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Did You Know...

... that Italy's Amnesya could be the top contender for the 5th place in Norway?

Amnesya at the FAI Indoor World Cup 2022
posted Jul 9th, 2023 - The NSL News reported on June 27th that Echochamber will not compete for Sweden at the FAI Outdoor World Cup 2023. Aurora represents the Scandinavian country, and Italy's national 4-way Open Class team Amnesya will take on Spain's military Papea lineup to compete for the 5th place instead of Echochamber.

This prediction is only according to the most recent NSL Power Rankings, which use the previous and most recent scores of the teams for the expected and estimated positions on the leaderboards. Papea are currently considered the top contender for the 5th place, after the 6th place behind Chimera at the FAI Outdoor World Championship 2022. Chimera called the 4-way team career after the event, where Echochamber finished one single point behind Papea in 7th place.

Amnesya moved quickly into the open slot as Papea's main challenger due to the impressive history of the team and the fact that it will be the same outdoor lineup of 2022 in Norway. Chiara Brunetti, Livio Piccolo, Fabrizio Alghisi and Alessandro Anderlucci competed together for the first time at the 6th Dubai International Parachuting Championship (DIPC) where Papea won with an 18.1 average, 30 points ahead of Amnesya. They reversed the outcome of this duel just a week later at the 1st Dubai International Tunnel Championship (DIPC).

Chiara Brunetti, Livio Piccolo and Alessandro Anderlucci then competed with Amnesya founder Giuseppe Cossu at the FAI Indoor World Cup 2022, where Papea took back the upper hand between Spain (9th) and Italy (13th). Giuseppe Cossu then launched a new team project with FLY X and outscored Papea at the FAI Indoor World Championship 2023.

FAI Outdoor World Cup 2023
1Arizona AirspeedUS-------------
2France 4-way OpenFR-------------
3NMP PCH HayaBusaBE-------------
4Qatar Tigers QA -------------

5Amnesya IT -------------
5SDC Rhythm XPUS-------------
5Skydive Midwest NEXT US -------------
9Airbus Illertissen OceansideDE-------------
9Agera NO -------------
9Out Of The BlueNL-------------

12Lightspeed XPUS-------------
12Qatar Cheetahs QA -------------
12Qatar LionsQA-------------
15Aurora SE -------------
15Chaotic MotionNL-------------
15Sequenz DK -------------
15Lux NL -------------
20Deep n FilthyUK-------------
204Reigners UK -------------
Bronze medals: Amnesya at the FAI Indoor World Cup 2018
Giuseppe Cossu's FLY X lineup (Arianna De Benedetti, Marco Arrigo, Federico Angelotti) had not competed at Italy's outdoor championship in 2022 where Amnesya won the 4-way title with an 18.6 average. This 18.6 average compares to exactly the same average number for Papea at the outdoor world championship, a few months after the Italian Outdoor Nationals in August 2022.

Amnesya leaped from the 15.1 in December 2021 to the 18.6 less than a year later, which helped to set the Italian team in the current position of the NSL Power Rankings. Even more importantly, Amnesya had a whole year with the same lineup to get prepared for this year's outdoor events and the outdoor world cup in Norway. Papea will probably meet a well trained opponent for the 5th place in Norway.

Team member Chiara Brunetti, who has trained and competed with the different Amnesya lineups since 2016, will meet one of her earlier team mates in Norway. NMP PCH HayaBusa's outside center Michele Silvi, 4-way Open Class world champions of 2021, trained and competed with Chiara Brunetti for Amnesya between November 2016 and October 2018. Amnesya with Chiara Brunetti and Michele Silvi (Giuseppe Cossu, Mario Fatturoso) placed 6th at the FAI Outdoor World Championship 2018 and followed up with bronze medals a few weeks later at the FAI Indoor World Cup 2018.

