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Did You Know...

... that Mattias Nord performed one single round for Echochamber Oceanside?

Aurora for Sweden at the FAI Outdoor World Cup
posted Oct 20th, 2023 - Swedish 4-way teams started with the switch from outdoor to indoor competition with their national championship at Bodyflight Bromma in Stockholm, the country's capital city, two months after the completion of the Swedish outdoor championships at the end of July, six weeks after the 23rd FAI World Cup of Formation Skydiving in Norway.

The national indoor championship was a reversed Swedish situation compared to the outdoor world cup. Sweden's strongest 4-way team, Echochamber Oceanside, did not compete at Skydive Voss in Norway, where Aurora represented the country on the 4-way Open Class leaderboard.

Echochamber had competed for Sweden at the 4th FAI World Indoor Skydiving Championship and finished in 6th place, with only the world's four top teams and Germany's Jochen Schweizer Arena Airfource ahead of them. Echochamber then skipped the outdoor world cup and were back for indoor competition earlier this month at their home chamber in Stockholm.

Echochamber and Aurora both had attended the national outdoor championship in July. Aurora followed up at the outdoor world cup, while Echochamber once again won the national 4-way title and will compete for Sweden at the next outdoor world championship.

Swedish Indoor Nationals 2023
RankAAA ClassD,7,Q,19C,6,P,1218,5,3B,1,H,OL,M,10,GA,E,4,F21,2,2220,13,11K,17,8J,N,9,14TotalAvg
1Echochamber Oceanside2726213325302021242925625.6

Echochamber Oceanside - Edge at the Swedish Indoor Nationals 2023
Echochamber Oceanside for Sweden at the FAI Indoor World Championship
Echochamber Oceanside have neither any serious domestic indoor nor outdoor challengers in Sweden, and they won both championship events easily. The next international events would be the indoor world cup in China in April 2024, then the outdoor world championship, where the location still has to be found after the recent cancellation.

Echochamber have represented Sweden at indoor and outdoor world championships since 2017, with the exception of the FAI Tanay Mondial in August 2021. They plan to continue doing this at the next event, as well, once the new location has been determined.

There is even a good chance that Echochamber may travel to China for the indoor world cup. They competed with the 2022 lineup (Ann-Marie Jarzebowski, Ulf Liljenbäck, Mattias Nord, Rikard Rodensjö) at indoor world cup and outdoor world championship both, before going back to the 2018/2019 lineup (Johan Edvall, Ulf Liljenbäck, Mattias Nord, Rikard Rodensjö) at the first two events this year.

In fact, there was also another Echochamber lineup without Mattias Nord who competed at the national indoor championship last year.

FAI Indoor World Championship 2023
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank 4-way Open Top 10 E,14,3 K,F,22,17 O,7,5 N,2,18 L,P,12,15 M,10,D,H 16,9,C 1,G,J,8 4,Q,21 6,20,A Total Avg
1 Arizona Airspeed US 27 35 39 27 -2 31 38 38 29 28 -1 31 323 32.3
2 France 4-way Open FR 27 33 38 26 -2 28 33 -3 35 28 30 30 308 30.8
3 NMP-PCH Hayabusa BE 26 -1 30 33 -3 26 -3 28 37 -1 37 28 29 30 -1 304 30.4
4 Qatar Tigers QA 24 29 -1 32 -1 26 25 -3 32 30 -2 26 25 -1 26 -1 275 27.5
5 Jochen Schweizer Arena Airfource DE 22 -2 28 -1 33 22 25 30 -2 31 24 24 -1 25 -1 264 26.4
6 Echochamber Oceanside SE 22 26 -1 30 17 -5 24 28 -3 27 -2 23 24 25 -1 246 24.6
7 FLY X IT 19 -4 27 30 -1 20 -1 21 -1 29 -2 30 -1 23 -1 22 -2 24 -1 245 24.5
8 HF Flying Circus CZ 20 -2 23 -1 29 -1 22 20 -2 30 -2 29 24 20 -3 25 242 24.2
9 Purple Maze FI 22 26 29 19 -3 21 29 27 25 21 -3 21 -2 240 24.0
9 Papea ES 23 -1 24 -2 29 -2 19 -5 21 -2 28 -2 28 25 21 -1 22 -2 240 24.0

Echochamber Oceanside at the FAI Indoor World Championship 2023, video footage courtesy of FAI/InTime
Original Echochamber lineup in 2016
The NSL News reported on 28 November 2022 that the original Echochamber lineup of 2016 won last year's national indoor championship. It was actually the same original lineup (Martin Bäcklin, Johan Edvall, Ulf Liljenbäck, Rikard Rodensjö) who were back this month to win the next Swedish indoor title.

There was no room for Mattias Nord, who joined Echochamber first as an external coach, before taking one of the active slots when Martin Bäcklin could not continue in 2018. The original lineup had an indoor comeback in 2019 before Johan Edvall had to step back, as well, at least for outdoor training and competition.

The next reunion of the original lineup took place in November last year, and Mattias Nord was only the coaching alternate and observer. Earlier this month, he was once again watching the original lineup performing, while he was also player-coaching one of the two Rookie Class teams (Wingnuts) at the same time.

However, Echochamber invited their official alternate to compete in one of the ten rounds. Mattias Nord performed Round 6 in the tail slot and contributed to the 25.6 average, which was the highest Echochamber indoor result since the Wind Games 2020.

FAI European Championship 2023
Rank4-way Open3,G,N,1911,17,L13,7,C2,D,O,814,K,J,129,M,P,H5,4,1815,1,1016,21,EF,20,6TotalAvg
1France 4-way Open FR 23 25-1 26 24 19 45-1 19 19 23 23 24624.6
2NMP PCH HayaBusa BE 20-4 20-2 25 23-1 18-2 45 20 19 24 24 23823.8
3Airbus Illertissen Oceanside DE 17-1 18 20-1 17 14 31-1 15 15 18 18 18318.3
4Amnesya IT 16-1 17 19 17-1 16 31-1 15 14 18 18-118118.1
5Papea ES 14-3 17-1 18-1 17 14-1 32 14-1 15 18 18 17717.7
6Out Of The Blue NL 17 15-1 18 16-1 15 31-4 14 13 16 18-117317.3
7Agera NO 15-2 13-2 16 18 12-1 32-1 13-1 15 18 13-416516.5
8Aurora SE 14 14 15-1 13-1 12 26 11-1 13 13-1 17 14814.8
9Sequenz DK 14-1 12 15-1 12-1 10-1 24-1 12 11 12-1 13 13513.5
10ALIS UA 11 10 9-2 11 10 20-1 9 9 10-1 14 11311.3
11DNF UK 11-1 9 12 11 9 21 9-1 9 8-1 10-210910.9

Aurora at the 23rd FAI World Cup of Formation Skydiving - Video footage courtesy of InTime/FAI/ISC
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