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Did You Know...

... that the Shamrock Showdown began with a tie in arm-wrestling?

NMP PCH HayaBusa with InTime's Claire King and Dirk Venter
posted Mar 3rd, 2022 - NMP PCH HayaBusa have completed approx. 70 training jumps at Skydive City before Round 1 of the Shamrock Showdown 2022 on Thursday morning. Arizona Airspeed traveled from North Carolina to Florida after the completion of the Paraclete XP Indoor Championship 2022 and added five jumps to the outdoor account on Wednesday.

Jim Rees had the same travel route as Arizona Airspeed after judging the indoor competition at Paraclete XP. InTime operators and judges Claire King and Dirk Venter performed in front of the camera with Veloce QRF, and they were judged by Jum Rees, after going through the whole 8-way Hell Week with Martial Ferre.

Now they are all back together at Skydive City for their first outdoor competition this year.

Arizona Airspeed brought their new team videographer Brendan Haddon to Florida, who has made approx. 100 training jumps with the team. NMP PCH HayaBusa is at Skydive City with the complete new lineup, including inside center Neal Willem and David Grauwels on camera.

Shamrock Showdown 2022
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class G,Q,12,C K,N,P,18 L,2,20 F,1,5 7,3,19 10,6,D B,H,16,13 J,E,A,4 14,O,8 11,22,15 17,9,M Total Avg
- NMP-PCH Hayabusa  BE  - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Arizona Airspeed  US  - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Rank AA Class G,Q,15 K,N,P,18 L,2,20 F,1,21 7,19 6,D,9 B,H,13 J,E,A,4 14,O,8 11,22 9,M,21 Total Avg
- Anion Flux XP  US  - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Arizona Airspeed after the competition draw
Anion Flux XP visit Skydive City coming from Sebastian. They are using the opportunity to meet world champions and world class teams and collect their first AA Class meet experiences. The Shamrock Showdown will be the first time in the new category for the Sebastian team, who won the USPA silver medals last year in 4-way Beginner, which is identical with the A Class. Anion Flux XP will join the competition on Friday.

The eleven competition rounds for the Shamrock Showdown were once again drawn manually by the participating teams, which is a traditional procedure at the event. The 20-year anniversary of the Shamrock Showdown features the first outdoor duel between the reigning 4-way world champions from Belgium and the strongest challenger for the world's top spot. The final word will be spoken at the world meet in October this year, and the Shamrock Showdown will define the starting point for both teams on the path to Eloy 2022.

However, the 4-way duel began with an arm-wresting contest, which ended up tied when Jim Rees called the teams to finish the first part of the Shamrock Showdown 2022 and move to the competition draw. Skydive City owner Joannie Murphy welcomed the teams and initiated the draw of the first competition sequence. NMP PCH HayaBusa left the dropzone to prepare the rounds, while Arizona Airspeed went straight to work at Skydive City.

Competition Draw of the Shamrock Showdown on Wednesday Evening
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