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Did You Know...

... that HF Cubs, NFTO and XPG4 have never posted scores on the same leaderboard yet?

4-way Junior world champions 2019: HF Cubs
posted Feb 28th, 2023 - The series of national indoor championships and other indoor events at this time of the year create a very similar situation as it used to be before any vertical wind tunnels were built and used for training and eventually competition.

National outdoor championships, regular meets of the National Skydiving League and any other 4-way events were the opportunities for teams to collect real competition experiences and compare their scores with each other before attending world championships and world cups.

Eleven countries have already completed their national indoor championships this winter (in alphabetical order: Brazil, Czech Republic, Denmark, Great Britain, Finland, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Sweden, Spain, United States), and there will be more coming before Round 1 of the FAI Indoor World Championship 2023 in April.

The NSL News has covered all the events with scores, videos and other updates, and two of the most recent events were completed in the Czech Republic, Spain and United States. The Czech teams have additional monthly meet opportunities, indoors and outdoors, together with some other countries who participate in the National Skydiving League 4-way network. They completed another 10-round competition in February, and the next one in March is coming up soon.

Czech Tunnel League February 2023
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class 11,C,M,6 14,J,3 B,16,D,19 1,P,H,13 O,22,G,17 7,4,15 2,5,9 Q,E,L,21 20,10,A F,12,8 Total Avg
1 HF Cubs 26 22 25 29 25 24 22 29 21 22  245 24.5
2 HF Flying Circus 25 22 27 25 23 22 23 30 21 22  240 24.0
3 HF Flying Rebels 24 19 26 25 21 21 20 26 16 22  220 22.0
4 HF Chameleons 19 18 23 23 20 18 20 24 16 18  199 19.9
5 M Team 17 13 17 16 13 13 12 17 11 10  139 13.9
6 Accord 14 11 14 14 11 11 11 15 8 12  121 12.1

HF Cubs - HF Flying Circus at the February meet of the Czech Tunnel League, video footage courtesy of Jan Klapka and Hurricane Factory Prague
4-way Women world cup champions 2022: HF Cubs
The February meet of the Czech Tunnel League was completed only two days before Round 1 of the Spanish Indoor Nationals, and the three Czech national indoor teams (HF Cubs in 4-way Women, HF Flying Circus in 4-way Open, HF Flying Rebels in 4-way Junior) posted scores for their next set of ten indoor meet rounds, together with the second 4-way Junior team, the HF Chameleons, and two more senior AAA Class teams.

Then the U.S. teams followed up another week later, where Arizona Airspeed provided more evidence for their currently dominating position in the 4-way world. Arizona Airspeed in 4-way Open and XPG4 in 4-way Women will represent the United States at the indoor world championship in Slovakia.

There is arguably no doubt that Arizona Airspeed is without any serious opposition in 4-way indoor and outdoor competition at this point in time. However, there are silver and bronze medals to win in 4-way Open, and the finish within the Top 10 of the world has been a topic for the NSL News for many years. The situation in the other 4-way events (Women - Junior) is less predictable when it comes to the top spot and FAI gold medals.

Spanish Indoor Nationals 2023
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
RankAAA Class G,N,18,4 3,K,M,J 10,O,2 8,E,F,A 12,17,14 13,5,D C,Q,21,20 6,B,9 16,11,1 19,7,15 Total Avg
1 Papea 1ES 24 31 21 30 19 24 25 33 23 25 255 25.5
Paraclete XP Indoor 2023
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank AAA/4-way Open/Women 15,14,5 19,9,1 10,J,17 M,B,G,E,F 3,18,4 Q,6,C,D 11,7,8 16,H,2 K,N,L,13 A,20,P,O Total Avg
5 XPG4 US 18 23 24 48 18 29 20 23 25 26 254 25.4

Papea at the Spanish Indoor Nationals 2023 - XPG4 at the U.S. Indoor Nationals 2023, video footage courtesy of Windoor Barcelona and Paraclete XP
3rd place at FAI European Indoor Championships 2022: HF Flying Circus
HF Cubs and XPG4 are considered indoor top contenders in 4-way Women, and they will be direct opponents in the battle for FAI medals in Slovakia. The HF Cubs are still the reigning 4-way Junior world champions of 2019, and they won the 4-way Women competition at the FAI Indoor World Cup 2022 in Charleroi, as well.

The Czech 4-way Women team will probably be the top contender for the gold medals if they can return timely to the scoring and performance level of a year ago. They have been gaining momentum meet by meet this winter, knowing that the new outdoor world champions in their event, NFTO, will try to take away the top spot in 4-way Women. XPG4, NFTO and HF Cubs will post their scores for the first time on the same leaderboard and at the same location, after comparing their scores only indirectly so far.

At the same time, 4-way Open Class teams HF Flying Circus and Papea from Spain are looking back at the competition in Charleroi a year ago, where they were battling with each other within the Top 10 of the 4-way Open Class competition. Their rematch will probably create once again an exciting duel. The Czech, Spanish and U.S. teams had three different competition draws at their recent indoor events. Teams, competitors, coaches and audience have the opportunity to interpret the results accordingly.

FAI Indoor World Cup 2022
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank AAA/Open/Women - Top 10 O,18,14 L,C,F,9 1,J,H,19 3,E,P,Q 20,7,16 2,13,8 17,D,6 N,22,A,G 12,5,11 M,21,4 Total Avg
1 Arizona Airspeed US 29 54 -3 35 41 29 25 39 37 27 30 346 34.6
2 Aerokart Monaco Akdemie FR 25 -1 58 28 -3 39 -2 25 25 33 32 24 28 -2 317 31.7
3 NMP-PCH Hayabusa BE 23 -1 54 -1 30 -1 38 -2 26 23 32 31 -1 24 28 -1 309 30.9
4 HF Cubs CZ 24 47 -2 24 -5 34 -2 23 -2 23 30 32 22 26 -1 285 28.5
5 ISR FireFlash BE 22 -1 41 -4 27 -2 36 22 -1 21 31 28 21 -1 27 276 27.6
6 Nephtys FR 22 44 -1 28 33 -2 23 20 -1 29 29 -1 21 -1 23 -1 272 27.2
7 Skydive Midwest NEXT US 22 44 28 30 -2 20 -1 22 26 -1 27 20 -1 24 263 26.3
8 HF Flying Circus CZ 21 -1 39 -3 27 -2 33 -1 20 -2 21 28 -1 27 -1 21 23 -2 260 26.0
9 Meraki UK 19 -1 43 25 -1 30 -1 23 20 26 27 20 24 257 25.7
10 Papea Masculino ES 20 -1 41 -1 26 -2 31 21 -1 17 -2 25 -1 27 -1 21 24 253 25.3

HF Cubs - HF Flying Circus - Papea at the FAI Indoor World Cup 2022 - Footage Courtesy of FAI/ISC/Airspace Charleroi
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