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Did You Know...

... that AA Class teams performed five AAA Class sequences in January?

AAA/AA Class sequence in January
posted Feb 1st, 2022 - The new competition draw for events in February is posted and can be used for competition practice and for joining the monthly NSL indoor and outdoor leaderboards. The draw for the new month is once again randomly drawn for the AAA Class sequences and then trickles down into the other three categories.

The National Skydiving League has been applying this application of the competition draw for many years and with a purpose. The four categories overlap each other in certain ways, which is caused by the fact that the traditional FAI/ISC rules for the dive pool and the competition sequences have allowed 5- and 6-point sequences both since 1985.

The organization's brilliant transition from the previous Formation Skydiving competition rules, with sequences of either set maneuvers or only random formations, to the current competition draw added challenges and unlimited options for different sequences.

The National Skydiving League applied the same options for the additional three categories (AA - A - RRR) which created naturally a few sequences per draw that would be identical for neighboring categories. The overlapping sequences happen on a regular basis, and the competition draw for all four NSL categories still begins with the eleven randomly drawn AAA Class sequences.

Czech Tunnel League January 2022
1 2 6 7 8 Total Avg
Rank AAA/AA Class G,M,Q,18 A,F,N,19 O,14,1 E,7,8 B,21,13 Total Avg
1 HF Cubs 29 34 24 17 25  129 24.4
2 HF Flying Circus 25 27 21 23 22  118 21.5
3 HF Flying Rebels 19 22 16 19 17  93 16.8
4 HF Chameleons 15 23 17 18 16  89 16.6
5 Rusalky 16 20 14 16 14  80 16.0
6 Accord 15 16 14 14 14  73 13.5
7 Impact 14 14 10 15 12  65 12.9
8 M Team 10 11 9 10 10  50 9.8

Rusalky - Impact - M Team at the January meet of the Czech Tunnel League
AA/A Class sequence in January
Any overlapping and identical sequence for the AA Class draw can only occur with a 5-point sequence in the AAA Class, which also does not include a slot-switching block. A Class teams have the opportunity to compare their scores with teams on the AA leaderboard if a 4-point sequence is drawn for the AA Class, which includes any of the eight A Class blocks.

Rookie Class sequences with three random formations could also be drawn for the A Class competition, which allows the third option of overlapping between the four categories.

The draw for February includes two sequences which are the same for AAA and AA Class teams, and A Class teams can compare their scores with the AA Class three times. Three Rookie Class sequences are also the same for the A Class.

Only the Czech teams used the NSL competition draw in January and had the same opportunities across the four leaderboartds. The HF Invisible 4-way juniors benefited most of the two overlapping sequences in Round 3 and Round 10. They were the only team on the A Class leaderboard and could at least compete with the three AA Class teams twice. They outscored the 4-way seniors of the M Team with the total for the two rounds and also tied the Impact seniors in Round 10.

Czech Tunnel League January 2022
3 10 Total Avg
Rank AA/A Class D,K,9 J,L,6 Total Avg
1 Rusalky 21 19  40 16.0
2 Impact 18 14  32 12.9
3 HF Invisible 13 14  27 13.2
4 M Team 14 11  25 9.8

HF Invisible - Dycky Most - MCBP at the January meet of the Czech Tunnel League
4-way juniors versus 4-way seniors in January
The HF Invisible juniors then defended their own top position successfully against the two challenging senior teams on the Rookie Class leaderboard (Dycky Most, MCBP) by posting the highest scores in the first two identical rounds.

The three AA Class teams (Rusalky, Impact, M Team) had even five opportunities to compare their own scores with the Czech AAA Class teams. As A Class team HF Invisible did on the overlapping AA leaderboard, the Rusalky juniors placed ahead of the Accord seniors, despite the new team record average of the 4-way seniors. Rusalky also outscored the HF Chameleons in Round 1.

HF Chameleons and HF Flying Rebels are 4-way junior teams who have been competing regularly in the AAA Class. Both would be eligible for AA Class competition, where they would finish ahead of Rusalky. However, Jan Klapka challenges his national team in 4-way Junior, HF Flying Rebels, with AAA Class sequences before they will compete for medals at the indoor world cup.

The Chameleons followed the Flying Rebels into the AAA Class in November 2021, and they challenge each other meet by meet on the way to the first international FAI/ISC event for the Flying Rebels. The Czech national team in 4-way Junior will then compete for medals throughout eight AA Class sequences in Charleroi.

Czech Tunnel League January 2022
1 2 Total Avg
Rank A/RRR Class G,M,Q A,F,N Total Avg
1 HF Invisible 18 20  38 13.2
2 Dycky Most 17 14  31 15.1
3 MCBP 10 18  28 15.0
4 Smart Fish 12 8  20 7.7

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