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Did You Know...

... that 4Astrophe and Agera FS 2022 could get a re-match in Eloy 2022?

First indoor competition in 2013: 4Astrophe
posted Dec 18th, 2021 - The 4-way competition of the 6th Dubai International Parachuting Championship (DIPC) had the smallest field in the history of the event, as well. However, at least there was a competition in 4-way, which was even a very exciting one.

The first NSL News update after the conclusion of the event covered the 8-way competition, where the Russian national team from Tanay had no opposition at all. In fact, the 6th DIPC also had a separate leaderboard for teams in 4-way Women, and Poland's team No Mercy was also without any opponents in this category.

The 11-round battle between Canada's national 4-way champions of 4Astrophe and Norway's national team Agera alone deserves all the attention. The two teams finished far behind the winner, Spain's national FAI and CISM 4-way team Papea, however, they needed an extra round to break the tie for the 2nd place after Round 10.

One of the many interesting aspects of this duel for the DIPC silver medals is the fact that both teams will probably meet each other again for a new edition of this duel at the FAI World Meet 2022. They will not compete for FAI silver medals in Eloy, while they can measure their progression precisely and may be in the race for one of the precious Top 10 spots on the 4-way Open Class leaderboard.

6th DIPC 2021
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class 19,3,H 9,2,11 C,D,5,22 O,13,17 E,1,P,15 20,G,6 14,16,L 10,J,N,21 F,B,Q,4 12,M,8 7,K,A,18 Total Avg
1 Papea Masculino  ES  21    18    17 -1 17 -1 20    15    18    14 -3 26 -1 15 -1 -    181 18.1
2 4Astrophe  CA  17    15    17    17    15 -2 12 -2 13 -1 15    22 -2 15    18    158 15.8
3 Agera FS 2022  NO  17 -1 16    11 -4 16 -1 17    14 -1 14    16    24    13 -1 16 -1 158 15.8
4 Amnesya  IT  14 -1 15 -1 15 -2 16    17    12 -2 13    14    21 -3 14    -    151 15.1
5 No Mercy  PL  12 -2 10 -1 12    12 -2 14    13 -1 9    12 -1 14 -1 11    -    119 11.9
6 Indonesia  ID  13    8 -2 8 -2 12    14    10 -1 8 -2 13    14 -3 11    -    111 11.1
7 Ukraine  UA  12 -1 12    7 -3 11 -1 10    7 -2 11    12    18    9    -    109 10.9

Papea at the 6th DIPC 2021
First outdoor competition in 2017: 4Astrophe
The Spanish military team did not have to travel far, if they staid in the area after competing at the CISM World Championship 2021, where they placed 5th behind NMP PCH HayaBusa, Qatar Tigers, Germany and the U.S. Army team.

Papea finished with the team's highest 10-round average in Dubai and could also be an even stronger contender for a Top 10 position in Eloy 2022. Spain was in 14th place in Australia 2018 with a 15.5 average, and the last Top 10 position at the previous world meet (19.2) was not too far from Papea's 18.1 average at the 6th DIPC.

The 4-way teams in Australia 2018 could take advantage of a Super Sequence in Round 6, and most teams launched the first complete formation in each round. The Spanish military team is still beginning each competition jump with a Star, which is the required exit formation for CISM events.

They are holding the Star significantly shorter and move as quickly as possible to the first formation of the sequence. However, a few seconds are gone in each round before the judges push the first button for a counting scoring formation.

4Astrophe - Agera FS 2022 at the 6th DIPC 2021
2nd place at the 6th DIPC: 4Astrophe
The NSL News audience is familiar with the teams in 2nd and 3rd place of the 6th DIPC, who created this exciting duel for the silver medals in Dubai. The Bisson family, with father Richard, daughter Valerie and son Yannick, have been catching the NSL News attention in many ways since they entered the 4-way world.

Canada has a coincidental history of family 4-way, which was featuring the national 4-way team Evolution for several years. Father Michel Lemay trained and competed for several years with his three sons Martin, Vincent and Benoit. The younger generation of the three brothers eventually won bronze medals at the FAI Outdoor World Meet 2014 in Prostejov without their father and with Katie Woods in the lineup.

They also accomplished something in Prostejov that may never be copied again, when they won a second set of FAI bronze medals in 4-way VFS at the same event, with Jean-Christophe Ouimet in the VFS lineup.

Richard Bisson's son Yannick was first in Canada's 4-way Junior lineup and began jumping from planes at the age of 16, as the NSL News reported on 18 October 2016. His sister Valerie Bisson trained and competed with the Canadian national team in 4-way Women, Fuzion, at that time. The three Bissons and Nicolas Malley, with Sean Paquette on camera, finished with a new team record average in Dubai after Round 10 and then outscored Agera FS 2022, Norway's national team in 4-way Open, in the jump-off round.

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