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Did You Know...

... that 11 points (126 - 115) separate 1st and 4th place on the ICL January leaderboard?

SDC Rhythm XP 4-way camp at Skydive Sebastian
posted Feb 4th, 2023 - Earlier updates of the Indoor Cloud League's beginning of a new year indicated that the 2023 season could match the apparent comeback situation of other events after the corona virus break. The momentum continues after several of the January scores and videos were posted earlier than usual.

Even before the still missing January submissions of last year's winner, the Indoor Cloud League team at iFLY Dallas, the January participation is already significantly better compared to the two previous years. Four teams have posted complete sets of all six sequences, and Anion Flux XP member Felipe Giustina is preparing a more consistent presence on the ICL leaderboards with a team from iFLY Fort Lauderdale in Florida.

Three other different windtunnels in Florida (Orlando, Tampa, Jacksonville) participated in the past and before the corona virus crisis interrupted or terminated the regular events. Felipe Giustina is a new and passionate 4-way competitor, who will soon come back either with Anion Flux XP or a different team. He recently attended a SDC Rhythm XP 4-way camp at Skydive Sebastian where he connected with more like-minded 4-way competitors.

He said that he has been participating at indoor events at iFLY Fort Lauderdale where he has noticed growing interest in 4-way training and competition. The first score of the potential Indoor Cloud League team is the 10-pointer for the AA Class sequence. He said that the lineup performed the vertical Block 6 technique for the first time on the event day.

Indoor Cloud League 2023
Rank January 14+ D,1,B,12 G,1,6 N,E,7 N,E,G M,D,B M,N Total
1 Paraclete XP  US  22 24 18 21 23 18 126
2 iFLY Colorado Springs  US  21 20 23 19 25 14 122
3 Hurricane Factory  CZ  24 25 21 14 20 15 119
4 ICL Midwest  US  21 18 14 15 22 25 115
5 iFLY Fort Lauderdale  US  - 10 - - - - 10
A Class score in January: M Team
The Czech team at Prague's Hurricane Factory recently submitted their January scores and videos. HF Cubs and HF Flying Circus competed with each other in the two Open Class categories (AAA/AA) and posted the highscores for these two categories on the January leaderboard.

The two 4-way Junior teams, HF Flying Rebels and HF Chameleons, once again tried to copy their tangible and visible role models and follow their path as good as possible, performing the same AAA/AA sequences. Both teams would probably claim the highscores for the A Class sequence, as well, which they have not performed after scoring 25 and higher twice. The Indoor Cloud League rules require participants to move up to the next higher categories after scoring 25 and above.

Senior teams M Team and Accord have recently been taking care of the Czech A Class scores, while the youngest Czech 4-way juniors have started with A Class training. Smart Fish, Unicorns and Helicopters compete for the highest Rookie Class scores while learning the A Class dive pool. They were very close to each other after performing the four sequences (45 - 44 - 42) and Unicorns feature the R Class sequence with their 15-pointer.

Indoor Cloud League January 2023AAAAAARRRRRRTotal
Teams - Hurricane FactoryD,1,B,12 G,1,6 N,E,7 N,E,G M,D,B M,NTotal
HF Flying Circus2425----49
HF Cubs2423-----
HF Flying Rebels1922-----
HF Chameleons1819-----
M Team121521---21
Smart Fish--981114-
HF Helicopters--1191410-
Dycky Most---14201834

Hurricane Factory's Best of January242521142015119

Indoor Cloud League January 2023: Hurricane Factory Highscores
Senior team Dycky Most
Dycky Most is a senior team from the skydiving center in Most where Jan Klapka is running his outdoor training school. They joined the Indoor Cloud League events at the Hurricane Factory at the beginning of the indoor winter season of 2012/2022 and have competed at the monthly meets of the Czech Tunnel League ever since.

Their opponents at the ICL events and the league meets are mostly the Czech 4-way juniors, and they are a great target for the youngest Czech 4-way competitors, month by month. Dycky Most had the upper hand in January and posted the highscores in all three Rookie Class categories (RRR - RR - R).

Each team can only post highscores for two neighboring sequences, and Jan Klapka submitted Dycky Most's RRR and RR scores and videos for a total of 34 points. Unicorns added the 15-pointer for the R Class sequence.

The competition on the January leaderboard was tight, and the Hurricane Factory ended up in 3rd place with the total of 119 ICL points. ICL Midwest in 4th place finished only 11 points behind Paraclete XP in the January top spot (126 - 115), without iFLY Dallas on the leaderboard yet. The February sequences will be posted later today, and the Czech 4-way teams will be back in 10-round action next week.

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