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Did You Know...

... that Whitefish had two goals for the long trip to Norway?

Norway's Fun Flag search group
posted Aug 25th, 2023 - The weather hold has continued for the whole Friday, however, all teams are still on stand-by in the afternoon. It's one of the most challenging situations in Formation Skydiving competition that cannot be trained well before attending a major event. It will be interesting to see how the teams will master the next round under these conditions. The days are long in Scandinavia, and there are still several hours of daylight available.

However, there are other purposes at an event like this one. The Fun Flag had another very busy day, which does not seem to be over yet. The host is supporting the Fun Flag efforts with regular updates that the temporary owners proudly report to the event management who follow up with sharing the latest showings.

The Fun Flag eventually ended up in the hands of the Norwegian host, as well. It was the second 4-way Open Class team, Grumsen, and 4-way Women team Thyra, who left their marks on the Fun Flag. Team videographer Lars Erik Sivertsen sacrificed his team shirt for the newest patch on the Fun Flag, and several members of Norway's delegation presented it for the publication.

It is not in a safe place yet, as the hunt continues. The NSL News received first-hand information that other teams keep their eyes closely on Fun Flag developments, and the host makes it easier with the updates. Only the resumption of the competition jumps will probably slow down the Fun Flag activities.

23rd FAI World Cup of Formation Skydiving
Rank4-way Open3,G,N,1911,17,L13,7,C2,D,O,814,K,J,129,M,P,H5,4,1815,1,1016,21,EF,20,6B,A,Q,22TotalAvg
1Arizona Airspeed US  26   27   26   25   22   48-1 22   21  -  -  -  21727.1
2France 4-way Open FR  23   25-1 26   24   19   45-1 19   19  -  -  -  20025.0
3NMP PCH HayaBusa BE  20-4 20-2 25   23-1 18-2 45   20   19  -  -  -  19023.8
4Qatar Tigers QA  20-1 22-1 23   20   19   40   13-4 17-1-  -  -  17421.8
5SDC Rhythm XP US  18   17-1 19-2 19   17   38   16  17  -  -  -  16120.1
6Airbus Illertissen Oceanside DE  17-1 18   20-1 17   14   31-1 15   15  -  -  -  14718.4
7Amnesya IT  16-1 17   19   17-1 16   31-1 15   14  -  -  -  14518.1
8Qatar Cheetahs QA  17   16   19   17   16   29   14   14  -  -  -  14217.8
9Papea ES  14-3 17-1 18-1 17   14-1 32   14-1 15  -  -  -  14117.6
10Out Of The Blue NL  17   15-1 18   16-1 15   31-4 14   13  -  -  -  13917.4
11Agera NO  15-2 13-2 16   18   12-1 32-1 13-1 15  -  -  -  13416.8
12Lightspeed XP US  14   15-1 17   15   12   30   13   13  -  -  -  12916.1
13Skydive Midwest NEXT US  15-1 11-4 16-2 16   13-1 32   14   10-1-  -  -  12715.9
14Chaotic Motion VIXX NL  15   13-2 15-3 16-1 13   30-1 12   11  -  -  -  12515.6
15Qatar Lions QA  0   14-1 16   18   13-2 31-2 15   14-1-  -  -  12115.1
16Aurora SE  14   14   15-1 13-1 12   26   11-1 13  -  -  -  11814.8
17Sequenz DK  14-1 12   15-1 12-1 10-1 24-1 12   11  -  -  -  11013.8
18Lux NL  12   11   13   13   10   23   10   9  -  -  -  10112.6
19Whitefish AU  11-1 10-1 14   13-1 11   20-1 9-2 11  -  -  -  9912.4
20Grumsen NO  12-1 9-1 12-2 13   10   21-3 7-2 10-1-  -  -  9411.8
21DNF UK  11-1 9   12   11   9   21   9-19  -  -  -  9111.4
22ALIS UA  11   10   9-2 11   10   20-1 9   9  -  -  -  8911.1
234igami NL  8   8   8   9-1 8   14-1 7   7  -  -  -  698.6
244Reigners UK  9   8   7-1 9   7   16-1 7   0-10-  -  -  637.9

NSL Live Talk with 4-way Open Class team Whitefish from Australia
Repaired Fun Flag with new Norwegian Grumsen and Thyra patches
The Australian 4-way Open Class team Whitefish left no doubt during the latest NSL Live Talk conversation that they have the Fun Flag on their list of goals for the outdoor world cup. The weather situation did not only increase the Fun Flag activities, there was also more than enough time for new team introductions and NSL Live Talk.

The NSL News mentioned in one of the earliest previews of the event that Whitefish will compete for Australia in Norway, and they made it happen after a very long travel. Team videographer Steve Tonson said that he needed four different planes to make it to Voss finally.

Whitefish had more athletic goals, as well. They are battling with one of the four Dutch teams (Lux) for the 18th place on the 4-way Open Class leaderboard. Current Norwegian Fun Flag owner Grumsen is ahead with the Fun Flag possession, while Whitefish is outscoring them on the leaderboard, where Grumsen is right behind them after Round 8.

Whitefish were also aiming at a 10-round meet without a 1-digit score. They have been on track until two penalties in Round 7 interfered with this goal. The 8-way teams are back in the air for the last round, and the Fun Flag may come to rest for a little while.

Round 7 of Whitefish at the FAI Outdoor World Cup 2023 - Video footage courtesy of InTime/FAI/ISC
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