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Did You Know...

... that four Air Force teams had rematches at the USPA Collegiates?

USPA Collegiates at Skydive Elsinore
posted Jan 1st, 2024 - The last 4-way competition of 2023 took place at Skydive Elsinore in California. It was even an outdoor competition, which the weather in Southern California allows at any time of the year. However, the USPA Collegiates have been scheduled for this time of the year for a very long time, and the outdoor event needs good weather.

As the USPA Nationals, the collegiate championship is an annual event, and it always follows the major event in the United States a few months later in the calendar year. In fact, the date of the Collegiates is even more predictable than the outdoor championship, where the scheduling depends on the hosting location.

It's the winter's holiday vacation for the students when they meet at a place that offers the right weather conditions around Christmas and New Year. Thus the event usually takes place in Arizona, Florida or California.

The 4-way dive pool for the Collegiates was synchronized many years ago with the A Class of the National Skydiving League categories and has been identical ever since. Collegiate 4-way teams were not necessarily also visitors at USPA Nationals in the earlier years of both events. This has changed since the teams have been able to train more efficiently for both events.

USPA Collegiates 2023
Rank4-way (A Class)19,HK,N,DG,4L,29,JO,M,ATotalAvg
1Air Force Artemis17  26  16  16-126  39  14023.3
2Air Force Tall Boys19  25  17  17  24-135  13722.8
3Air Force Gambit14  16  12  12  15-526  9515.8
4Air Force Halo11-216-111-18-117  24  8714.5
5West Point Us or Them9-110-611  11  13-226-18013.3
6West Point Blind Euge10-213-211  10-18-526-27813.0
7West Point Dynamic IFH13  12-110-211  8-422  7612.7
8West Point DLAB9  7-510-18-111-121  6611.0
9Navy Yuan7  5-15-16-17-213  437.2
10Navy Duma5-18  5  5  5-311  396.5
11Huskies, Lions, and Knights4  2-34  4  4-110-1284.7

Air Force Artemis - Air Force Tallboys - Air Force Gambit - Air Force Halo at the USPA Collegiates 2023, Video Footage Courtesy of USPA/OmniSkore!HD
Air Force Artemis at the USPA Collegiates 2023
image by: OmniSkore
The situation for the best collegiate 4-way teams is somehow similar compared to CISM teams competing at FAI/ISC competitions. Some of the best 4-way teams in the world (NMP PCH HayaBusa, Qatar Tigers, Papea) are performing smaller dive pools and easier exits and sequences at the military events.

Especially the Air Force teams have been used to compete in 4-way Intermediate (AA) and 4-way Advanced (AAA) at the USPA Nationals, and they have to scale down to A Class competition when they attend the USPA Collegiates. Artemis and Tallboys placed 2nd and 4th in 4-way Advanced (AAA) at Paraclete XP last year. Now they performed the six A Class sequences in Elsinore.

Halo and Gambit finished in 6th and 23rd place on the Intermediate Class leaderboard (AA) at the USPA Nationals. All together, they took the first four positions on the A Class leaderboard of the USPA Collegiates 2023.

USPA has included A Class competition (4-way Beginner) in the format of the national outdoor championship since the 2021 event. Two Air Force teams used the opportunity of identical dive pools and rules and competed at both events in the same category. Air Force Zorro won USPA gold medals, Night Fury added bronze medals to the Air Force collection in 2021.

USPA Nationals 2023
Rank4-way AdvancedO,E,C,Q,H20,M,J,110,12,B4,18,L11,17,58,9,22A,19,K,13G,3,221,14,15D,F,7,NTotalAvg
1Spaceland Saboteurs36-116-113 13 14-113 16 12-212-125 17017.0
2Air Force Artemis31-316-112-113 15 11-117 13-113 17-115815.8
3CPI Chicken Bolts27-116 11-113 15 13 11-214 11 23 15415.4
4Air Force Tall Boys26-816-211-114 13-114 15-211-111 21 15215.2
5Powered by MoonJuice28-316-113 13 13 12-113-110-211-119-214814.8
6Air Force 9 Ball26-210-212-112 14-112-116 12 12-118-214414.4
7SDC Rhuthless24-313 11-111 12-112 12-29-38-318 13013.0
8Brick Tarason22-310-18-18-111 11 11 8 9 15 11311.3
9Tequila Brothers16 11 7-18 10 6 9 9 9 14 999.9
10Tequila Tribe16-110 9 8 8 10 8 9 5-113-1969.6
11Platinum XP18-110-17-18 5-58-211 8-17 12-2949.4
12Accidentally Competent13-511-16-210 10 9-18-26-36-210-2898.9
13Five Finger Jeff Punch14-110 8 5 7-15 9 8 7 12 858.5
14Cocaine Bears13-510 8 7-17-17-17-16-15 12-1828.2
15Perris Asteria14-15-28-17-14-15-19 8-13 9 727.2

USPA Nationals 2023: Air Force Artemis - Air Force Tall Boys, Video Footage Courtesy of USPA/InTime
Air Force Artemis (left) at the USPA Nationals 2023
Air Force teams did not even start in the 4-way Beginner Class in the second year of the category at the USPA Nationals 2022 any longer and competed in AA (4-way Intermediate) and AAA (4-way Advanced) before switching back to the A Class dive pool and rules for the Collegiates.

There is also a separate leaderboard for Collegiate 4-way Advanced Class teams (A) with the same dive pool and rules. The four Air Force teams all competed in the 4-way Open Class at the Collegiates (A) and took the first four positions on the leaderboard. Four additional teams posted their scores on the second A Class leaderboard.

The four Air Force teams at the USPA Collegiates had competed in 4-way Advanced (Artemis - Tallboys) and 4-way Intermediate (Halo - Gambit) earlier at the USPA Nationals in September 2023, and they had their rematches in Elsinore in the A Class three months later. Tallboys almost turned the outcome at Skydive Paraclete XP. They were one point ahead of Artemis going into Round 6 where they gave up the lead. Gambit were facing a different Halo lineup and had a successful rematch. Artemis won the Collegiates gold medals on the winning level of Night Fury (23.4) in December 2022.

USPA Nationals 2023
Rank4-way Intermediate7,G,154,F,19M,14,D22,J,8N,C,L,111,2013,6H,E,Q,9A,21,2P,O,B,18TotalAvg
1Air Raid XP111414101491118121212512.5
2Spaceland Toxic12111281291116101311411.4
3Mile-Hi SpeedRun88771179151211959.5
4CSC Constellation1011681081010118929.2
4SDD Brane Damage9109910581598929.2
6Air Force Halo7999107911713919.1
7SDMW Uprising6910987810913898.9
8Spaceland Disturbance Delicious991071279978878.7
8Air Force Freak Show698797914810878.7
10Joanne and the Creepers8107811687811848.4
11Air Force PoisEN99784791488838.3
13Carolina Legacy8967767101011818.1
13Carolina Fourtune89879669811818.1
15Perris Rising69107978879808.0
18Moving XPieces7897776967737.3
18DeLand's Hit Show68679551098737.3
20Cross Keys Flying Pups757676710710727.2
21Wingin' It58965551188707.0
21Gabby's Here6886649968707.0
23Air Force Gambit7495967668676.7
24DeLand's Dis-A-Point!3454447466474.7

USPA Nationals 2023: Air Force Halo - Air Force Gambit, Video Footage Courtesy of USPA/InTime
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