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Did You Know...

... that Cheetahs and Lions had their own travel agenda?

Qatar Cheetahs at Skydive Voss
posted Sep 8th, 2023 - The next aftermath event was the British 4-way outdoor championship, which was completed last weekend, at the same time when the German 8-way teams battled for the top spot in their event. The British 8-way teams will follow up on the September 16 weekend.

The Qatar Falcons transitioned from Norway to Germany, as the NSL News reported yesterday, while the two farm teams, Cheetahs and Lions, had their own and different travel agenda. They could have met again the two German national 4-way teams, Airbus Illertissen Oceanside (4-way Open) and Meltemi Oceanside (4-way Women), who just returned from Skydive Voss to compete at the Fallschirmsportzentrum Saar.

However, coaches Gary Smith and Luc Verstrepen and their two 4-way teams, Cheetahs and Lions, preferred to travel to Moorsele in Belgium instead, where the two neighboring European countries, Belgium and Netherlands, merged their national championships into one open competition for the first time.

It was not the first time that Cheetahs and Lions competed in Belgium. They were guest teams at the Belgian Outdoor Nationals 2021, where they posted their scores on the AA Class leaderboard. Now they met the same four Belgian teams (ISR FireFlash, Ayro, Falco, Phoenix) with the current lineups on the AAA Class leaderboard.

23rd FAI World Cup of Formation Skydiving
Rank4-way Open3,G,N,1911,17,L13,7,C2,D,O,814,K,J,129,M,P,H5,4,1815,1,1016,21,EF,20,6TotalAvg
1Arizona Airspeed US  26   27   26   25   22   48-1 22   21   25   25  26726.7
2France 4-way Open FR  23   25-1 26   24   19   45-1 19   19   23   23  24624.6
3NMP PCH HayaBusa BE  20-4 20-2 25   23-1 18-2 45   20   19   24   24  23823.8
4Qatar Tigers QA  20-1 22-1 23   20   19   40   13-4 17-1 22   19-421521.5
5SDC Rhythm XP US  18   17-1 19-2 19   17   38   16   17   18   18-119719.7
6Airbus Illertissen Oceanside DE  17-1 18   20-1 17   14   31-1 15   15   18   18  18318.3
7Amnesya IT  16-1 17   19   17-1 16   31-1 15   14   18   18-118118.1
8Papea ES  14-3 17-1 18-1 17   14-1 32   14-1 15   18   18  17717.7
9Qatar Cheetahs QA  17   16   19   17   16   29   14   14   17   17  17617.6
10Out Of The Blue NL  17   15-1 18   16-1 15   31-4 14   13   16   18-117317.3
11Agera NO  15-2 13-2 16   18   12-1 32-1 13-1 15   18   13-416516.5
12Lightspeed XP US  14   15-1 17   15   12   30   13   13   15   17  16116.1
13Chaotic Motion VIXX NL  15   13-2 15-3 16-1 13   30-1 12   11   15   18  15815.8
14Skydive Midwest NEXT US  15-1 11-4 16-2 16   13-1 32   14   10-1 15-1 14-315615.6
15Qatar Lions QA  0   14-1 16   18   13-2 31-2 15   14-1 14   17-215215.2
16Aurora SE  14   14   15-1 13-1 12   26   11-1 13   13-1 17  14814.8
17Sequenz DK  14-1 12   15-1 12-1 10-1 24-1 12   11   12-1 13  13513.5
18LUX NL  12   11   13   13   10   23   10   9   11   15  12712.7
19Whitefish AU  11-1 10-1 14   13-1 11   20-1 9-2 11   12-1 15  12612.6
20ALIS UA  11   10   9-2 11   10   20-1 9   9   10-1 14  11311.3
21Grumsen NO  12-1 9-1 12-2 13   10   21-3 7-2 10-1 10   8-311211.2
22DNF UK  11-1 9   12   11   9   21   9-1 9   8-1 10-210910.9
234igami NL  8   8   8   9-1 8   14-1 7   7   10   11-1909.0
244Reigners UK  9   8   7-1 9   7   16-1 7   0-10 8-1 10-1818.1

