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Did You Know...

... that XPG4 has a very full plate with 4-way, 8-way and indoor Cloud League?

Jeana Billings and Michelle Karamon with XP8 at the USPA Nationals 2022
image by: USPA/Skydive Chicago
posted Oct 3rd, 2022 - The NSL News has pointed out often enough how busy the XPG4 agenda has recently been, even more so for the two team members who have been training and competing with XP8 at the same time, Jeana Billings and Michelle Karamon.

Together they have been 8-way team members since 2018 and won their first 8-way title at the USPA Nationals 2018. As reigning USPA 8-way champions they added 4-way training and competition to their agenda and launched the XPG4 project with the beginning of the 2019 season.

They came back from their first world meet, the FAI Tanay Mondial, as 8-way world champions in August 2021, and then they also qualified in 4-way Women at the USPA Nationals 2021. The NSL News reported on 6 November 2021 how Jeana Billings and Michelle Karamon completed their own FS Sweep at the national championships.

At the same time, they have been running the Indoor Cloud League activities at Paraclete XP, together with their team mates, Brenn Richards and Anna Brunner, this year while they are also preparing for their second outdoor world meet with XP8 and the first one with XPG4. They could be a part of a new FS Sweep at an outdoor world meet, as the U.S. delegation has top contenders in all events.

Coming this Week: Hall of Fame Induction Class of 2022: Eliana Rodriguez - Pete Allum - Solly Williams - Support the US Parachute Team Trust Fund

Paraclete XP's Indoor Cloud League highscores in July and August
XPG4 at the USPA Nationals 2022
image by: USPA/Skydive Chicago
Jeana Billings and Michelle Karamon repeated their own USPA Sweep in 8-way and 4-way Women and added once again 16-way gold medals to their collection. Only in 10-way Speed they missed the top spot this year, as the NSL News reported on September 18th.

It was no surprise that Paraclete XP's Indoor Cloud League team had to get in line behind the USPA Nationals and the upcoming outdoor world meet. However, the ICL events took place, and the scores and videos were just delayed at this very busy time of the world meet year.

The XPG4 team knows how to work together, and they share the Indoor Cloud League activities as efficiently as possible. The scores and videos for July and August have eventually been added to the leaderboard, and the results for the month of September will follow very soon. XPG4 performed the two Open Class sequences (AAA/AA) in the middle of their outdoor training, and they needed help this time. Michelle Karamon was not available for the July and August sequences, and XP8 team mate Kirk Verner substituted for her point slot.

Indoor Cloud League 2022JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTotal
Flying Chamber: 14+ Feet
1iFLY DallasUS113132123101131111122-----833
2Paraclete XPUS97746413214210681103----799
3Hurricane FactoryCZ142146141109123109------770
4iFLY Colorado SpringsUS----43687083----264
5ICL MidwestUS------12478----212

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