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Did You Know...

... that 8-way scores were higher than ever with five female competitors?

Highest 8-way scoring in history: Medal winners in Tanay
posted Oct 19th, 2021 - The 8-way competition at the FAI Tanay Mondial 2020 generated the extremely exciting situation that was expected and anticipated, even though it was matching the lowest participation in the history of Formation Skydiving competition since 1985. The total number of six 8-way teams was the same as in the first year after introducing the current dive pool and draw system in 1985.

The actual scoring numbers confirm the highest quality of 8-way competition this year in Tanay. The three teams in the medal positions (Airspeed XP8 - France - Tanay) combined for a 23.1 average after the seven completed rounds. The 20.1 average three years ago in Australia 2018 was not even close.

The highest previous combined average of the three medal-winning 8-way teams was posted in Dubai 2012 when Golden Knights, France and Russia finished together with a 21.5 average. The 18.7 average of the Qatar Falcons in 4th place this year would have won silver medals at several previous world meets.

The performance and scoring average of the Qatar Falcons in Russia is not even factored into the formula for the strength of the field, which includes only the medal winners. Changing the same formula to including all teams in 4th places since 1985 would demonstrate the amazing 8-way performance level this year even more.

Scoring progression of the 8-way medalists at FAI world meets since 1985
Christine Malnis - Sophia Pecout - Gaelle Giesen for France
Another very interesting part of a different look at the strength of the 8-way field is the fact that the same combined record average of the medal winners has been supported heavily by female competitors.

Russian Evolution Pro 8-way videographer Elena Vertiprakhova became the first female 8-way world champion on camera in Gap 2003, before Eliana Rodriguez won her 8-way gold medal with Arizona Airspeed in front of the camera in Rijeka 2004.

Jennifer Davidson copied the 8-way gold medal achievement in Australia 2018 with the Golden Knights. The NSL News has no knowledge of any other female 8-way medal winners at world meets since 1985.

This situation changed dramatically this year in Russia, where a total of five female competitors all competed with and against each other at the same FAI World Championship of Formation Skydiving and won their medals. Sophia Pecout, Christine Malnis and Gaelle Giesen ended up one single point behind Airspeed XP8 for France. Jeana Billings and Michelle Karamon won the 8-way gold medals for the U.S. delegation.

FAI Tanay Mondial 2020
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total Avg
Rank 8-way Open O,19,Q,5 17,B,E,P H,15,12 M,N,7,F K,L,C,4 J,18,16 1,9,A Total Avg
1 Airspeed XP8 US 20 23 22 -1 23 31 -1 23 24 166 23.7
2 France National 8-way FR 20 23 25 24 26 -1 25 -1 22 -1 165 23.6
3 Tanay 8 RU 18 21 -1 20 23 26 23 22 153 21.9
4 Qatar Falcons QA 17 17 19 18 22 19 -1 19 131 18.7
5 Kazakhstan KZ 5 9 6 -2 10 7 -1 12 -1 12 61 8.7
6 Belarus BY 4 -1 6 4 -2 5 -2 7 8 -1 2 -1 36 5.1

Airspeed XP8 and France at the FAI Tanay Mondial 2020
Jeana Billings and Michelle Karamon with ASXP8
8-way competition offers only the Open Class with no limitations or restrictions for the gender-mix of the lineups. Jeana Billings and Michelle Karamon together are a part of the first 8-way world champion lineup with more than one female competitor.

The French 8-way team would have even lifted the number to three with a different outcome of the competition, which was possible at any time.

Jeana Billings and Michelle Karamon have been a part of the ASXP8 lineup since the 8-way project was launched at the beginning of the 2018 season. The 8-way team had to deal with several personnel changes ever since, however, Jeana Billings and Michelle Karamon have not missed any of the eleven meets that the team has attended at this point. Only team sponsor John D'Annunzio and Kirk Verner match this record. This 4-way group was the backbone of the Airspeed XP8 lineup.

Jeana Billings and Michelle Karamon have trained and competed in 4-way at the same time, as well, and they have more plans with their XPG4 lineup (Morgan Womble, Brenn Richards). They want to win the qualification as the U.S. national team in 4-way Women this year and then add another FAI gold medal to their collection in Eloy 2022. They could copy this year's French attempt to win two gold medals in two FAI categories at the same world meet if they continue with ASXP8 and XPG4 both after the USPA Nationals...

Tanay 8 and Qatar Falcons at the FAI Tanay Mondial 2020
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