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Did You Know...

... that Skydive Midwest NEXT members had an internal RRR Class competition?

Awards at the Swedish Outdoor Nationals 2022
posted Jul 20th, 2022 - Two very small meets took place last weekend, and were not connected within the NSL Network to create a larger leaderboard. Sweden held the country's national 4-way championships at a different location, the skydiving center in Vargarda, after many years in Gryttjom.

The different location did not change the outcome, as Echochamber won their 5th consecutive national 4-way title since 2017. The team was formed in 2016 and won their first Swedish gold medals a year later. They attended their first world meet for Sweden in Australia 2018 and would have competed at the FAI Tanay Mondial in August 2020, as well. The cancellation and rescheduling of the original date changed the situation for Echochamber, and their second world meet will be this year's event in Eloy.

The scores of the two teams who have been on leaderboards before, Echochamber Oceanside and Aurora, are lower than usual for a logistical reason. The different location in Vargarda also included a different jump plane. Exits and first pages from a PAC door are costly, compared to the Twin Otter in Gryttjom. Echochamber have been training for the world meet at Skydive Arizona where the Twin Otter is the jump plane for the Formation Skydiving events.

Pre-Nationals 2022: Expanded, Extended and Open for all Teams

Swedish Outdoor Nationals 2022
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class 13,6,15 J,Q,22,G 14,1,E K,17,21 N,H,16,3 8,4,P L,C,7,10 F,11,12 D,18,5 19,A,20 Total Avg
1 Echochamber Oceanside 15    15 -3 13    18    17    16    17 -1 13 -3 17    15    156 15.6
2 Aurora 12 -1 16    11    14    14 -1 12    14 -1 10    13    14    130 13.0
3 CasaNova 9    7 -1 5 -2 6    5 -2 7 -1 7 -2 8 -1 6    11    71 7.1

Skydive Midwest NEXT at the FAI Indoor World Cup
Echochamber Oceanside and Aurora both represented Sweden well at the FAI Indoor World Cup 2022, as the NSL News reported on May 16th. Echochamber finished in a Top 10 position, and Aurora posted a new and impressive indoor record average.

It was the same event where Skydive Midwest NEXT finished with an even more impressive 26.3 team record average to take the 5th place on the strong international 4-way Open Class leaderboard.

Echochamber and Skydive Midwest NEXT members connected indirectly last weekend, as they competed on the same weekend.

The July meet of the Midwest Skydiving League was hosted by Skydive Midwest, and three team members were guiding two RRR Class teams through the outdoor meet as player-coaches.

NEXT outside center Greg Oldendick took the same slot for both RRR Class teams. His NEXT piece partner Lauren Byrd took the inside center slot for Sloppi Byrds, with new 4-way competitors Josh Rodella (tail) and Koemi Valencia (point) in the lineup, Dan Michie on camera.

Midwest Skydiving League July 2022
1 2 3 4 Total Avg
Rank Rookie F,A,N G,J,C O,B,P Q,H,L Total Avg
1 Sloppi Byrds 5 -1 3 -1 2    3     13 3.3
2 Negative Buoyancy 2    2    2 -1 -     6 2.0

Sloppi Byrds - Negative Buoyancy at the July Meet of the Midwest Skydiving League
Skydive Midwest NEXT on home turf
Greg Oldendick had his NEXT team mate Gorka Amian in the inside center slot for the second RRR Class team, Negative Buoyancy. Kenzie Milton (point) and Jairo Javier (tail) completed this Rookie Class lineup, with Josh McNall on camera.

The three NEXT team mates had their own internal player-coaching competition, and Sloppi Byrds won after the three rounds that both teams completed.

The whole NEXT lineup will be back together in competition later this week. They have signed up for the online part of the NSL Pre-Nationals Cloud 2022 and will perform the meet rounds on their home turf at Skydive Midwest on the weekend.

NEXT just posted a new outdoor record average (19.2) as the only AAA Class team of the SDC Cloud Games. They will post scores on a completely different leaderboard at the upcoming event, which will be very similar to the Top 10 at the indoor world cup...

SDC Cloud Games 2022
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class M,O,11,E 12,20,2 J,6,17 21,B,Q,C 9,4,19 A,P,N,G,F 7,K,5 22,3,H 14,13,16 8,18,10 Total Avg
1 Skydive Midwest NEXT 27 13 20 21 18 31 18 14 16 14 192 19.2

Skydive Midwest NEXT at the SDC Could Games 2022
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