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Did You Know...

... that the 20-average level is still the magic benchmark for amateur champions?

Unofficial amateur world champions: Echochamber
posted Jan 7th, 2025 - The new lineup of the German national team in 4-way Open, Airbus Oceanside Illertissen, was covered by the NSL News a few days ago. The team announcement indicates that Germany will continue to have a team that contends for the unofficial amateur world championship title, as the Airbus 4-way team has done in the past years with the previous lineup.

The official team announcement mentioned that the new lineup will follow the same or similar goals that Airbus have pursued in the past years. On the list of goals were the position on the international leaderboards behind the full-time teams who are out of reach for the unofficial amateur teams on their recreational level.

The previous Airbus lineup made the Top 10 at their first outdoor world championship with the 8th place in Eloy 2022 (17.2) and moved up to the 6th place (19.0) at Crystal Coast 2024. The desired 5th place, which is unofficially the top amateur position, came with an 18.8 average in Eloy 2022 (Chimera) and with 19.6 (Echochamber) last year. It seems to be obvious that the 20-average benchmark has to be the goal for teams who are aiming at the top amateur position in 4-way Open on the FAI leaderboard of a world championship. The same benchmark has been on the list of goals for the Airbus 4-way team, as well.

FAI Outdoor World Championship 2010
Rank4-way Open10,7,123,11,5J,M,Q,P,L19,1,13N,18,20K,17,82,15,H4,D,6O,E,9,G22,B,16TotalAvg
1Aerodyne Aerokart FR 2122562022242224402627727.7
2Arizona Airspeed US 2221532320242325402327427.4
3Sky Panthers Barkli RU 1921562119212322412126426.4
4NMP PCH HayaBusa BE 2121552017202322361825325.3
5Evolution CA 1919512018222121311824024.0
6Sinapsi IT 1919491620172119371923623.6
7Paratec-Saar DE 161853171518161930-20222.4
8Satori UK 181847161718171829-19822.0
9Dynamic Fource NL 171844161615161826-18620.7
10Pro Team FI 171643141517171728-18420.4
11Bodyflight Voluntas DK 1715371615181618--15219.0
12Voodoo ZA 1515311314141517--13416.8
13Bardagi SE 1213351214121416--12816.0
14X3M4S Elements NO 1411301413151316--12615.8
15China CN 1213301312141414--12215.3
16Atmosfera G4 PT 1210281313141414--11814.8
17Sky Dragons SI 1212211212111313--10613.3
18Kazakhstan KZ 10717910111011--8510.6
19Ukraine UA 671199999--698.6
Progression of German national 4-way teams at outdoor world championships between 1985 and 2024
20-averages for Airbus/EADS and Paratec Saar in Germany 2013
Germany has a 22.4 average in the records for the highest scoring number at a world championship, even though the Paratec Saar 4-way team did not make the last cut in Menzelinsk 2010 and finished in 7th place after Round 9. The competition draw included a Super Sequence in Round 3 and another fast sequence in Round 9.

The two rounds boosted the average for all teams and generated the record number for the German 4-way team in Russia. Dieter Schwarz, Markus Bastuck, Joern and Max Thiele, with Alexander Hau on camera, had the 22.4 average on the leaderboard after Round 9, while the eight rounds without the 53-pointer for the Super Sequence accounted for an 18.6 average.

The same Paratec Saar lineup finished in 8th place with a 19.7 average in Dubai 2012 and continued with Petra van Overveld for Max Thiele and Luc van Britsom on camera in 2013. The new Paratec Saar lineup then had to go through one of the most exciting national championships in German 4-way history when a new Airbus/EADS lineup (Thomas Mack, Olaf Biedermann, Goeran Meyer, Christian Schaefer, Andreas Trögele on camera) tried to take back the top position in Germany. Paratec Saar defended the top spot successfully by one single point (202 - 201). and the event was the only one where two German teams broke through the 20-average benchmark together in a 10-round meet. A new Paratec Saar lineup competed for Germany in Prostejov 2014 and did not continue in 2015.

German Outdoor Nationals 2013
RankAAA ClassB,7,11P,C,4,5J,D,O,216,18,151,L,2M,9,K,1319,N,Q,12G,22,14E,H,A,8F,20,3TotalAvg
3Gamma Ray Kassel1615191314171612191115215.2
4Usual Suspects131517911161312151413513.5
8Pink Saulgau11817111015111117912012.0
11Coolgang Lite9911781166113818.1

Paratec Saar - EADS at the German Outdoor Nationals 2013
Airbus/EADS at the FAI Outdoor World Championship 2016
The new Airbus lineup, with outside center Thomas Mack, then posted the highest still standing world championship average of a German team in a 10-round meet with the 19.9 at Skydive Chicago 2016, which was still only enough for the 8th place.

The next Airbus lineup (Thomas Mack, Markus Bastuck, Goeran Meyer, Joern Thiele, Andreas Trögele on camera) competed for Germany in Australia 2018 (10th - 19.2) and missed the 20-average benchmark once again.

The magic number was still on the list of goals when Thomas Mack recruited the next Airbus lineup for the new era after the corona virus crisis. The new Airbus 4-way team was happy with the progression from 8th with 17.2 in 2022 to 6th with 19.0 in 2024, as the team announcement was showing, while the list of goals has not changed, including the 5th place and the 20-average benchmark. The Paratec Saar and Airbus team mates and opponents of 2013 have joined forces for the 8-way team Operation Adler, while Thomas Mack continues to push the German 4-way standards to a higher level, now with his son Tim Mack in the lineup. The path to the unofficial amateur world championship title seems to lead once again past the Airbus 4-way team, and probably Sweden's Echochamber, as well.

FAI Outdoor World Championship 2016
Rank4-way Open12,A,1618,15,O1,F,E,C17,B,1410,2,2021,11,GJ,5,19L,M,K,7D,8,43,13,QTotalAvg
1NMP PCH HayaBusaBE2425352619222739232226226.2
2Arizona AirspeedUS2123312618222740232325425.4
4Black CatRU2220302417212433211923123.1
5Qatar TigersQA2120302417202336171822622.6
7Satori XLUK1819272416182230181821021.0
10Final FireAT1615251712161829171317817.8
12Rotor OutAU1616241413161822141316616.6

Airbus at the FAI Outdoor World Championship 2016
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