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Did You Know...

... that SDU GenZ member Patricia Herdicky has been following NSL News updates regularly?

XPG4 with Niklas Hemlin at Flyspot Wraclav
posted Apr 19th, 2023 - The countdown of the NSL News to the FAI Indoor World Championship 2023 at the Hurricane Factory Tatralandia in Slovakia included NSL Live Talk with the U.S. national tema in 4-way Women, XPG4. The conversation took place at the Hurricane Factory in Prague, where Arizona Airspeed and XPG4 completed their last training camp before the competition.

HF Flying Circus member Martina Vavackova was flying at the same place with her own team, after the training camp in Wroclav, as the NSL News reported on April 17th. She had interviewed Arizona Airspeed live for the NSL News after the outdoor world championship in October last year, and she was available for conducting the next NSL Live Talk at her home tunnel in Prague.

XPG4 had completed the last hour of flying time in Vroclav and were ready to continue the travel agenda to Europe with the next trip from Poland to Slovakia. Monday was the last training day, and XPG4 were planning to drive from Vroclav to the Hurricane Factory Tatralandia in Slovakia on Tuesday.

XPG4 were considered a contender for the FAI gold medals in 4-way Women after Jeana Billings committed to replace Shannon Catalano for training and competition throughout the indoor world championship, as the NSL News reported on March 26th. They left no doubt during the interview with Martina Vavackova that the gold medals are the only goal in Slovakia, even though Gary Smith and Kirk Verner agreed on April 11th that British team NFTO are probably the top favorite in 4-way Women.

FAI Indoor World Championship 2023
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Total Avg
Rank 4-way Women Power Rankings TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Total Avg
1 NFTO UK - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2 France 4-way Women FR - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2 HF Cubs CZ - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2 XPG4 US - - - - - - - - - - - - -
5 Piteraq DE - - - - - - - - - - - - -
6 Airdrops CH - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7 Windabona Angels Chicas ES - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7 Fire Phoenix IT - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7 Kiss My Grips SK - - - - - - - - - - - - -

NSL Live Talk with XPG4 and Martina Vavackova
Hurricane Factory Tatralandia facilities
The NSL News transitioned from Poland to Slovakia with the stop at the Hurricane Factory in Prague before arriving at the competition site on Wednesday. There was enough time for a sightseeing tour of the windtunnel facilities and for recording the last flying sessions of participating teams at the end of the air speed test.

The related NSL-TV Unfiltered video features Arizona Airspeed (United States), Echochamber (Sweden), Meraki (Great Britain), Purple Maze (Finland) and HF Flying Circus with their last flying sessions before they will enter the 14-foot flying chamber again on Thursday morning for Round 1.

The NSL News settled with the camera on the top level of the wind tunnel, where members of Slovakia's 4-way Junior team SDU GenZ waited for the opening ceremony and watched the senior teams in action. Unfortunately, only two teams, HF Flying Rebels and the home team, are finally registered for the 4-way Junior competition. However, Patricia Herdicky, in the point slot for SDU GenZ, told the NSL News that her team is still very excited and sees the competition as a starting point.

SDU GenZ have been training for the indoor world championship for six months, and Patricia Herdicky has been following the NSL News updates regularly. She was very well informed of the whole 4-way competition world. Next step on the way to her the first world meet round was the opening ceremony a little later in the Liptov Arena next door.

Speed Test on Wednesday evening - Opening ceremony for the FAI Indoor World Championship 2023
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