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Did You Know...

... that Aethers Medjay like slot-switching sequences?

New U.S. indoor 4-way champions: Golden Knights
posted Feb 23rd, 2025 - The 4-way teams were in action even earlier on Sunday morning. Round 7 of the 4-way Open Class teams was complete before sunrise and before the NSL TV Unfiltered camera was ready to capture the first action of the day.

However, Round 8 was probably the more interesting one, as it became the first time that the French Aethers Medjay gave away a highscore. The three U.S. teams right behind Aethers Medjay all used the opportunity of a weaker French performance to win Round 8 by a point.

Aethers Medjay had started the Sunday action in the same top shape of Saturday and won Round 7 clearly. The scores of Round 8 came as a surprise, and the NSL TV camera may have caught the only French weakness of the whole competition. They corrected it quickly in the next round where they did not only win back the lost point in Round 8 but added few more points to the demanding lead over the Golden Knights, who suffered three point deductions in the second round of the day. The NSL TV camera was running again when the 4-way Open Class teams were ready to enter the flying chamber for the last round of the competition. Round 10 also had to offer the fastest sequence, while it brought a slot-switcher to all AAA Class teams. It was still the opportunity for most of the teams to finish the meet with the highest scoring number for a single round.

NSL TV Unfiltered: Round 8 at the Paraclete XP Indoor Championship 2025
Winner of the world meet qualifier in 2024: Arizona Airspeed
The memory challenge was not a problem for Aethers Medjay. In fact, the young French national team seems to like the mental challenge. The 45-pointer in Round 10 was the 4th score for a single round above 40 points since November 2024. Each of the four highscores for the fast sequences included a slot-switching block, either Block 3 (Side Flake Donut - Turf), Block 5 (Opal - Opal), or Block 17 (Danish T - Murphy).

The 45-pointer in Round 10 added five points to the lead over the Golden Knights, who still finished closer to the French national team compared to the Wind Games. The distance was 36 points in Spain a few weeks ago, and the U.S. Army team now placed 2nd behind Aethers Medjay, and only 28 points behind.

The Golden Knights are the new U.S. indoor champions, after outscoring Tunnel Vision in the re-match of the duel at the Wind Games, and after dethroning the previous indoor champions, Arizona Airspeed. However, the Golden Knights will not return to Paraclete XP for the FAI Indoor World Championship 2025 in April. Arizona Airspeed will compete with three of the national champions of 2024. Last year's national indoor championship was the qualifier for this year's world championship, and Airspeed will be eligible with three team mates of 2024 and new member Doug Hendrix in the tail slot.

NSL TV Unfiltered: Round 10 at the Paraclete XP Indoor Championship 2025
Paraclete XP Indoor Championship 2025
Rank4-way Open10,O,F,721,20,3Q,G,2,5B,19,P,1H,9,1116,14,6K,E,A,22J,15,84,C,1217,N,D,MTotalAvg
GAethers Medjay FR 33-122-132-132  36  27  35  23-127  45-131231.2
1Golden Knights US 31  21-127-231-134  23-130  24  23-340-128428.4
2Tunnel Vision US 30-120-127-227-132  24  31  24  24  38  27727.7
GArizona Airspeed US 29  21-124-326  32  23  29  24  22-141  27127.1
GQatar Lions QA 27-220-123-327-127-220-126-320-222  37-124924.9
3SDC Rhythm XP US 26-317-323-326-126-418-329  20-222  37-124424.4
GQatar Cheetahs QA 25  17-224  24-128  21  29  20-220-235-124324.3
4Killers of Hopes and Dreams US 23-217-224  23-127  19  27-120-122  31-123323.3
5XPerimental US 25  15-123  22  24  18  21-219  19  28-121421.4
6Buc-ee's and Boot-ee's US 22-215  19-122  22-118  22-116-219  22-319719.7
7GPTNT US 18-115-120  19-121-115  19  17  14  20-117817.8
8Kirk and the Double D's US 15-412-120  22  18-115  19  15-214-227  17717.7
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