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Did You Know...

... that Skywalkers Junior lifted the Czech 4-way level once again?

Czech Outdoor Nationals 2024 in Most
posted Aug 27th, 2024 - July was the first Indoor Cloud League month this year when the Czech team at the Hurricane Factory did not post the highest total for the month. Logically, it became the first time that another team finished in 1st place, and ICL Midwest had the honor to take the position on the top of the July leaderboard.

The two leaders on the annual ICL leader, Hurricane Factory and iFLY Dallas, both missed scores for two of the six categories, which was enough to allow ICL Midwest to win the July competition. The iFLY Dallas team for July actually performed all six sequences, as the NSL News reported on August 1st, while Kyle Hermberg could not use all scores and videos for the July total.

Jan Klapka's team in the Czech Republic did not even perform all six sequences with the missing result for the A Class. He had TNT's scores and videos for three sequences and submitted the highest two scores for the July leaderboard, just as well as Kyle Hermberg did in Texas, where the same AA/A/RRR lineup performed three sequences last month. Some of Jan Klapka's Indoor Cloud League regulars were focusing on outdoor competition, and two teams could only generate scores and videos for four categories.

Indoor Cloud League July 2024AAAAAARRRRRRTotal
Teams - Hurricane FactoryO,18,L,12G,18,15D,C,8D,G,CM,O,LM,OTotal
Cirkus 2.02019----39

Hurricane Factory's Best of July2019--182582

Indoor Cloud League July 2024: Hurricane Factory Highscores
Former and new Czech 4-way champions
Skywalkers Junior usually take care of the Indoor Cloud League highscores for the two Open Class sequences (AAA/AA), and they were not available in July. Their main focus was on the outdoor performance at the national championship, where they had to defend their national 4-way title that the youngest 4-way team in the world won last year for the first time.

In fact, Sky Walkers had an average age of under 17 (15 - 16 - 16 - 18) when they won their first championship title in 2023, just a few months after all team members had completed their outdoor student training. A year later they posted their first 17-average total at the end of a 10-round meet in Most.

Once again, they had to master the PAC exit on the way to the 17.0 average, which means that they could probably finish with an even higher total with easier exits from a Twin Otter or a Cessna Caravan. However, Skywalkers Junior's focus on outdoor training paid back six weeks after their 15.5 average at the June meet of the Czech Skydiving League.

Indoor Cloud League 2024
RankJuly 14+O,18,L,12G,18,15D,C,8D,G,CM,O,LM,OTotal
1ICL Midwest US 12  13  15-116-2 20  20  96
2Hurricane Factory CZ  20   19  -  -  18   25  82
3iFLY Dallas US -  -   17  20  17-2 25  79
4iFLY Fort Lauderdale US 10  12  15   21  9  9-176
Even higher goals: Skywalkers Junior
There was not much outdoor opposition for Skywalkers Junior last year, while five former Czech national 4-way champions tried to offer at least a challenge for the reigning young Czech 4-way champions. Cirkus 2.0 consisted of two former HF Flying Circus members (Dagmar Bezdekova, Martina Vavackova) and two former Bad Boys (Marian Jeziak, Vaclav Prokes) who had filled open Flying Circus slots randomly in the past. Flying Circus videographer David Brabec was back on camera for Cirkus 2.0 last weekend.

The complete Cirkus 2.0 lineup spent some time in the Hurricane Factory together before competing at the national outdoor championship. They generated the July scores and videos for Jan Klapka's Indoor Cloud League team, which were still the highscores for the AAA/AA sequences on the ICL July leaderboard. The well prepared former 4-way juniors in their current outdoor lineup were still out of reach for any other AAA Class team in Most, and Skywalkers Junior would most likely be in contention for a Top 10 position at the FAI Outdoor World Championships 2024 in October, maybe even for a challenge of the teams who aim at the 5th place.

No Czech 4-way team has performed on the Skywalkers Junior level in the history of the country's 4-way competition, and Jan Klapka and his former 4-way juniors have even higher goals than the Top 10 or the 5th place for the new Czech national 4-way team.

Czech Outdoor Nationals 2024
RankAAA ClassL,9,1114,1,A16,4,F8,O,M,19K,G,H,N,715,Q,D,321,16,610,C,B,218,13,J20,22,ETotalAvg
1Skywalkers Junior19131719231813171516 17017.0
2Cirkus 2.014111315208713108 11911.9
3M Team8146764775 555.5
1Panthers131017139131612812 12312.3
2Relative Team587118710508 696.9

Skywalkers Junior - Cirkus 2.0 at the Czech Outdoor Nationals 2024
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