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Did You Know...

... that seven teams from Texas joined the September leaderboard?

Scott Latinis with Rhythm 8 (2nd from left)
posted Sep 30th, 2021 - The September leaderboard of the NSL 4-way Network is complete. The winners in the competitive categories (AAA - AA - A) came from three different leagues. The Test Subjects from Skydive Midwest had no opposing teams on the Rookie Class leaderboard and accomplished their first, the team's one and only scoring point, in the last round. SDMW NEXT member Greg Oldendick had put together this Rookie Class lineup.

Teams from four leagues posted scores in the last month before the USPA Nationals 2021. Only the teams of the Texas Skydiving League did not claim one of the top spots in the three other categories, after the completion of the Dallas Super Cup. Toxic Thunder finished 2nd in the AA Class, Dallas Dynasty (AAA) and Dallas Distraction (A) added two 3rd places to the Texas collection.

The Dallas Super Cup was also the conclusion of the Texas Skydiving League 2021 season, and the TSL teams were competing for the TSL 2021 championship titles in their respective categories.

TSL Director Scott Latinis had a busy weekend organizing the event before leaving for an 8-way training camp with the Rhythm 8-way team. He was filling a slot for Non Toxic in the A Class, and he provided additional information with the meet story.

NSL Network September 2021
1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class D,O,H,2 13,P,11 7,22,21 L,K,9,8 N,17,19 1,B,G,6 Total Avg
1 The Jets ASL 25    15 -1 16 -1 18 -2 19    19    112 18.7
2 AZ Defiance ASL 19    14    12 -1 15 -1 14    15    89 14.8
3 Dallas Dynasty TSL 19    14    13    15    10    14 -1 85 14.2
4 Kombucha Punch ASL 12 -2 11    7 -3 14    12    10 -1 66 11.0
5 Dan Will Do SCSL 8    10    9    11    9    11    58 9.7
6 Frikken Slot Switchers SCSL 11    8    9    9    6    11    54 9.0

Dallas Dynasty at the Dallas Super Cup
A Class in May - AA in September: Toxic Lead

Dallas Super Cup - Written by Scott Latinis

The final stop of the Texas Skydiving League season was on September 25 at Spaceland Dallas, where seven 4-way teams competed at this year's Dallas Super Cup, the longest running 4-way meet in the country after the USPA Nationals.

We couldn't have asked for better meet conditions - blue skies, Super Otter, 5-star drop zone, with staff and pilots and manifest and packers and loaders and... Ok, there was one thing missing: wind. Any breath of wind would have been nice. On the positive side, the spectators enjoyed six fun-filled rounds of "biff bingo", with meet director Scott Latinis as the clear winner with his "dippsy-doodle-WTF-PLF-like-a-pro" landing after Round 4.

Prior to the start of the meet, the lone Texas team in the Rookie Class, The Leftovers, (Brant Davis, Aaron Shoulders, David Morgan, Sydney Ward, Terrance Lee) decided to move up into the A Class. They wanted more competition than a guaranteed gold medal in the Rookie class.

Also, Toxic Lead (Denys Regulskyi, Dustan Deuterio, Jason Ye, Marcelo Garcia, Michael Mangum) chose to move from the A Class to AA, as they felt they would be challenged more by the other AA Class teams. I admire and respect both teams for making decisions in the spirit of competition!

NSL Network September 2021
1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Avg
Rank AA Class D,O,H,2 13,P,11 7,22 L,K,9 N,19,21 1,B,G Total Avg
1 SDC Rhebellion XP MWSL 14    12    10    13    11 -1 12 -1 72 12.0
2 Toxic Thunder TSL 11 -1 9 -1 8 -1 12    7 -2 10 -1 57 9.5
3 Perris Fall Risk SCSL 10    9    8    11    9    8    55 9.2
4 Organized Kaos SCSL 7    9    9    8    9    11    53 8.8
5 Toxic Lead TSL 9    5 -1 7    10    6 -1 9    46 7.7
6 Where's Gabby? ASL 6    6    6 -1 7    6    8    39 6.5
7 Step-Mom X Treshaun TSL 7    4 -1 5    7 -1 6    9    38 6.3
8 Stanley's Steamers MWSL 5 -1 4    4    3 -1 3    3    22 3.7

Toxic Thunder at the Dallas Super Cup
2-way competition: BD&D
AAA Class winner Dallas Dynasty (Aaron Perkins, Caden Maydew, Lucas King, Michael Erickson, Al Levy on camera) and AA Class winner Toxic Thunder (Andrew Clayton, Brian Clark, Jay Kasturi, Michael Romero, Demo McDonnell filling in for Melissa Brown) used the Super Cup as their final competition warm-up before heading off to the USPA Nationals in October.

The A Class proved to be the most competitive category. It came down to the last jump between Dallas Distraction (Donaldo Grajeda, Nick Anderson, Pressly Bonner, Rajendra Sarkar, Tarynn Ecton) and Non Toxic (Erika Bruce, Jeff Mubarak, Laura Galdamez, substitute Scott Latinis, and last-minute substitute Demo McDonnell filling in for Amanda Michie). Going into Round 6, Dallas Distraction held a slim 1-point lead.

Judges Karen Bilder and Helaine Rumaner announced the winner of this TSL battle during the award ceremony. Both teams had tied their scores in Round 6 making Dallas Distraction the A Class winner. Dallas Dynasty (AAA), Toxic Thunder (AA) and Dallas Distraction (A) are the winner of the Texas Skydiving League 2021 and received their Dallas Super Cups at the same time.

The Dallas Super Cup also features a 2-way Rookie Class competition. The rules are modified and allow 50 seconds of working time from 13,500 exit altitude. The winning team was BD&D (Thomas Rhines and his daughter Brianna Rhines, with videographer David Garcia).

NSL Network September 2021
1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Avg
Rank A Class D,O,H P,6 7,C L,K,9 N,19 B,G,A Total Avg
1 Perris Chutists SCSL 14    8    8    9    9    12    60 10.0
2 CSC Constellation MWSL 13    8    7    7    6    9 -2 50 8.3
3 Dallas Distraction TSL 4    4 -1 6 -1 5    5 -1 8    32 5.3
4 Non Toxic TSL 6    5 -1 0    7 -1 5    8    31 5.2
5 The Leftovers TSL 5 -1 3 -1 5    3    1    4 -1 21 3.5
5 Bumpin Uglies SCSL 0    5    5    3    3    5    21 3.5
7 Just4Fun ASL 4 -3 3 -2 2    -    -    -    9 3.0
8 We Thought This Was MFS MWSL 0    3    2    1    2    2    10 1.7

Dallas Distraction at the Dallas Super Cup
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