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Did You Know...

... that German competitors make plans to defend the 8-way bronze medals?

First 8-way medals for Germany in Eloy 2022
posted Dec 24th, 2024 - The NSL News indicated with the update on August 22nd that Germany had realistic chance to defend their FAI 8-way bronze medals successfully at the 26th FAI World Formation Skydiving Championships. It was not clear at that time who would compete for the German delegation at Crystal Coast Skydiving.

The Airbus 8-way team had won the first FAI medals in Germany's Formation Skydiving history in Eloy 2022, supported by the absence of a Russian 8-way team and a strong French lineup. However, the bronze medal success in 2022 might have initiated the 8-way activities in Germany that followed shortly after the conclusion of the 2022 season.

A new team, Operation Adler, launched an effort to challenge the Airbus 8-way team for the slot as the national team at the next outdoor world championship, and the NSL News followed the development and the final showdown at the German Outdoor Nationals 2024. Operation Adler, who won the national championship in 2023 and qualified as the national 8-way team at this year's event, was a new team with a new name, while the lineup consisted of several of the most experienced German 4-way and 8-way competitors in the last two decades. Eventually, it was not really a big surprise that Operation Adler won the qualification, despite the drama at the end of the 10-round competition.

FAI Outdoor World Championship 2022
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank 8-way Open 20,16,B P,D,21,13 17,K,11 E,A,19,22 2,9,M C,14,F,12 3,6,18 4,10,1 8,Q,O,H 5,7,J Total Avg
1 Paraclete XP8 US 25 -1 20 20 -1 18 -1 18 19 -1 23 26 -1 16 -2 20 -2 205 20.5
2 Qatar Falcons QA 21 -1 14 -2 16 -1 17 16 15 -1 19 -1 20 -1 14 -1 12 -4 164 16.4
3 Airbus DE 18 14 14 13 4 -1 12 -2 16 16 12 14 133 13.3
FAI Outdoor World Championship 2024
Rank8-way Open14,G,13J,C,17,12D,A,21,P18,B,H,FE,L,O,822,2,K6,7,169,20,153,M,N,45,1,10TotalAvg
1GKXP8 US 19-1 21-1 22 26 21-1 21-1 25 24 37 23 23923.9
2Qatar Falcons QA 16 18 19 21 17 16-1 20 19 25-2 19 19019.0
3Operation Adler DE 14 14 11-2 13-1 13 14 15 14 20-2 15 14314.3

Airbus at the 25th FAI World Formation Skydiving Championships - Operation Adler at the 26th FAI World Formation Skydiving Championships
Second 8-way medals at Crystal Coast 2024
It turned out that the winner of the 8-way duel in Germany, Operation Adler, indeed defended the FAI 8-way bronze medals successfully at Crystal Coast in North Carolina, even with significantly more distance to the team in 4th place (Netunos, Brazil) compared to Airbus in 3rd place by 13 points over British 8-way team MicroClim8 in Eloy 2022.

The NSL News update on October 31st pointed out that the internal duel between the two German 8-way teams at their national qualification was much more exciting and challenging than winning the second set of FAI bronze medals later this year.

The two consecutive 8-way bronze medals for Germany seem to be a healthy motivation for German Formation Skydiving competitors to continue with the 8-way efforts, for the 4-way and 8-way competitors of the older generations, as well as for the current top performers. Plans for the next strong 8-way team are already in the works. Operation Adler had a combination of experience and talent in their lineup, including Airbus 8-way members of 2007 - 2012 (Olaf Biedermann, Göran Meyer, Jörn Thiele, Thomas Mack), together with Airbus 4-way and Meltemi members Linda Köb, Felix Pfeiffer, Alexander Prendinger, and Christian Schaefer.

FAI World Championship 2008
Rank8-way Open17,P,4H,13,76,M,19,22,C16,J,8K,F,G,18O,Q,5,12TotalAvg
1Maubeuge FR 2318262222241615121.6
2USA US 1818262122191614020.0
3Ex3mo IT 2016221718181512618.0
4EADS DE 2114201516141411416.3
5Connextion UK 151215131413129413.4
6Belgium BE 141116111414129213.1
7South Africa ZA 14916121311-7512.5
8Spain ES 13613101313-6811.3
9Australia AU 11510997-518.5
German Airbus 8-way lineup between 2008 and 2011
Operation Adler's Olaf Biedermann, Göran Meyer and Max Thiele had won their first FAI bronze medals in Eloy 2022, together with Airbus 8-way members of 2023/2024, Thomas Spielvogel and Steffen Schiedek, plus new world meet participants Linda Koeb, Carl Enders and Stefan Knoch. Olaf Biedermann, Göran Meyer and Jörn Thiele now shared their next place on the FAI podium of 2024 with Airbus 4-way members Thomas Mack, Felix Pfeiffer, Alexander Prendinger, plus Christian Schaefer and again Meltemi's Linda Koeb.

It seems like Germany's current 8-way success keeps attracting more of the country's top competitors to connect with the three 4-way and 8-way veterans of the Airbus lineups between 2007 and 2012. The German Airbus 8-way teams of this time period ended up in 4th places and without FAI medals, despite their higher meet averages.

Olaf Biedermann, Göran Meyer and brothers Max and Jörn Thiele trained and competed with Markus Bastuck, Thomas Spielvogel, Henning Stumpp and Thomas Mack in their lineups in the same time period 15 years ago, who are all still active in the sport and have not had the pleasure of climbing up onto the FAI podium at world championships. Only Max Thiele and Thomas Spielvogel were in the Airbus lineup of Eloy 2022 where they won their first bronze medals. Olaf Biedermann, Göran Meyer and Linda Koeb are the only German 8-way competitors with two bronze medals in their collections. Operation Adler and Airbus members of 2024 are now working on a new lineup for the coming two years and the defense of the 3rd place on the FAI leaderboard in 2026. It could be an opportunity for their team mates of 2007 - 2012 to finally join them on the 8-way podium.

FAI Outdoor World Championship 2012
Rank8-way OpenN,21,B,514,C,1322,M,2017,H,16J,E,12,47,19,15G,K,8,2O,L,F,P,A10,11,189,Q,D,1TotalAvg
1Golden Knights US 2119272626182028192522922.9
2Aerodyne Maubeuge FR 2219222327202028192522522.5
3Barkli 8 RU 1918222221151524162019219.2
4EADS 8 DE 1413151518141416131614814.8
5VIVA 8 CH 1313151514111217131313613.6
6Dubai Asaar 8 AE 1111121110101012121211111.1
7M8Trix NL 111111121210101210-9911.0
8Brit Chicks 8 UK 11111211141011116-9710.8
9South Africa 8 ZA 1211111013991110-9610.7
10Qatar Falcons QA 11911111299118-9110.1
11Australia AU 1089111210913--8210.3
12The 8 Team BE 8117111291012--8010.0
12CTR Optimum 8 BR 9911121091010--8010.0
14Austria AT 8891010678--668.3
15Maximum Ride CA 88787877--607.5
16Singapore 8 SG 87855678--546.8

EADS/Airbus at the FAI Dubai Mondial 2012
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