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Did You Know...

... that Christy Frikken's NSL Profile needed a new update?

Original Perris Fury lineup at the 2016 reunion
posted Aug 7th, 2023 - The NSL Profiles were created beginning in 2001, and they reflected different generations of Formation Skydiving competitors. Christy Frikken was a part of the second generation, and her career story was posted when she was awarded with the "Skydiver of the Year" title that the Skydiving Magazine had created even longer ago.

Skydiving Magazine's co-owner Sue Clifton had decided in 2015 to donate the remaining Skydiver of the Year trophies to the National Skydiving League, after her partner Mike Truffer died in a skydiving accident in 2013. She did not have any requirements for the future use of the awards and left the new purpose up to the NSL mission. Christy Frikken had received her Skydiver of the Year trophy directly from Sue Clifton and Mike Truffer who permitted the NSL News to reprint the related article and use it for her NSL Profile.

The original profile story of the Skydiving Magazine covered Christy Frikken's career until 2007, and it took eight years until the NSL News published an update on 14 July 2015. The original Skydiver of the Year story covered mostly Christy Frikken's coaching and organizing activities, while she trained and competed with Perris Fury. The team continued for several years and became one of the best 4-way teams in the world.

The NSL News update on 14 July 2015 eventually followed up with an overview of Christy Frikken's competition career. She has been a passionate and eager 4-way and 8-way competitor, which she emphasized in her profile overview when asked about her next ten years in the sport: "Stumped trying to figure out a place to store all those world meet medals."

Southwest Skydiving League March 2005
RankAAA Class11,16,J15,17,HF,20,9P,L,5,67,Q,21E,3,K,4TotalAvg
1Perris Fury1616161716159616.0
2Perris Storm11713911116210.3
3Perris Rebels871110119569.3
4Perris Helion6610899488.0
RankAA Class11,115,8F,20,9P,L,67,Q,21E,4,KTotalAvg
1Elsinore Alloy98121011106010.0
2Elsinore Equinox871212109589.7
3Japanese Shooting Star789899508.3
4Perris Quest344463244.0
RankA Class21,J8,HF,9P,L,67,QE,4TotalAvg
1Elsinore Momentum436542244.0
2013 - 2015: Christy Frikken and Mikhail Markine with SDC Rhythm XP
Her answer reflected the humor that one of her fans and supporters explained in 2007: "She’s a wonderful organizer. She has brilliant ideas on fun, structured jumps and can execute them flawlessly. And she’s funny, too!"

The update in 2015 could still not report world meet medals yet. Perris Fury had won numerous USPA medals and was held back of a trip to a world meet only by Arizona Airspeed's 4-way dominance, even though Perris Fury came very close. However, Christy Frikken was not done with 4-way competition and her goal at all when the Perris Fury team project eventually faded out.

The 2015 update was posted when Christy Frikken was in her third year with SDC Rhythm XP. The new U.S. team of the next generation of U.S. world class 4-way teams was on the same journey. Christy Frikken was once again challenging Arizona Airspeed for the top spot in the United States and in the world. Current Airspeed member Mikhail Markine was in the same Rhythm lineup and her piece partner in the rear piece in the same three years.

Christy Frikken did not commit to a new full-time and high-profile team, when Mikhail Markine moved from the Rhythm headquarters in the Midwest to the Arizona desert and joined Arizona Airspeed. JaNette and Steve Lefkowitz had to rebuild SDC Rhythm XP without the two members of the past three years, and they did so with Andrew Happick and Doug Barron.

FAI Tanay Mondial
1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Avg
Rank 4-way Open O,19,Q,5 17,B,E,P H,15,12 M,N,7,F K,L,C,4 J,18,16 Total Avg
1 NMP-PCH Hayabusa BE 32 41 -1 23 43 30 -4 24 -1 193 32.2
2 SDC Rhythm XP US 25 -2 35 -5 22 39 26 -4 22 169 28.2
3 Qatar Tigers QA 24 -1 38 -2 19 34 26 19 -2 160 26.7
4 Aerodyne Cypres Lille FR 23 33 19 32 24 21 152 25.3
5 Papea Masculino ES 18 -2 27 -2 14 24 -4 19 16 -1 118 19.7
6 Kazakhstan KZ 19 -1 23 -1 13 24 -1 17 15 111 18.5
7 Out of the Blue NL 12 -2 25 15 23 -2 18 15 -1 108 18.0
8 Adventure Flyers PY 12 15 11 14 -1 14 7 73 12.2
9 Indonesia ID 3 -2 6 -1 1 -3 10 -4 1 -2 5 -1 26 4.3

SDC Rhythm XP at the FAI Tanay Mondial 2021
Christy Frikken with SDC Rhythm XP at the FAI Tanay Mondial
The new Rhythm lineup did not need much time to move back up to the U.S. spot behind Arizona Airspeed, and they upset the 4-way order of decades when they won the USPA 4-way Open Class title in 2019 at Skydive Paraclete XP. It was the consistency of four years of training and competition with the new lineup and an untimely personnel change for Arizona Airspeed that ended with the dramatic finish at the national outdoor championship in 2019, including an extra jump-off round.

The aftermath of the USPA Nationals 2019 reconnected Christy Frikken with SDC Rhyhtm XP and her pursuit of a world meet medal in 4-way Open. JaNette Lefkowitz could not continue, and SDC Rhythm XP needed a new inside center. They remembered their former team mate of 2013 - 2015, and Christy Frikken eventually traveled to Russia in August 2021 for the FAI Tanay Mondial where she won her first world meet medal in 4-way Open.

The new update of Christy Frikken's NSL Profile comes almost exactly another eight years after the previous one, and it includes the new and very relevant chapters in her competition career, after 37 years in the sport, and two years after winning the silver medal with SDC Rhythm XP in Tanay.

Christy Frikken now follows up with her contribution to skydiving that encouraged Sue Clifton andf Mike Truffer to credit her as the Skydiver of the Year 2007. She has agreed to continue her Perris Fury team mate Josh Hall's work as the league director of the Southern California Skydiving League, together with Mary SantAngelo, as the NSL News reported on February 5th. Christy Frikken's next profile update will probably be posted in 2031...

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