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Did You Know...

... that Jochen Schweizer Arena's Airfource defended the German indoor title successfully?

AAA Class medalists at the German Indoor Nationals 2022
image by: https://elmar.pics/
posted Mar 20th, 2022 - The German national outdoor team in 4-way Open, Airbus Oceanside Illertissen, continues to impress with their new lineup. The NSL News had featured the team with NSL Live Talk on 3 December 2021, during a winter training camp at Skydive DeLand.

The Airbus 4-way team had upset the previous national outdoor team and 4-way champion, Oceanside AtomiX, at the German Outdoor Nationals 2021 and new member Felix Pfeiffer's first live AAA Class competition. The outdoor training camp in DeLand was the first one after team member Alexander Prendinger had also decided to leave the Airbus 8-way lineup and focus only on 4-way training and competition.

Indoor training is still a valuable tool for the team and especially a part of the winter season in Germany. Airbus were well prepared for the national indoor championships last week, despite the main focus on outdoor training and competition.

Airbus Oceanside Illertissen did not win the indoor title that Jochen Schweizer Arena's Airforce defended successfully. However, the German indoor nationals featured a battle for the top spot this time, after the previous event in March 2019, where Airforce walked away with a 29-point lead ahead of AtomiX after Round 10.

Germany Indoor Nationals 2022
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class 1,17,J A,O,5,D 9,H,2 10,12,21 E,M,3,C 16,8,K B,7,P,4 L,15,14 G,19,N,22 18,20,13 Total Avg
1 Jochen Schweizer Arena Airforce  DE  24 34 29 19 32 23 30 24 23 15 253 25.3
2 Airbus Oceanside Illertissen  DE  24 30 27 17 34 20 26 23 23 20 244 24.4
3 Piteraq  DE  22 29 23 17 31 19 26 19 20 17 223 22.3
3 Paratec-Saar  DE  22 29 26 16 26 17 26 22 22 17 223 22.3
5 Skynamite  DE  21 24 25 17 27 20 24 19 21 17 215 21.5
6 Paranodon 4way Illertissen  DE  21 22 21 15 27 15 23 18 17 13 192 19.2
7 EOS  CH  20 24 21 13 24 18 22 13 14 17 186 18.6
8 NeVa FSZ Saar  DE  16 23 20 15 23 17 23 15 17 15 184 18.4
9 Bardarbunga Flystation Munich  DE  16 22 19 15 21 15 21 18 16 16 179 17.9
10 Buena Vista Tunnel Club  DE  14 20 18 14 19 15 19 17 16 12 164 16.4
11 Funknown Spätis  DE  12 14 19 14 21 16 20 17 14 11 158 15.8
11 Feierabendflieger  DE  16 14 18 11 22 15 16 16 16 14 158 15.8
13 Air-W  CH  13 16 19 12 19 13 18 16 13 11 150 15.0
14 Das KO's Saar  DE  13 14 10 11 18 13 17 13 12 11 132 13.2

Jochen Schweizer Arena Airforce - Airbus Oceanside Illertissen at the Germany Indoor Nationals 2022
AAA Class medalists at the German Indoor Nationals 2019
image by: https://elmar.pics/
Jochen Schweizer Arena's Airforce came back with a different lineup, too, three years after their previous victory at the 2019 event. Christian Kautzmann, Christian Schafer, Elischa Weber and Stefan Wiesner won the first German indoor title and competed for their country at the FAI Indoor World Meet 2019, where they finished in 9th place with a 26.2 average.

Bundeswehr CISM competitors Elischa Weber, Christian Kautzmann, and former Airbus member Christian Schafer now came back with a new German 4-way soldier, Robin Griesheimer, who attended his first civilian 4-way AAA Class competition.

Airbus Oceanside Illertissen finished with almost exactly the same average (24.4) that AtomiX had posted at the previous event (24.3) three years ago. It became a 9-point battle last weekend, as the new Airforce lineup did not finish on the same scoring level, while Airbus did better than expected.

The 24.4 average is a new Airbus indoor record average, after winning two rounds and two additional ties with the Airforce team, even for Thomas Mack, who had a 24.0 average in his own books since April 2018.

Germany Indoor Nationals 2019
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class 21,22,G E,M,Q,A,11 19,7,14 P,10,O,15 H,4,2 B,1,F,J 13,3,5 6,17,C 18,N,20 9,12,16 Total Avg
1 Jochen Schweizer Arena Airfource  DE  23 38 26 27 25 37 21 28 24 23 272 27.2
2 Oceanside AtomiX/Skydive-Hildesheim  DE  21 34 22 22 24 32 21 26 20 21 243 24.3
3 Skynamite FSZ Saar  DE  19 29 16 20 21 31 19 20 15 21 211 21.1
4 Piteraq  DE  15 29 19 20 15 33 19 19 19 19 207 20.7
5 No Limits  RU  16 28 19 17 17 28 19 20 18 15 197 19.7
6 Hoo Lee Shit  DE  16 23 17 18 18 26 14 19 16 19 186 18.6
7 NeVa FSZ Saar  DE  16 22 17 16 17 27 17 17 14 16 179 17.9
8 Wintertunnel  DE  16 23 14 16 14 26 13 16 9 16 163 16.3
9 SkymaxX  DE  13 22 15 13 14 22 10 14 12 14 149 14.9
10 4 xmpl  DE  13 17 14 14 14 23 13 13 11 15 147 14.7
11 HorschD - FSZ Saar  DE  13 20 15 12 11 21 13 14 11 16 146 14.6
12 Airgrips  DE  13 21 13 14 14 22 13 11 10 12 143 14.3
13 4Motion - Eisenach  DE  10 17 12 10 10 17 9 9 10 11 115 11.5

Jochen Schweizer Arena Airforce - Oceanside AtomiX/Skydive-Hildesheim at the Germany Indoor Nationals 2019
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