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Did You Know...

... that Czech 4-way seniors return to indoor competition this month?

Back to indoor competition: M Team
posted Nov 2nd, 2023 - The Czech Indoor Cloud League team at the Hurricane Factory in Prague was once again first with submitting scores and videos for the month of October. Two more teams than in September competed for the highscores in the six ICL categories (AAA - AA - A - RRR - RR - R).

The new 4-way seniors of Skywalkers Junior won the usual monthly duel with the juniors of HF Chameleons, this time by three points for the total of the two Open Class sequences (43 - 40). Skywalkers Junior member Filip Lukavec was once again with the HF Chameleons, who he will compete with at the next indoor world championship.

The second senior team, M Team, were back for indoor action after missing the September sequences of the Indoor Cloud League. The Czech senior teams spend their summer time with outdoor activities. M Team attended two summer meets of the Czech Skydiving League and the Czech Outdoor Nationals in August.

M Team won the internal Czech competition in the A Class over three of the 4-way junior teams to claim one of the October highscores. The four junior teams took care of the scores for the three Rookie Class sequences (RRR - RR - R). Helicopters, Sharks and Unicorns combined for at total of 50 ICL points in October.

Indoor Cloud League October 2023AAAAAARRRRRRTotal
Teams - Hurricane FactoryB,19,A,10J,19,18L,H,21L,H,JM,B,AM,FTotal
Skywalkers Junior2320----43
HF Chameleons2119-----
M Team141117---17
HF Helicopters-81118--18
HF Juniors Green-----15-

Hurricane Factory's Best of October232017181725120

Indoor Cloud League October 2023: Hurricane Factory Highscores
Continue with indoor competition: Kiss My Grips
The Czech senior teams will soon join the indoor 4-way action in the traditional format, with the monthly 10-round meets. M Team will have company by five other senior teams later this month on the AAA Class leaderboard. Only one senior team, the Moravian Flyers, have signed up for a different category (AA) and compete with two junior teams (Panthers, Helicopters).

The Moravian Flyers competed in the RRR Class between 2020 and 2022 and moved up to A Class competition in 2022/2023, then to AA at the last meet of the indoor season. They will resume in the same category at the beginning of the Czech indoor winter season.

Junior teams Unicorns, Sharks and Eagles have the whole A Class leaderboard for themselves. It will be the first indoor season for all three teams in this category. Sharks and Unicorns had scored for the Czech Indoor Cloud League team in October (RR - R), including the 46-pointer by the Unicorns, which had to be capped at 25 points, according to the ICL rules and regulations.

The AAA Class leaderboard features two teams from Slovakia, including Kiss My Grips, who competed for their country at the 4th FAI World Indoor Skydiving Championship. The HF Cubs will also have a comeback after their 4th place in 4-way Women in Slovakia. HF Flying Circus members Dagmar Bezdekova and Martina Vavackova join forces with Marian Jeziak and Denisa Jeziakova for a Crazy Dragons reunion, after the team's last meet together in August 2011.

World Tunnel League November 2023
RankAAA ClassK,9,1L,M,13,A15,H,14Q,21,P,1617,3,20B,N,D,1912,10,E18,7,611,J,422,C,O,FTotalAvg
-Skywalkers Junior CZ -------------
-Nächste Fenster SK -------------
-M Team CZ -------------
-Kiss My Grips SK -------------
-HF Cubs CZ -------------
-HF Chameleons CZ -------------
-Crazy Dragons CZ -------------
-Accord CZ -------------
RankAA ClassK,9,1L,M,1315,H,14Q,21,P6,20B,N,D,198,A,E18,711,J,422,C,OTotalAvg
-Panthers CZ -------------
-Moravian Flyers CZ -------------
-HF Helicopters CZ -------------
RankA ClassK,9L,M,PH,19Q,216,EB,N,D8,A7,FJ,4C,O,2TotalAvg
-Unicorns CZ -------------
-Sharks CZ -------------
-Eagles CZ -------------
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