Qatar Cheetahs - Out Of The Blue at the at the 23rd FAI World Cup of Formation Skydiving - Video footage courtesy of InTime/FAI/ISC
Qatar Lions at Skydive Voss
It was not the complete ISR FireFlash lineup who posted scores on this weekend's AAA Class leaderboard. In fact, only former NMP PCH HayaBusa member Sven Ibens and the newest FireFlash member Lena Cynhens represented the team. Sven Ibens' wife Annelies Hasewinkel-Ibens and their son Siem Ibens completed the Family Flash lineup, while Ayro, Falco and Phoenix were on the same AAA Class leaderboard as in 2021.

None of the Belgian teams have been able so far to hold off the visiting Cheetahs and Lions, who had already shown their strength at Skydive Voss. Only the Dutch national team in 4-way Open, Out Of The Blue, is barely holding on to the 1st place after eight of the scheduled ten rounds.

The Cheetahs had outscored OOTB in Norway by three points, and the Dutch team is currently winning the re-match by six points. However, the second Qatar team, the Lions, are challenging Out Of The Blue this time, and there is a 1-point difference between 1st and 2nd place after Round 8. Qatar coaches Gary Smith and Luc Verstrepen are probably not surprised by the current standings. They had agreed in Norway that the Lions should actually be the stronger one of the two teams.

Belgian/Dutch Outdoor Nationals 2023
RankAAA Class3,E,B,1821,A,P,13O,22,Q,19,D,1016,M,17J,14,412,H,N,158,G,619,K,C,5F,20,2L,7,11TotalAvg
1Out Of The Blue NL 1820151918161616---13817.3
2Qatar Lions QA 1618181921161316---13717.1
3Qatar Cheetahs QA 1617171718171416---13216.5
4AYRO BE 1719141816151615---13016.3
5Chaotic Motion VIXX NL 1717171617141516---12916.1
6Falco BE 1518161718141414---12615.8
7Family Flash BE 1314141314121112---10312.9
8LUX NL 1114131413121212---10112.6
9Phoenix BE 1215131310101214---9912.4
10Full Flow BE 1213121113111211---9511.9
11Aquila NL 8128101111911---8010.0
12Shinobi NL 8118910879---708.8

Chaotic Mtion VIXX - Qatar Lions at the 23rd FAI World Cup of Formation Skydiving - Video footage courtesy of InTime/FAI/ISC
Out Of The Blue at Skydive Voss
The Qatar Lions had a special experience at the 23rd FAI World Cup of Formation Skydiving that the NSL News reported on August 24th. They started into the outdoor world cup with a zero in Round 1, caused by an "incorrect framerate (25 FPS)" of the video recording.

The Lions were punished according to the current FAI/ISC rules, which will be changed, according to the discussion after the conclusion of the event during the competitors meeting. The Lions' score for Round 1, which was already judged and posted, would have lifted the second Qatar farm team to a position on the AAA Class leaderboard much closer to the current one in Moorsele, Belgium.

Four Dutch teams had competed in Norway, and three of them are back in action in Belgium this week. Only NMP PCH HayaBusa had represented Belgium at Skydive Voss, and it is no big surprise that the bronze medalists at the outdoor world cup are not ready to compete again at the moment.

The NSL News reported on September 1st that Michele Silvi is leaving the team, and the Belgian 4-way world champions of 2014, 2016, 2018 and 2021 are again looking for a way how to fill the open slot quickly. Ayro are currently the strongest Belgian 4-way team on the AAA Class leaderboard, and they could win the Belgian outdoor title if they can hold off Falco again in the remaining two rounds. Ayro placed second behind NMP PCH HayaBusa at the national championship last year.

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