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Did You Know...

... that Piteraq makes room for Meltemi Oceanside in Germany?

Piteraq at the FAI Indoor World Championship 2023
posted May 26th, 2023 - The teams behind the four medal contenders on the 4-way Women leaderboard of the FAI Indoor World Championship 2023 gave each other comfortable space and did not challenge each other too much, while the battle for the medals was going on at the same time.

Germany's team Piteraq, bronze medalists at the FAI Indoor World Cup 2022, ended up right in the middle position of the 4-way Women leaderboard, with exactly the same lineup as the one in Charleroi last year. The four teams ahead of them were out of reach, and the four teams behind were all new and attended their first FAI indoor competition.

The situation for the German team was still much more challenging for themselves, compared to last year's indoor world cup. Team member Susa Serra, Piteraq's outside center, dislocated her shoulder literally at the last minute before Round 1. It happened at the end of the speed test when the team was leaving the flying chamber.

The shoulder relocated itself without any treatment and adjustment, while Susa Serra still had to perform the ten competition rounds in pain. Back in Germany, a medical examination confirmed the dislocation, and Susa Serra had to schedule a shoulder surgery that will take place very soon.

FAI Indoor World Championship 2023
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank 4-way Women E,14,3 K,F,22,17 O,7,5 N,2,18 L,P,12,15 M,10,D,H 16,9,C 1,G,J,8 4,Q,21 6,20,A Total Avg
1 France 4-way Women FR 24 -2 30 -1 34 -1 22 -1 27 36 34 -1 27 25 26 285 28.5
2 XPG4 US 25 28 -1 33 25 25 -2 36 29 -3 24 -2 26 25 -2 276 27.6
3 NFTO UK 25 -1 29 30 -2 20 -3 22 -3 32 34 -1 27 -1 23 -2 26 268 26.8
4 HF Cubs CZ 22 -2 25 -3 33 23 -1 19 -5 31 -1 33 -1 25 -3 23 -4 24 -2 258 25.8
5 Piteraq DE 22 19 -2 25 19 20 27 24 20 21 21 218 21.8
6 Airdrops CH 18 -1 19 -2 23 13 -3 19 24 22 -1 19 21 16 -4 194 19.4
7 Windabona Angels Chicas ES 18 16 -1 20 -1 16 -1 16 -1 22 16 -4 16 -1 18 17 -1 175 17.5
8 Fire Phoenix IT 17 17 -1 20 14 14 -2 20 -2 16 -2 14 -1 16 16 164 16.4
9 Kiss My Grips SK 13 -1 14 -2 19 14 12 19 16 -3 16 -1 16 13 -2 152 15.2

Piteraq at the FAI Indoor World Championship 2023, video footage courtesy of FAI/InTime
Piteraq fans: Susa Serra's family in Slovakia
The indoor competition season was over after the world cup, and Piteraq have plenty of time to recover from injury and think about potential plans for the future. However, the end of the indoor season was the beginning of the outdoor season for Piteraq members Petra Jastram and Linda Koeb who also train and compete with the outdoor lineup of the German national team in 4-way Women, Meltemi Oceanside.

They had Andrea Kleinschmidt and Stephanie Meyer in the outdoor lineup throughout the FAI Outdoor World Championship 2022, with Pablo Fahrenschon on camera, and they will continue with a new team member, Franzi Wiesler.

The NSL News mentioned the change in the lineup with an update on January 29th, and Franzi Wiesler was ready for training action after recently completing her school graduation, and with the beginning of the Meltemi outdoor season after the indoor world cup.

However, the Meltemi training of the new lineup actually began already earlier, and it was not only indoor training. The new lineup traveled to California in the spring, where Arizona Airspeed's Niklas Hemlin was coaching the team.

FAI Outdoor World Meet 2022
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank 4-way Women 20,16,B P,D,21,13 17,K,11 E,A,19,22 2,9,M C,14,F,12 3,6,18 4,10,1 8,Q,O,H 5,7,J Total Avg
1 NFTO UK 18 23 21 21 25 15 -2 17 14 -1 23 23 200 20.0
2 Nephtys FR 16 -2 20 -1 19 21 23 14 17 14 -1 24 21 189 18.9
3 XPG4 US 17 -1 21 -1 18 -1 20 -1 20 -3 16 15 15 21 -2 21 184 18.4
4 Meltemi Oceanside DE 15 17 13 17 20 14 14 9 -2 18 16 153 15.3

Meltemi Oceanside at the FAI Outdoor World Meet 2022 - Video Footage Courtesy of FAI/ISC and OmniSkore!HD
Meltemi Oceanside take over outdoor training and competition
Franzi Wiesler entered the training camp at Oceanside with a total of 320 jumps in her logbook. Piteraq/Meltemi member Linda Koeb said that she and her other team mates were impressed with her performance level at this stage in her skydiving career.

The work with Niklas Hemlin created a solid foundation for Meltemi, and the team will continue to train as much as possible before the FAI Outdoor World Cup 2023. Meltemi will compete in Norway and then follow up a few weeks later at Germany's national outdoor championship, the qualification event for the next world championship in Israel 2024.

Meltemi resume outdoor training at Paranodon Illertissen on the coming weekend, this time with coach David Grauwels. Niklas Hemlin will be back with Meltemi for the next training camp at Oceanside at the end of June. The outdoor world cup in Norway in August will be the first international competition for the new team member.

Pablo Fahrenschon continues on Meltemi camera after joining the team in June last year. Linda Koeb said that he is still just as excited to film the team in action, and he is looking forward to his next international experience after the outdoor world championship in Eloy.

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