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Did You Know...

... that Init-Y have taken the 4-way indoor and outdoor top spot in Brazil?

Brazilian 4-way outdoor champions: Init-Y
posted Oct 11th, 2021 - The NSL New reported the interesting situation in Brazil at and after the July meet of the Brazilian Tunnel League with the update on July 29th. Former and current CTR Optimum members competed with and against each other in different lineups.

The newly formed Optimum Prime lineup won in July and now came back to compete again at the September meet. The three members of the previous CTR Optimum lineup (George Narita, Jorge Neto, Alisson Vargas) replaced team founder André Ferraz with Ricardo Pereira after the July indoor meet.

The NSL News then reported on October 5th that the new CTR Optimum lineup won the national outdoor championship just a few days after the indoor meet in September. They posted their outdoor scores under a new name, Init-Y.

Optimum Prime did not compete for the outdoor title. Init-Y's closest opponent was Cometas, Brazil's military CISM team, who were not able to get close enough to the winner on the 4-way leaderboard. Cometas also train and compete in the military events.

Brazil Tunnel League September 2021
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class 1,3,11 21,2,N 13,12,4 F,16,10 H,15,14 K,6,7 22,O,G,5 B,17,Q,M Total Avg
1 INIT-Y 18 20 17 25 22 27 19 32 180 22.5
2 Optimum Prime 18 20 19 24 22 25 19 31 178 22.3
3 Netunos 17 18 16 23 21 24 19 25 163 20.4
4 So Pressao 16 17 16 21 18 21 18 27 154 19.3
5 Anima 13 15 12 17 15 12 13 23 120 15.0
6 Paradocks 11 12 12 15 15 19 13 19 116 14.5
7 Supersonics 12 11 10 14 15 17 10 16 105 13.1

INIT-Y and Optimum Prime at the September meet of the Brazil Tunnel League
Brazilian 4-way indoor champions: Init-Y
George Narita, Jorge Neto, Alisson Vargas and new member Ricardo Pereira had already used the new team name Init-Y at the indoor competition right before the national outdoor championship. The competition at the September meet of the Brazilian Tunnel League was much harder for the new outdoor champions.

However, it may have been encouraging for the new lineup to win the indoor meet before the ten outdoor rounds for the Brazilian 4-way title. Optimum Prime were back for the indoor meet, and the competition was even closer than in July.

Prime had won the first duel by four points, and Init-Y turned the table with a 2-point advantage in September. It was a 1-point battle until the last round where Init-Y added one more point to win the meet.

The Init-Y members had actually expected a more challenging competition for the outdoor title and could use some additional confidence. They are now the 4-way top team in Brazil, indoors and outdoors, after many years of dominance by CTR Optimum.

Brazil Tunnel League July 2021
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class 1,L,12 18,16,13 4,7,17 G,14,9 O,19,K,2 E,10,M,15 5,F,22 C,J,21,Q Total Avg
1 Optimum Prime 19 19 22 26 22 20 20 24 172 21.5
2 CTR Optimum 20 20 19 22 18 26 19 24 168 21.0
3 So Pressao 19 16 19 21 20 20 18 26 159 19.9
4 Netunos 17 15 16 22 18 20 17 26 151 18.9
5 Azul Do Vento 12 10 15 17 14 16 15 20 119 14.9
6 Plano B 11 12 13 16 16 16 14 18 116 14.5
7 Anima 13 10 12 16 14 14 14 15 108 13.5
8 Matrix 12 9 12 11 12 10 8 14 88 11.0

Optimum Prime and CTR Optimum at the July meet of the Brazil Tunnel League
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