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Did You Know...

... that Norway has a FAI medal history in 4-way Women?

Camilla Marnor and Christiane Wilhelmine Sorfjord Tuv with Volare
posted Aug 15th, 2022 - The 3rd place of the Norwegian team Thyra at the national championships last week was not only a successful start into outdoor competition for the young team. It is also great news for the 4-way Women event at the same time.

The NSL News mentioned in the update on August 11th that Norway is planning to bring a 4-way Women team back into international meet action, and probably soon. Thyra have an all-female lineup of young 4-way competitors who are launching the team career with a 10-point average after three heavier rounds with six blocks at the national championships.

Camilla Marnor and Christiane Wilhelmine Sorfjord Tuv, daughter of DeLand Norgies original member Carl-Erik Tuv, started together in the Volare lineup of the FS 2020 4-way project. They trained and competed together in 2019 and 2020 and have now joined forces with Kristina Aarvold and Julia Heimdall-Hansen for Thyra. Dennis Barstad was filming the team at the national outdoor championships.

Thyra started with 4-way competition at the national indoor championships in February this year, where the all-female lineup of the VossVind Girls placed second with a 19.9 average. VossVind Girls have represented Norway only at international indoor events in the past, last time at the FAI Indoor World Meet 2019.

Norway Outdoor Nationals 2022
1 2 3 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class H,1,P,12 F,N,6,B 2,21,3 Total Avg
1 DeLand Norgies 17 -2 21 13 51 17.0
2 Agera FS 2022 17 -2 16 -3 13 -2 46 15.3
3 Thyra 10 -1 12 8 30 10.0
4 Utopia 8 10 -3 7 -1 25 8.3
5 Gloriasses 8 8 -3 6 -1 22 7.3

Thyra at Norway's Outdoor Nationals 2022
Norgie Girls TNT in 2003
Norway played a major role in 4-way Women with the Norgie Girls when the new event was introduced by FAI/ISC in 2001. Ine Morch, Line Sovik, Trude Sviggum and Ditta Valsdottir, with Eric Taylor on camera, won silver medals at the first FAI World Championship in 4-way Women.

Kristin Opoien then replaced Line Sovik, and the new lineup (TNT) won the second set of silver medals two years later in Gap 2003. The Norgie Girls did not continue after the 2003 world meet, and Norway did not have a new team in 4-way Women for the next world championships in Rijeka 2004.

Trude Sviggum and Kristin Opoien, silver medal team mates in 2003, came back with a new 4-way Women lineup for the world meet in Gera 2006 (Anne Sofie Boe, Anne Simone Botten, Cathrine Lie Tunes). This lineup did not continue after the end of the 2007 season.

Original DeLand Norgies member Lise Nansen and Trude Sviggum then formed a 4-way Women team with two new and young competitors in 2008 (Ellen Burchardt, Kristine Willadsen), with Gudrun Rokne on camera. Fortitudo competed for Norway in Maubeuge 2008.

FAI World Meet 2001
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank 4-way Women 8,19,24 A,L,22,H E,10,D,11 21,6,4 B,18,C,14 G,5,20 2,1,16 M,K,12,9 15,23,P O,17,Q,N Total Avg
1 Synchronicity US 13 13 13 12 14 14 15 16 13 24 147 14.7
2 TNT NO 13 15 15 13 13 12 13 15 13 22 144 14.4
3 4 Pleasure SE 13 15 14 13 14 14 14 15 12 19 143 14.3
4 V-Max UK 9 15 14 12 14 14 13 16 13 21 141 14.1
5 Russia RU 11 11 12 12 9 12 12 13 11 12 115 11.5
6 South Africa ZA 12 12 11 9 11 8 11 13 10 16 113 11.3
7 Italy IT 10 10 11 9 5 11 11 9 11 - 87 9.7
8 Parat DE 8 10 8 7 9 9 9 9 6 - 75 8.3
9 Spain ES 4 7 6 4 8 6 4 9 5 - 53 5.9
10 Austria AT 6 4 5 4 3 6 5 7 6 - 46 5.1
Norway's attendance at FAI World Championships of Formation Skydiving in 4-way Women
Polaris at the FAI Dubai Mondial 2012
Lise Nansen stepped back after helping to launch Norway's new 4-way Women team, and Sissel Maria Finnseth took the open tail slot. The 2010 season was the starting point for Polaris, and this lineup would stay together for the next four years.

Polaris finished in 5th place at the world meet in Menzelinsk 2010 and moved to the bronze medal position two years later in Dubai 2012. Original Norgie Girls member Trude Sviggum was back up to a medal position for Norway eleven years after her first world meet in 2001.

Norway has missed every outdoor world meet in 4-way Women ever since. In fact, Norwegian 4-way Open Class teams have not attended any FAI outdoor world meets for an even longer time period. X3M4S Elements was the last one in Menzelinsk 2010.

Carl-Erik Tuv and the Norwegian skydiving federation decided to change this situation and launched the FS 2020 4-way project. The new project and national teams did not attend the FAI Tanay Mondial 2020, while at least Agera is ready to travel to Skydive Arizona this October. The new 4-way Women team may have to wait another two years, unless the federation decides to offer the team early world meet experiences on their way to potential new 4-way Women medals for Norway...

FAI World Meet 2012
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank 4-way Women 5,12,E 6,D,B,K O,8,7 N,13,18 10,21,M 19,H,11 C,G,1,A 20,9,15 16,F,P,Q 2,J,4 Total Avg
1 Aerodyne Deep Blue Defenders  FR  18 28 19 16 18 19 21 19 30 19 207 20.7
2 Golden Knights  US  19 27 21 15 18 19 21 17 26 18 201 20.1
3 Polaris  NO  15 25 19 14 16 16 21 15 21 16 178 17.8
4 Bodyflight Langar  UK  10 20 15 13 12 14 18 14 23 14 153 15.3
5 Sky & Sand  DE  13 17 13 10 13 13 16 11 21 12 139 13.9
6 Danish Divas  DK  10 16 14 10 13 12 16 13 19 13 136 13.6
7 Fire  SE  10 16 14 12 12 14 16 11 17 - 122 13.6
8 Valkyries  AU  12 16 14 12 10 13 14 11 19 - 121 13.4
8 China Women  CN  9 17 13 8 12 14 15 12 21 - 121 13.4
10 Illusions  RU  15 21 14 11 14 12 17 13 0 - 117 13.0
11 Fenix  BR  9 14 14 9 9 10 16 12 - - 93 11.6
12 Dubai Asaar Ladies  AE  11 16 12 8 11 9 13 11 - - 91 11.4
13 Crimson Fox  CA  11 14 13 8 11 9 12 10 - - 88 11.0
14 New Zealand  NZ  7 7 7 4 7 6 3 4 - - 45 5.6

Polaris at the 4th DIPC 2013
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