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Did You Know...

... that Bad Boys, Accord and M Team members go back to 2005 leaderboards?

Accord in 2005
posted Apr 3rd, 2024 - The NSL News reported on March 19th that Skywalkers Junior and HF Chameleons slowed down their pace at the March meet of the Czech Tunnel League, based on advice from NMP PCH HayaBusa member David Grauwels, as Jan Klapka told the NSL News.

Both teams were back in 4-way action later for the March sequences of the Indoor Cloud League, where at least Skywalkers Junior followed the same order coming from the Belgian 4-time world champion. The video of the Czech AA Class performance (K,2,8) features Skywalkers Junior outscoring HF Chameleons by a point for the March sequence, despite high attention to the slower pace.

The younger HF Chameleons, Czech national team in 4-way Junior, may or may not have applied the same strategy, as they outscored Skywalkers Junior by five points for the more challenging AAA Class sequence (H,8,E,12) last month. Either way, the two young Czech teams have the lead once again for the two Open Class sequences at the moment. The internal competition of the Czech teams also featured the next duel between M Team and Accord with the three technical sequences (AAA - AA - A) of the monthly indoor event. Both teams include the A Class sequence in their monthly duels knowing that they will not be able to claim the highscores in any of these categories.

Indoor Cloud League March 2024AAAAAARRRRRRTotal
Teams - Hurricane FactoryH,8,E,12K,2,8C,L,2C,L,NM,H,EM,ATotal
Skywalkers Junior1818----18
HF Chameleons2317----23
M Team131214----
HF Helicopters-131520--35
HF Juniors Green---101717-
Dycky Most---112120-

Hurricane Factory's Best of March231815202323122

Indoor Cloud League March 2024: Hurricane Factory Highscores
Bad Boys in 2005
M Team and Accord have been on Czech indoor leaderboards for many years, Accord since 2005, M Team since 2015. Accord started with AAA Class outdoor competition even earlier and before the team's first scores on the NSL leaderboard in 2005. They stepped down to AA Class competition for three years between 2014 and 2016 and were back to the complete dive pool in 2017.

M Team was launched in the Rookie Class at the time when Accord switched from AAA to AA, and they met each other finally and for the first time on the same AAA Class leaderboard in November 2018 in the Hurricane Factory. Only Bad Boys and Accord go back together in outdoor competition in the NSL Archives, as well, on the Czech leaderboard of June 2005.

Bad Boys (Max Alberdi, Tomas Berousek, Dagmar Bezdeková, Jan Habetin, Marian Jeziak, Lukas Kaderabek, Jan Klapka, Jirina Klapkova, Jan Lukavec, Tomas Pardubicky, Vaclav Prokes, Miroslav Slansky, Jaroslav Smitka, Juraj Sonlajtner, Stepan Tuma, Martina Vavackova, Jitka Vycpalkova), Accord (Petr Bezecny, Peter Broz, Petr Bubak, Frantisek Cejka, Michal Gromnica, Jan Habetin, Renata Heranova, Jan Klapka, Patrik Lidicky, Jiri Mikulasek, Miroslav Novak, Hana Opalkova, Jan Panenka, Vaclav Prokes, Marek Rahbani, Jiri Rulf, Jaroslav Smitka, Dana Stankova, Terez Tumova, Zbynek Ulbrich, Milka Vankova) and M Team (Tomas Berousek, Ondra Dohnal, Roman Dohnal, Jan Habetin, Marian Jeziak, Jakub Klapka, Jan Klapka, Jirina Klapkova, Lala Ladislav, Mirka Musilova, Hana Opálkova, Josef Pasinger, Jaroslav Petras, Vaclav Prokes, Mirek Slansky, Klara Sotonova, Martina Vavackova, Rene Veronek) members were in 4-way action in the same and different lineups and variations at least since 2005, and the same three teams ended up together on AAA Class leaderboards only when new 4-way competitors joined the lineups.

Czech Tunnel League January 2019
RankAAA ClassQ,E,F,183,9,11D,K,21,1614,G,M,17O,L,B,75,15,6P,A,12,20C,13,110,8,N22,J,H,4TotalAvg
1HF Flying Circus CZ 3421232539192122212124624.6
2HF Bad Boys CZ 3121222333192119191922722.7
3HF Cubs CZ 2919201931171718162120720.7
4HF Chicks CZ 2919192029171515162019919.9
5Skydive University Slovakia SK 2417201927151616161818818.8
6Sky.... CZ 2014181829151415141517217.2
7M Team CZ 1911141321101014111413713.7
8Accord CZ 16111315211191271312812.8
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