FAI Outdoor World Championship 2018
Rank4-way Open21,L,B,G22,18,1719,7,OJ,16,1210,A,D,15Q,M,F,C,NH,20,P,136,14,11E,2,54,1,3TotalAvg
1NMP-PCH Hayabusa BE  32    21    27 -2 24    22 -3 62 -2 22 -2 20 -1 27 -1 22    27927.9
2Arizona Airspeed US  26 -5 21    27 -1 24    24 -1 60 -1 26    22    27    20    27727.7
3Aerodyne Realfly FR  29 -1 19    24 -2 23    24    52 -3 20 -3 17 -3 24    19    25125.1
4Qatar Tigers QA  24 -2 14 -1 24 -1 21    22    53 -4 21 -1 18    20    17    23423.4
5Echochamber SE  25 -1 16    21 -1 17 -2 20 -1 48 -4 14 -3 18    21 -1 15 -1 21521.5
6Amnesya IT  24 -2 14    20 -1 18    18 -1 48 -5 18    14 -2 21 -1 15    21021.0
7Satori XL UK  21    14 -1 21    19    19    37 -3 19    17    18 -1 16 -1 20120.1
7Airheads CH  22 -3 14 -2 19 -2 17 -1 18    44    16    16 -2 18 -1 17    20120.1
9Evolution CA  21 -1 13 -2 22    18 -1 15 -3 43 -2 15 -5 15 -2 19    15    19619.6
10Airbus FSZ Saar DE  21 -1 14 -1 17 -5 17    16 -1 45 -1 15 -3 14 -1 18 -1 15    19219.2
11Tanay Wolves RU  22    14    18 -1 17    16 -2 35 -3 17 -3 14 -1 18 -1 14    18518.5
12Rotor Out AU  21 -1 13 -1 18 -2 14 -1 16 -1 32 -3 13 -7 13 -1 18    14    17217.2
13CTR Optimum BR  19    10    17 -1 15    13 -1 31    14    14    18    13    16416.4
14Papea Masculino ES  17 -1 13    18    13 -1 13    28 -3 14 -1 14 -1 13 -2 12    15515.5
15Out of the Blue Project 20+ NL  16 -1 11 -1 13 -3 14    15 -1 28 -2 15 -1 15    14 -2 12 -1 15315.3
16Meraki ZA  14 -3 11    14    14    13    28 -1 12 -1 12    14    12   14414.4
17Method NZ  10 -4 9    12    11    10    21    7 -3 11    10 -1 11    11211.2
18Paraguay PY  10 -1 8    10 -1 7 -2 9    17    7 -4 8 -1 10    8 -1949.4
19Cyprus CY  13 -1 8    9 -2 8    7 -2 19 -1 7    8    9    5 -2939.3

Amnesya - Papea at the FAI World Championship 2018, Video Footage Courtesy of FAI/InTime
Bronze medals: Sinapsi PD at the FAI Outdoor World Championship 2006
Chiara Brunetti's new team mate since 2019, Livio Piccolo, is one of the very few Italian Formation Skydiving competitors who have won a medal at an outdoor world championship. He was in the Sinapsi PD lineup (Arianna de Benedetti, Luca Marchioro, Pete Allum) who won the bronze medals at the FAI Outdoor World Championship 2006. Only Italy's national 4-way Open Class team of 1991 and Ex3mo's 8-way lineup of 2008 won FAI bronze medals, as well.

It is very difficult for any 4-way team in the world to keep up with the four full-time top contenders who will have to battle once again for the three sets of FAI medals in Norway this year and then in Israel 2024. The competition behind the medal positions usually presents the strongest "amateur team" as a result, even though Papea is actually a full-time military team. However, neither Papea nor Amnesya have achieved the 5th place at an outdoor world championship or world cup yet, and the next opportunity is coming up.

Only the Spanish team has met one of the two potential U.S. contenders at an FAI event before. Doug Barron competed with SDC Rhythm XP at the FAI Tanay Mondial, and the 2021 lineup, with Christy Frikken for JaNette Lefkowitz, outscored not only Papea. They finished in 2nd place, ahead of Qatar Tigers and France. The new Rhythm lineup is probably not ready yet to compete for FAI medals, and even the 5th place is a challenge.

Skydive Midwest NEXT compete for the first time at an FAI outdoor competition. The previous lineup, including current members Greg Oldendick and Gorka Amian, collected their first international FAI experiences at the FAI Indoor World Cup 2022 in Belgium. The new lineup, with Katie Healy and Brian Nasset, now travel to Norway for even more valuable outdoor experiences. Both U.S. teams will be facing very strong opposition in the battle for the 5th place.

FAI Tanay Mondial 2020
1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Avg
Rank 4-way Open O,19,Q,5 17,B,E,P H,15,12 M,N,7,F K,L,C,4 J,18,16 Total Avg
1 NMP-PCH Hayabusa BE 32 41 -1 23 43 30 -4 24 -1 193 32.2
2 SDC Rhythm XP US 25 -2 35 -5 22 39 26 -4 22 169 28.2
3 Qatar Tigers QA 24 -1 38 -2 19 34 26 19 -2 160 26.7
4 Aerodyne Cypres Lille FR 23 33 19 32 24 21 152 25.3
5 Papea Masculino ES 18 -2 27 -2 14 24 -4 19 16 -1 118 19.7
6 Kazakhstan KZ 19 -1 23 -1 13 24 -1 17 15 111 18.5
7 Out of the Blue NL 12 -2 25 15 23 -2 18 15 -1 108 18.0
8 Adventure Flyers PY 12 15 11 14 -1 14 7 73 12.2
9 Indonesia ID 3 -2 6 -1 1 -3 10 -4 1 -2 5 -1 26 4.3

SDC Rhythm XP - Papea at the FAI Tanay Mondial 2020, Video Footage Courtesy of FAI/InTime
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