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Did You Know...

... that Skywalkers Junior copied the Paraclete XP draw at the Hurricane Factory?

4-way junior school day at the Hurricane Factory Prague
posted Mar 4th, 2025 - The first scores and videos of the Indoor Cloud League for the month of February came once again from the Hurricane Factory in Prague, Czech Republic, where Jan Klapka has been running his 4-way junior school for several years.

The 4-way junior school itself has already been more than successful enough over the last decade, as it has produced new 4-way teams and competitors year after year in the Czech Republic. Indoor Cloud League and World Tunnel League events have provided the competitive arena for the youngest 4-way competitors, as it is well known at least for the NSL News audience.

The success of Jan Klapka's 4-way junior school became more than evident when FAI/ISC added 4-way junior events to indoor world championships and world cups. Unfortunately, the world's sanctioning organization in Formation Skydiving competition did not continue with the event when the participation was not according to their expectations and requirements. However, Jan Klapka and his youngest Czech 4-way teams had already demonstrated that the early introduction to his 4-way junior school would produce amazing results, including world championship and world cup titles for the small European country. The success continued when the 4-way juniors turned into 4-way seniors and became the best 4-way indoor teams in the world, with the HF Cubs in 4-way Women as the best example.

Indoor Cloud League February 2025AAAAAARRRRRRTotal
Teams - Hurricane FactoryP,19,O,16L,19,18N,P,9L,N,PM,P,OM,HTotal
Skywalkers Junior2924----53
HF Helikopters161218----
HF Junior Fenix--1315202625

Hurricane Factory's Best of February292421182525142

Indoor Cloud League February 2025: Hurricane Factory Highscores
Niklas Hemlin with 4-way juniors at the Hurricane Factory Prague
Jan Klapka still had a vision that went beyond his 4-way junior school. He was dreaming of the time when his 4-way juniors would turn into 4-way seniors and then continue with jumping from planes, as well. He also launched his own 4-way skydiving school at the skydiving center in Most, where the Skywalkers are home with their tandem operation.

That's where the former 4-way juniors of HF Flying Rebels and HF Chameleons joined forces for the Skywalkers Junior team and combined their 4-way indoor with new 4-way outdoor training and competition. The new team participated regularly at the Indoor Cloud League and World Tunnel League events and collected comprehensive competition experiences.

They were back for the first two months of this year's Indoor Cloud League and have already completed their 6th indoor competition of the winter season that began in November 2024. Skywalkers Junior have contributed heavily to the monthly total of the Hurricane Factory team, where they usually take care of the two 4-way Open Class sequences (AAA/AA). The AAA/AA scores for the month of February were once again generated by Skywalkers Junior.

Paraclete XP Indoor Championship 2025
Rank4-way Open10,O,F,721,20,3Q,G,2,5B,19,P,1H,9,1116,14,6K,E,A,22J,15,84,C,1217,N,D,MTotalAvg
GAethers Medjay FR 33-122-132-132  36  27  35  23-127  45-131231.2
GSkywalkers Junior CZ 30212729 32233324224628728.7
1Golden Knights US 31  21-127-231-134  23-130  24  23-340-128428.4
2Tunnel Vision US 30-120-127-227-132  24  31  24  24  38  27727.7
GArizona Airspeed US 29  21-124-326  32  23  29  24  22-141  27127.1
GQatar Lions QA 27-220-123-327-127-220-126-320-222  37-124924.9
3SDC Rhythm XP US 26-317-323-326-126-418-329  20-222  37-124424.4
GQatar Cheetahs QA 25  17-224  24-128  21  29  20-220-235-124324.3
4Killers of Hopes and Dreams US 23-217-224  23-127  19  27-120-122  31-123323.3
5XPerimental US 25  15-123  22  24  18  21-219  19  28-121421.4
6Buc-ee's and Boot-ee's US 22-215  19-122  22-118  22-116-219  22-319719.7
7GPTNT US 18-115-120  19-121-115  19  17  14  20-117817.8
8Kirk and the Double D's US 15-412-120  22  18-115  19  15-214-227  17717.7

Skywalkers Junior with Paraclete XP Indoor Championship sequences at the Hurricane Factory Prague
David Grauwels with 4-way juniors at the Hurricane Factory Prague
The Czech national team in 4-way Open has been preparing for their first major international FAI/ISC competition, the FAI Indoor World Championship 2025, and NMP PCH HayaBusa's team videographer, 4-time inside center outdoor world champion David Grauwels, has been helping Jan Klapka to develop Skywalkers Junior to the world class performance level.

The team members of Skywalkers Junior have attended indoor world championships and world cups in the past in 4-way Junior, while they have not competed yet at any of them in 4-way Open. Now they have one more month to get ready for their first appearance on the world's biggest and most meaningful indoor stage.

They did something last week that many teams do in training when they copy competition draws of other events, and Skywalkers Junior decided to perform the ten rounds of the Paraclete XP Indoor Championship 2025, where almost all of the strongest 4-way teams in the world and expected opponents were present. The NSL News added the number of points in 35 seconds for all ten rounds to the 4-way Open Class leaderboard, which are raw scores without any judges evaluating the performance. Skywalkers Junior have two more World Tunnel League meets in their home chamber at the Hurricane Factory Prague ahead of them before the trip to North Carolina. They could be a serious factor on the top of the 4-way Open Class leaderboard already by now.

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