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Did You Know...

... that the iFLY Colorado Springs August team posted the next monthly record total?

iFLY Colorado Springs team in May 2022
posted Sep 2nd, 2022 - The Indoor Cloud League team of iFLY Colorado Springs initiated once again the leaderboard for the month of August. Six different lineups performed the August sequences, and four of them made it to the ICL leaderboard.

The six lineups matched the record participation that the new Indoor Cloud League team registered in its second month, June 2022. Emily Bombardi and Eric Daniel had joined the Indoor Cloud League with their iFLY Colorado Springs team in May this year.

They welcomed once again a few new participants in August and raised the total number to 30 new ICL 4-way competitors this year with their iFLY Colorado Springs team. 22 of them competed for the six August highscores on last month's internal leaderboard.

Amanda Lampton, member of the U.S. delegation at the world meet in Australia 2018 was back in the AAA/AA lineup, together with ICL organizers Emily Bombardi and Eric Daniel. The same 3-way had posted the first AAA/AA scores for the new Indoor Cloud League team in May, with Steve Pisano completing the lineup. This time, it was Tad Betchel performing the two Open Class sequences with them.

iFLY Colorado Springs - AugustAAAAAARRRRRRTotal
TeamsL,20,O,3 D,20,13 K,E,9 K,E,D M,L,O M,LTotal
Amanda Lampton, Emily Bombardi, Eric Daniel, Tad Betchel1513----28
Yaseen Alqallaf, Kumar Rai, Bob Pahl, Jon Eisle-1013(-1)----
Chelsey Hylton, Michelle Osborne, Jennifer Wrynn, Steve Pisano--1411(-1)--25
Brian Root, Rob D'Voto, Brick Mason, Kevin Chapman--126---
Kris Fisher, Eric Daniel, Jeff York, Jon Christensen---9(-2)19(-1)-19
Alycia Stokes, Becky Soper, Danny Suter, Jesse Ubele----121111

iFLY Colorado Springs Best of August15131411191183

Indoor Cloud League August 2022: iFLY Colorado Springs
iFLY Colorado Springs team in August 2022
It was not only record participation with a few new 4-way competitors last month. The leaderboard for the year is also showing that the newest Indoor Cloud League team has also increased the total number of points consistently and month by month.

The first team posted a total of 43 points and missed a scoring number for one of the six sequences. That has not happened again ever since. Emily Bombardi and Eric Daniel have covered all six sequences since June, and their iFLY Colorado Springs team has almost doubled the total four months later (43 - 83). It seems to be only a matter of time when the magic total number of 100 points will be posted for the first time.

The consistency of Emily Bombardi's and Eric Daniel's Indoor Cloud League events in their area has increased interest and performance level both. August was the first month with all scores higher than ten points. The iFLY Colorado Springs team has not posted a highscore yet on the monthly leaderboards. However, the progress since joining in May could produce competitive scores in different categories very soon, as well.

Indoor Cloud League 2022JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTotal
Flying Chamber: 14+ Feet
1iFLY DallasUS113132123101131111122-----833
2Hurricane FactoryCZ142146141109123109------770
3Paraclete XPUS977464132142106------615
4iFLY Colorado SpringsUS----43687083----264
5ICL MidwestUS------124-----124

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