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Did You Know...

... that NMP PCH HayaBusa debriefed the U.S. indoor championship?

NSL Live Talk before the Paraclete XP Indoor Championship
posted Feb 28th, 2025 - It was just ten days ago when the NSL News visited NMP PCH HayaBusa during their winter training camp at Skydive City in Florida. It was outdoor training, and the Belgians had no plans to interrupt their plans for a road trip to North Carolina and the Paraclete XP Indoor Championship 2025.

The earlier NSL Live Talk conversation took place at the Sarah Vande Berg (SVB) tennis center in Zephyrhills, where HayaBusa fan Pascal Collard, himself a passionate skydiver, kindly accommodates the team when they visit. The NSL News met NMP PCH HayaBusa at the same place in a different corner this time.

The topic at the first conversation was mostly a review of the Belgian performance at the Wind Games 2025 and the psychology of teams under pressure. The next high-profile indoor competition, the Paraclete XP Indoor Championship 2025 was not too important for the HayaBusa members at that time. This changed when the competition at Paraclete began, and they would watch either the live stream of the event of the recorded InTime competition videos of all teams later on.

NSL TV Unfiltered: NMP PCH HayaBusa at Skydive City
2025 lineups of the currently strongest 4-way teams in the world
HayaBusa indoor training before the Wind Games 2025
In fact, the complete HayaBusa lineup were systematically debriefing and evaluating the performance of the teams who they will soon be facing directly at the FAI Indoor World Championship 2025 at the same competition site. Aethers Medjay (FR), Arizona Airspeed (US) and Qatar Lions (QA) will be their opponents on the top of the 4-way Open Class leaderboard.

NMP PCH HayaBusa had met Aethers Medjay and Qatar Lions at the Wind Games at the end of January, where they also battled with U.S. teams Golden Knights and Tunnel Vision. However, neither the new U.S. indoor champions of the U.S. Army nor Tunnel Vision will be HayaBusa's opponents at Paraclete XP.

Arizona Airspeed, who won last year's indoor qualification at Paraclete XP, will compete for the U.S. delegation. Naturally, the performance of the new Airspeed lineup was under special evaluation in the HayaBusa debriefing. They still could not watch the complete Airspeed lineup who will compete at the indoor world championship. New outside center Alisson deVargas is not eligible for the FAI/ISC competition and will have to be be replaced either by Niklas Hemlin or Mikhail Markine to match the U.S. qualification rules and the FAI/ISC eligibility rules both.

NSL Live Talk with NMP PCH HayaBusa on 27 February 2025
The HayaBusa review of the Paraclete XP Indoor Championship was completed shortly after the conclusion of the event. The NSL Live Talk conversation added a different perspective of the review to the traditional analysis, where techniques and times are compared and archived.
RankTeams Top 10MeetsAverage
1Aethers MedjayFR34.1 - 31.232.7
2Golden KnightsUS30.5 - 28.429.5
3Tunnel VisionUS30.8 - 27.729.3
4NMP PCH HayaBusaBE30.8 - 26.228.5
5Arizona AirspeedUS27.127.1
6Black Hole DynosNO26.926.9
7FLY XIT26.126.1
8Papea MasculinoES25.925.9
9Qatar LionsQA25.9 - 24.925.4
10Qatar CheetahsQA24.6 - 24.324.5
NMP PCH HayaBusa first provided a summary of what they saw and what was interesting enough for a closer look. There was not really any surprise. The Belgians saw the new world's 4-way leader from France directly in action at the Wind Games and knew about their potential and strength. The Golden Knights in 2nd place were more a surprise, and there is a good chance that the U.S. Army team could be HayaBusa’s opponent at the next world championship.

Next each HayaBusa member recalled what they saw after looking at the performers of the other teams in the same slot. Naturally, the Aethers Medjay members were the best examples for how to fly the respective slots. Most teams from Belgium and France engineer their sequences based on a right-hand turn pattern. This historical difference was caused by different jump planes (Pilatus Porter) in some countries, which had the exit door on the right side.

Dennis Praet explained that modern video technology also allows to watch the teams with a left-hand pattern (Arizona Airspeed, Golden Knights, Tunnel Vision, SDC Rhythm XP) in a mirror-imaged video. However, the HayaBusa members watch Aethers Medjay not only because of the same engineering pattern. They are the world's top 4-way performers at the moment. The current HayaBusa lineup still watch their own videos of the historic lineup (Dennis Praet, Bob Nollet, David and Andy Grauwels), as well, who set new benchmarks for indoor and outdoor 4-way competition.

Paraclete XP Indoor Championship 2025
Rank4-way Open10,O,F,721,20,3Q,G,2,5B,19,P,1H,9,1116,14,6K,E,A,22J,15,84,C,1217,N,D,MTotalAvg
GAethers Medjay FR 33-122-132-132 36 27 35 23-127 45-131231.2
1Golden Knights US 31 21-127-231-134 23-130 24 23-340-128428.4
2Tunnel Vision US 30-120-127-227-132 24 31 24 24 38 27727.7
GArizona Airspeed US 29 21-124-326 32 23 29 24 22-141 27127.1

Aethers Medjay - Golden Knights - Tunnel Vision - Arizona Airspeed at the the Paraclete XP Indoor Championship 2025
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