a couple of points on every jump and several points on the faster sequences, together with fine exits. It took a long time, but our exits are now really good, we did a bunch of nice jumps."

Ann-Marie Jarzebowski had to get used to the Echochamber style, and she "fits right in", as Ulf Liljenbäck added. However, it is still only a temporary team slot at the moment. Echochamber will decide at the end of August how the 2022 lineup will finally look like:

"We are some four weeks away from taking the final decision on next year's lineup. Johan is working hard with rehab and is making progress. We'll see if he is ready for a year of hard training towards Eloy 2022, and we will make the decision at the end of August."

FAI Outdoor World Meet 2018
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank 4-way Open Top 5 21,L,B,G 22,18,17 19,7,O J,16,12 10,A,D,15 Q,M,F,C,N H,20,P,13 6,14,11 E,2,5 4,1,3 Total Avg
1 NMP-PCH Hayabusa  BE  32    21    27 -2 24    22 -3 62 -2 22 -2 20 -1 27 -1 22     279 27.9
2 Arizona Airspeed  US  26 -5 21    27 -1 24    24 -1 60 -1 26    22    27    20     277 27.7
3 Aerodyne Realfly  FR  29 -1 19    24 -2 23    24    52 -3 20 -3 17 -3 24    19     251 25.1
4 Qatar Tigers  QA  24 -2 14 -1 24 -1 21    22    53 -4 21 -1 18    20    17     234 23.4
5 Echochamber  SE  25 -1 16    21 -1 17 -2 20 -1 48 -4 14 -3 18    21 -1 15 -1  215 21.5
Rank 4-way Women 21,L,B,G 22,18,17 19,7,O J,16,12 10,A,D,15 Q,M,F,C,N H,20,P,13 6,14,11 E,2,5 4,1,3 Total Avg
1 Aerodyne Weembi Girls  FR  29 -1 20    24    22    25    56 -1 23    18 -2 22    18 -1  257 25.7
2 NFTO  UK  20 -3 15    22 -1 19    18    38 -2 18    17    19    16     202 20.2
3 Team X  SE  17 -3 10 -3 18    16    14    36 -3 15 -3 13    18    12 -1  169 16.9
4 Phoenix XP  US  17 -2 12    17    14    15 -1 37    16 -1 12 -2 14 -2 13     167 16.7
4 Boomerang Betty  AU  19 -1 11 -1 18    14    15    32 -2 15    13    17    13     167 16.7
6 Fuzion Voltige  CA  17 -1 9 -2 18    14    15 -1 34 -2 14 -2 13 -2 14 -2 13     161 16.1
7 Skynamite  DE  19    12    16 -1 14    14 -1 27 -1 13 -3 12 -1 15    12 -1  154 15.4

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