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Did You Know...

... that Czech Open and SVNH Indoor Fest both have long traditions?

Driving force: Meet Director Ben Liston in 2013
posted Dec 31st, 2022 - It was coincidence that connected the Indoor Cloud League update on December 26th directly with the first two indoor meets of the coming year. The story of 10-year anniversary of the Indoor Cloud League pointed out that SkyVenture New Hampshire and Hurricane Factory were the first two windtunnels that joined the indoor duel between Florida and Northwest Skydiving League.

The same two windtunnels in Prague, Czech Republic, and Nashua, New Hampshire, will now be hosting the first indoor meets of the new coming year, the Hurricane Factory first on January 13th, followed by SkyVenture New Hampshire on January 21st.

It is also the 10-year anniversary for the two Indoor Cloud League teams who joined the two dueling indoor groups in Orlando and Seattle in March (SkyVenture New Hampshire) and June (Hurricane Factory) of 2013.

The two current annual indoor competitions, Czech Open and New Hampshire Tunnel Meet, had their inaugural events at similar times. Jan Klapka opened the doors for guest teams in 2016, as soon as he began running national indoor championships at the end of the indoor winter season. SkyVenture New Hampshire's Indoor Cloud League team submitted the first scores and videos two months after the first New Hampshire Tunnel Fest in January 2013.

Indoor Cloud League 2013JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTotal
Flying Chamber: 12+ Feet
1iFLY OrlandoUS941091261251131211311101011151201621427
2iFLY SeattleUS931181121101211041121221081201361431399
3SkyVenture New HampshireUS--6582657386-34514148545
4Hurricane FactoryCZ-----3157574248117130482
5iFLY SF BayUS-------58305785126230
5SkyVenture MontrealCA-------5830578559230
Driving force: Meet Director Jan Klapka in 2013
Jeff Atherton, Colleen and Brian Touhey were organizing the Indoor Cloud League activities at Skyventure New Hampshire for three years, while the New Hampshire Tunnel Meet continued to grow in participation and popularity, with Ben Liston as meet director and driving force, until the implications of the corona virus crisis interfered.

The Indoor Cloud League teams in Florida and the Northwest enjoyed the new company on the monthly leaderboards in 2013 and welcomed the Czech 4-way teams in June the same year. By the end of 2013, six teams had completed all six sequences in four consecutive months.

The same year, Jan Klapka had organized the first national indoor championships at the Hurricane Factory, and a total of 33 teams in the four NSL categories had attended the New Hampshire Tunnel Fest in January.

The Indoor Cloud League teams from Orlando and Seattle still dominated on the monthly leaderboards and claimed all the highscores on the 2013 leaderboard. However, the Czech teams and Lori Connor's ICL group in Northern California began to generate strong teams and scoring numbers.

Indoor Cloud League 2013
Rank March 12+ P,17,5 P,6,7 P,C,7 P,B,C M,P,E M,P Total
1 iFLY Orlando  US  27 -2 16    20 -4 21 -2 19    23 -2 126
2 iFLY Seattle  US  21    15    19    22    17    18 -1 112
3 SkyVenture New Hampshire  US  17 -2 16    15    5    7    5    65

Indoor Cloud League March 2013: iFLY Orlando
AAA awards at the Czech Open 2022
The dominating position of the two original Indoor Cloud League teams was over in 2014 when Jan Klapka was guiding his Czech teams to the top position on the annual leaderboard. Orlando and Seattle had to share the monthly highscores also with the new ICL team at SkyVenture Montreal.

Jan Klapka joined the Indoor Cloud League with only two teams in June 2013. His Bad Boys performed the AAA Class sequence (16), and Best of Relative added 15 points for the A Class sequence.

He was back with the Bad Boys and three other teams in July and finally submitted a full set of six scores and videos in November for the first time. A year later, the Hurricane Factory team finished in the top spot of the annual leaderboard with a total of 1567 points, 13 points ahead of Orlando (1554) and six other teams.

The 2023 events of the Czech Open and the New Hampshire Tunnel Meet are coming up in January, and both have evolved into first-class 4-way indoor competitions, which are open for any and all teams.

Indoor Cloud League 2013
Rank June 12+ E,Q,7,3 7,Q,14 E,Q,7 Q,E,F M,Q,E M,Q Total
1 iFLY Orlando  US  25    14    15    31    25    11    121
2 iFLY Seattle  US  -    17    24    21    22    20    104
3 SkyVenture New Hampshire  US  16    15    13    10    12 -1 7    73
4 Hurricane Factory  CZ  16    -    15    -    -    -    31

Indoor Cloud League June 2013: Orlando - Seattle - New Hampshire - Hurricane Factory
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