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Did You Know...

... that Midwest and Arizona teams collected their final meet experiences before the USPA Nationals?

Jerry and the Jets at the ASL meet in August 2020
posted Sep 27th, 2021 - Scores of the Italian Nationals have replaced the September results of the NSL Network. The NSL News will soon follow up with more information from Italy, where the reigning Amnesya 4-way champions defended their title once again successfully without their former member Michele Silvi, who is now a new 4-way world champion with NMP PCH HayaBusa.

Four other 4-way world meet and world cup champions participated in the NSL September events and posted impressive scores at the Arizona Skydiving League meet in Eloy. Jerry Elliott had gathered his three Jets (Eliana Rodriguez, Craig Girard, Dan BC) and videographer Craig O'Brien three times between August 2020 and June 2021.

This month, only the three Jets and Craig O'Brien were back for the ASL meet at the hosting location of the USPA Nationals 2021 next month at Skydive Arizona. Jerry Elliott took a break, while The Jets were ready to have some more 4-way fun together.

It was not too difficult to find the best substitute. Their 8-way team mate of 2006, Brian Johnson, has been ready to follow the call to action in the past years, when Craig Girard, Eliana Rodriguez and Andy Delk planned for a reunion of Arizona Airspeed's 2005 lineup. The original and complete Odyssey lineup competed at the USPA Nationals in 2017 and 2018.

NSL Network September 2021
1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class D,O,H,2 13,P,11 7,22,21 L,K,9,8 N,17,19 1,B,G,6 Total Avg
1 The Jets ASL 25    15 -1 16 -1 18 -2 19    19    112 18.7
2 AZ Defiance ASL 19    14    12 -1 15 -1 14    15    89 14.8
3 Kombucha Punch ASL 12 -2 11    7 -3 14    12    10 -1 66 11.0

Airspeed Odyssey at the USPA Nationals 2017
There has been no competition for The Jets, or the modified Airspeed Odyssey lineup, on the AAA Class leaderboard in September, even though AZ Defiance finished with a new 14.8 team record average, and it was not a fast competition draw that supported the impressive scoring numbers.

Not only The Jets strengthened their lineup with another highly experienced world-class competitor and beat their previous averages with Jerry and the Jets. AZ Defiance had to replace Karlee King for the ASL September meet, and they also found a very strong substitute.

Mark Kirkby took the slot and guided the other Defiance members to the record average. Mark Kirkby was actually the most current world champion of the present Airspeed members. He won his last 4-way gold medal at the FAI Dubai Mondial 2012 and retired from Airspeed after the FAI silver medals in Prostejov 2014.

AZ Defiance will probably continue with their complete lineup, while The Jets may still have to decide what to do. The same lineup could compete for Airspeed Odyssey at the USPA Nationals, or Andy Delk could take back his inside center slot and leave Dan BC available for other opportunities. He had competed in 8-way at the last national championships - together with Eliana Rodriguez, Craig Girard and Mark Kirkby...

NSL Network September 2021
1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Avg
Rank AA Class D,O,H,2 13,P,11 7,22 L,K,9 N,19,21 1,B,G Total Avg
1 SDC Rhebellion XP MWSL 14    12    10    13    11 -1 12 -1 72 12.0
2 Where's Gabby? ASL 6    6    6 -1 7    6    8    39 6.5
3 Stanley's Steamers MWSL 5 -1 4    4    3 -1 3    3    22 3.7
Rank A Class D,O,H P,6 7,C L,K,9 N,19 B,G,A Total Avg
1 CSC Constellation MWSL 13    8    7    7    6    9 -2 50 8.3
2 Just4Fun ASL 4 -3 3 -2 2    -    -    -    9 3.0
3 We Thought This Was MFS MWSL 0    3    2    1    2    2    10 1.7
Rank Rookie D,O,H P,A,Q G,C,F L,K,J N,M,E B,G,A Total Avg
1 SDMW Test Subjects MWSL 0    0    0    0    0    1    1 0.2

CSC Constellation in June 2021
The September leaderboards in the other three categories features teams from Arizona and the Midwest so far.

SDC Rhebellion XP confirmed once again the team's scoring and performance level as a top contender in the AA/Intermediate Class at the upcoming USPA Nationals. The Midwest team is on top of the current AA Class rankings in the United States, and only the Cheetahs and Lions from Qatar have posted higher meet averages worldwide.

Where's Gabby was back on the AA Class leaderboard, after an excursion to A Class sequences at the June meet of the Arizona Skydiving League.

CSC Constellation continue with a very consistent progression and have brought another Midwest team to the position of a medal contender in the new A/Beginners Class at the USPA Nationals this year. Constellation have attended all three meets of the Midwest Skydiving League this year and posted their first outdoor scores in the SDC Cloud Games. They started with a 4.5 average in June, increased their averages twice (6.7 - 7.4) and now posted the 8.3 average this month. Only the Eggplant lineup of June posted a higher A Class average this year in the United States.

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