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Did You Know...

... that bad weather did not stop 4-way competitors in the Midwest?

AerOdynamics outdoor lineup
posted Aug 20th, 2024 - Last weekend accommodated several related 4-way activities, even though they did not all turn out the way they were planned. The second meet of the Great Lakes Skydiving League at AerOhio was completely weathered out. Four regional teams had posted scores at the first GLSL meet in June, and AA/Intermediate Class team AerOdynamics decided to move their meet practice to iFLY Detroit instead this time.

AerOdynamics had trained outdoors last month and were ready to post new scores of a new competition draw for more meet practice before the USPA Nationals 2024 in September. The weather interfered, and indoor training at iFLY Detroit was a reasonable substitution.

There was at least a competitive aspect in the plans for AerOdynamics' indoor training. The Ohio team has been following the activities of the Indoor Cloud League, where a few teams posted scores regularly who will be their direct opponents at the national outdoor championship.

They used the substitute indoor training time to practice specific parts of their 4-way skills and added all six Indoor Cloud League sequences to the training agenda, as well. The three Rookie Class sequences (RRR/RR/R) offered the opportunities of easy random formation sequences, while the A and AA sequences could both be drawn for any AA/Intermediate Class competition. Finally, they completed the whole ICL set with the AAA Class sequence, which included Block 16 that AerOdynamics had never performed before.

Indoor Cloud League 2024
RankAugust 14+N,22,C,16F,22,14B,L,9F,B,LM,N,CM,NTotal
1AeroDynamics US 10  12  20  26  20-123-1111

AeroDynamics at AerOhio and iFLY Detroit
AerOdynamics indoor training at iFLY Detroit
The NSL News reported the previous meet weekend live from AerOhio and mentioned on June 17th that AerOdynamics could become a medal contender in the AA/Intermediate Class this year, even though three of the team members are new to outdoor 4-way competition. CSC Constellation XP and 4Action are expected to compete for USPA medals, as well, and they have posted indoor and outdoor scores both earlier this year.

At the same time when AerOdynamics were replacing outdoor with indoor training in Ohio/Michigan participants of a 120-way event at Skydive Midwest were waiting for a fitting weather situation, as well. That was the event where the other two opposing AA/Intermediate Class teams were engaged last weekend.

Team members of CSC Constellation XP and 4Action participated in the 120-way event, Natalie Rodriguez and Russell Bayuk of CSC Constellation XP, Marcella Rey and Jake Perlman of 4Action. They joined forces to attempt the completion of the 120-way formation and provided the NSL News with a photo of the mixed 4-way lineup. They separated again after the big-way weekend and go back to their final preparations for the AA/Intermediate Class competition at the USPA Nationals.

Indoor Cloud League 2024AAAAAARRRRRRTotal
July 14 +O,18,L,12G,18,15D,C,8D,G,CM,O,LM,OTotal
CSC Constellation XP1213----25
June 14+L,19,P,10A,19,20K,Q,4K,Q,AM,A,PM,JTotal
CSC Constellation XP1614----30
May 14+B,4,K,17E,4,7J,N,6J,N,EM,B,KM,CTotal
CSC Constellation XP1416----30

CSC Constellation XP - 4Action at the Indoor Cloud League events May - July 2024
4Action/CSC Constellation XP combination at Skydive Midwest
Both teams have met each other live only once at an indoor competition this year, the Paraclete XP Indoor Championship 2024 that CSC Constellation XP won by 19 points over XP Falcons and 30 points over 4Action. The USPA Nationals will be the first live confrontation after last year's national outdoor championship where CSC Constellation placed 4th with a different lineup.

Only the events of the Indoor Cloud League offered the competitive platform where both teams were able to compare their progression indirectly with each other this year. 4Action have been posting the scores and videos for the two Open Class sequences (AAA/AA) consistently since January, the complete CSC Constellation XP lineup since May.

Marcella Rey's complete Indoor Cloud League team at iFLY Fort Lauderdale has won two of the six monthly events (February, April) over the ICL Midwest team, who had the higher monthly total in March, May and July. The two ICL teams tied their totals in June. iFLY Fort Lauderdale is ahead of ICL Midwest on the 2024 leaderboard due to a missing score for January. The ICL indoor duel between CSC Constellation XP and 4Action since May has generated a different picture that the Midwest team is dominating so far. CSC Constellation XP have won all AAA/AA sequences over 4Action so far, while it was always only a 1-point difference for the AA/Intermediate Class sequences. 4Action hope that they can be even closer with exits from Twin Otters in their pursuit of USPA medals next month.

Indoor Cloud League 2024JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTotal
Flying Chamber: 14+ Feet
1Hurricane FactoryCZ138123122131147138------799
2iFLY DallasUS117106104111115127------680
3iFLY Fort LauderdaleUS9910396101788976-----652
4ICL MidwestUS-869998988996-----566
5Paraclete XPUS----120-------120
6iFLY Colorado SpringsUS-------------
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