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Did You Know...

... that CSC Constellation XP is three points ahead of 4Action?

ICL Midwest team in July
posted Aug 14th, 2024 - It did not take long until the next Indoor Cloud League team submitted scores and videos for the month of July, after ICL Midwest opened up last month's leaderboard. Marcella Rey's iFLY Fort Lauderdale team followed up with the same three teams who have posted scores on the ICL leaderboards consistently since the beginning of the year.

Both ICL groups have two regularly participating 4-way teams who train and compete outside of the Indoor Cloud League platform, as well, CSC Constellation XP and CSC Singularity for ICL Midwest, 4Action and Volaticus for iFLY Fort Lauderdale.

Additional lineups at their Indoor Cloud League events, especially in the three Rookie Class categories, are the breeding ground for future 4-way and 8-way competitors who use the regular opportunity for feeling out the 4-way environment. Even CSC Singularity and Volaticus grew out of the Indoor Cloud League events that CSC Constellation XP and 4Action have been organizing in their regions respectively. All four teams were back in ICL action last month, together with their potential future team mates or opponents.

Indoor Cloud League July 2024AAAAAARRRRRRTotal
Teams - iFLY Fort LauderdaleL,19,P,10A,19,20K,Q,4K,Q,AM,A,PM,JTotal
Under Construction----99(-1)18

iFLY Fort Lauderdale's Best of July101215219976

Indoor Cloud League July 2024 Highscores: iFLY Fort Lauderdale
iFly Fort Lauderdale team
CSC Constellation XP had once again the upper hand over 4Action in the two 4-way Open Class sequences, even though the South Florida team remains well within striking distance. Both teams are only testing the 6-point AAA Class sequences with one of the six slot-switching blocks, as they will compete in the AA/Intermediate Class at the USPA Nationals.

However, the 5-point AA Class sequence could be drawn for the Intermediate Class category, as well as the 4-point A Class sequence. CSC Constellation XP and 4Action both do not post scores for the A Class sequence on the monthly leaderboards, where any lineup can only score for two neighboring categories.

CSC Constellation XP and 4Action have performed the same AA Class sequences since May this year. The ICL Midwest team has won this duel each month by one point and were further ahead for the Open/Advanced Class sequences with memory. Soon both teams will meet for the ten AA/Intermediate Class rounds at the USPA Nationals as potential medal contenders. AA/Intermediate Class teams may expect more 4-point sequences in their USPA competition draws than 5-point sequences (9-1 in 2019 and 2021, 8-2 in 2022). The balance was different last year when the Intermediate Class teams had to memorize seven 5-point sequences and only three 4-point sequences.

Indoor Cloud League 2024
RankJuly 14+O,18,L,12G,18,15D,C,8D,G,CM,O,LM,OTotal
1ICL Midwest US  12   13   15-1 16-2 20   20  96
2iFLY Fort Lauderdale US  10   12   15   21   9   9-176
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