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Did You Know...

... that the separation of 4-way pros and amateurs has been growing?

First 4-way world champions with new format: DeLand Air Bears in 1985
image by: Norman Kent
posted Jan 29th, 2025 - The NSL News has touched the topic of the unofficial amateur world champions on a regular basis in the past years, including the most recent NSL Live Talk with Ben Liston. By any means, this is exclusively a journalistic topic and is not covered by any rules and regulations in formation skydiving competition. However, the recreational teams and competitors still represent arguably 95% of the participants in the sport, which is a number that the experts in the sport estimate.

Formation skydiving competition is still a very young sport, and the currently applied format was introduced only 40 years ago exactly (1985). At this time, there were neither officially defined professional teams nor an unofficial amateur status of participating teams. Only military teams were professionals by jumping from planes as a part of their services, while all other 4-way and 8-way teams tried to make the best out of their passion for the unusual sport. Some countries supported their national teams with state-funded support.

The situation has not changed much for the 95% of participating teams, who only invest into their passion in different dimensions. Then there are at least a few 4-way teams and competitors who manage to become full-time 4-way or 8-way competitors and are covered by external and additional internal funding. The other 95% of all 4-way teams compete unofficially to become the best team in the state, the country and the world, the recreational amateur teams.

Medal Winners at FAI World Championships of Formation Skydiving Competition between 1985 and 2024
First 20+ average at world championship: Artizona Airspeed in 1995
The NSL News eventually tried to track down the development of the sport related to this topic, after covering it for several years. The first chart is not new and has usually been a part of the previews and aftermath of world championships. It simply shows all medal winners in 4-way Open since 1985.

This overview of the medal winning countries at outdoor world championships between 1985 and 2024 is still also showing how the full-time teams and competitors have separated themselves athletically from the amateur teams. Ten different countries (Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Italy, Norway, Russia, South Africa, USA) shared the three sets of FAI medals at outdoor world championship between 1985 and 2014. The development of professional full-time teams in the last decade reduced the number of medal winning countries to four (Belgium, Qatar, France, USA) between 2016 and 2024.

The separation was even more significant between 1991 and 2010 when the United States and France won all 4-way gold and silver medals, United States and Belgium between 2012 and 2022. Only Canada (1985) and Russia (1989) interfered once with this power position on the very top of the leaderboards. United States and France took back the two top spots last year.

FAI World Meet 1995
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank 4-way Open Top 8 Finalists TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Total Avg
1 Arizona Airspeed US 16 26 26 20 18 23 21 18 21 18 207 20.7
2 France FR 16 25 26 18 17 21 23 17 21 21 205 20.5
3 Touche DK 15 21 22 18 16 19 18 15 18 17 179 17.9
4 DeLand Norgies NO 13 23 21 14 14 20 22 15 16 13 171 17.1
5 DeLand Equanimity ZA 13 19 21 16 16 17 19 15 18 14 168 16.8
6 Russia RU 14 17 22 13 14 19 20 13 17 16 165 16.5
7 Belgium BE 13 19 21 12 16 18 14 13 15 15 156 15.6
8 Switzerland CH 13 21 14 14 14 18 18 11 15 9 147 14.7
Top 5 Rankings at FAI World Championships of Formation Skydiving Competition between 1985 and 2024
First 20+ average behind a medal position at world championship: Sebastian XL in 2003
The growing separation between the pros and the amateurs in 4-way formation skydiving competition becomes more obvious with a closer look at the Top 5 positions in the same time period, which includes the best amateur teams in the world.

National teams from 19 different countries made the Top 5 at outdoor world championships in the same time period between 1985 and 2014. This number then came down to eight teams between 2016 and 2024. It could be even more difficult for amateur teams to make it to the Top 5 if Russia participated in the sport as between 1985 and 2016. Russian 4-way teams placed within the Top 5 at 12 world championships between 1987 and 2016. Sweden (Echochamber), Spain (Papea) and Great Britain (Chimera) were able to place 5th between 2018 and 2024 in the absence of 4-way Open Class teams from Russia.

The best 4-way teams in the world broke through the 20-average benchmark first time in 1995 (US, FR). The first "amateur teams" on this level were the DeLand Norgies and Sebastian XL in 2003, even though the team members had also dedicated their lives to 4-way training and competition for several years. The scoring and performance level of the teams behind the medal positions increased at a few world championship, which was partially supported by the competition draw and weather situations. It has finally settled again around the 20-average benchmark, despite more advanced training strategies and additional indoor training.

FAI World Meet 2003
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank 4-way Open Top 8 Semifinalists 1,11,12 M,J,E,10 K,16,6 13,14,5 D,22,4 9,C,Q,N F,19,21 2,20,L 18,B,3 8,P,7 Total Avg
1 Maubeuge FR 16 26 23 19 21 37 24 21 19 23 229 22.9
2 Golden Knights US 17 24 22 19 18 35 22 18 19 20 214 21.4
3 DeLand Norgies NO 13 24 21 19 18 36 19 16 19 21 206 20.6
4 Sebastian XL UK 14 22 21 19 17 34 21 18 19 20 205 20.5
5 Sinapsi PD IT 13 24 22 17 17 32 22 18 18 - 183 20.3
6 Endeavour CH 13 21 19 15 17 29 21 17 16 - 168 18.7
7 NMPV BE 15 19 19 16 15 29 19 16 16 - 164 18.2
8 EADS DE 14 19 17 15 15 26 17 16 16 - 155 17.2
Meet Averages of Teams in 5th Place at FAI World Championships of Formation Skydiving Competition between 1985 and 2024
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