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Did You Know...

... that Niklas Hemlin is back for Arizona Airspeed at the indoor world championship?

Arizona Airspeed at the Paraclete XP Indoor Championship 2024
posted Mar 7th, 2025 - Arizona Airspeed won the Paraclete XP Indoor Championship 2024 by 46 points (310 - 264) over the team in 2nd place, the Golden Knights. It was the lineup who dominated 4-way AAA Class competition worldwide since 2021 (Niklas Hemlin, Mikhail Markine, Joey Marshall, Chris Kuhlmann).

There was no indication at the time of last year's U.S. national indoor championship that the lineup would change after the 26th FAI World Formation Skydiving Championships, where the same lineup won their second set of FAI gold medals consecutively. Only the camera position had changed, from Brendan Haddon in Eloy 2022 to Alex Swindle at Crystal Coast 2024.

The official announcement of the changes in the Airspeed lineup came for the NSL News after the completion of the outdoor world championship and the NSL Live Talk with the complete lineup on 12 October 2024, even though the preparations for the changes have been in full swing for a while by then. The overwhelming performance by the lineup of 2020 - 2024 at the Paraclete XP Indoor Championship in February 2024 was also the U.S. qualifier for the FAI Indoor World Championship 2025, which will take place at the same place next month. However, the new Airspeed lineup, with Allison de Vargas and Doug Hendrix for Niklas Hemlin and Mikhail Markine, is not eligible for the event, according to the FAI/ISC rules.

Paraclete XP Indoor Championship 2024
Rank4-way Open4,21,F6,14,5H,10,K,82,D,B,15O,J,P,2220,17,18L,M,C,19E,13,3A,1,Q,G11,12,16TotalAvg
1Arizona Airspeed US 28  26-129  33  34  28  38-129  39  26  31031.0
2Golden Knights US 30  25  22-128-227-220-331-426-131-324  26426.4
3SDC Rhythm XP US 23-223-123  25-130  20-233-125-131-121  25425.4
4XPG4 US 24  23-125-128  28-118-233  24-130  21  25425.4
5XPerimental US 24  21  20-124  25  17-229-121-225-319  22522.5
6RhEvolution XP US 22  19-119-123-123-121  28  19-125  19  21821.8
7Netunos BR 22  18-219-217-526-116-228-117-326-219  20820.8
8Chicken Bolts US 19-119  19-120  22-216  26-119  26  18  20420.4

Arizona Airspeed - Golden Knights at the Paraclete XP Indoor Championship 2024
4-way Open awards at the Paraclete XP Indoor Championship 2025
The NSL News covered the situation of new Airspeed member Allison de Vargas comprehensively after the official announcement of the changes, and the complete new lineup was also available for NSL Live Talk, first time from Skydive Arizona on February 12th, then again with Kamuran "Sonic" Bayrasli at Paraclete XP on February 22nd.

Returning members Joey Marshall and Chris Kuhlmann competed with their new team mates at the national indoor championship, even though they were aware of the fact that they could not win national medals before U.S. naturalization for new member Alisson de Vargas. They also had plans to compete for the U.S. delegation at the upcoming indoor world championship, where they would have to replace Alisson de Vargas once again to be eligible according to FAI/ISC regulations.

It took a little while for Joey Marshall, Chris Kuhlmann and their new team mate Doug Hendrix to make the final decision who will replace Alisson de Vargas in the outside center slot. Their team mate of 2020 - 2024, Niklas Hemlin, finally agreed to go back to his slot in the same time period. Niklas Hemlin had outscored his own former team mates with new indoor team Tunnel Vision at the national indoor championship by six points (277 - 271), together with the Golden Knights (284 - 271) who he has been coaching while training and competing with Arizona Airspeed.

Paraclete XP Indoor Championship 2025
Rank4-way Open10,O,F,721,20,3Q,G,2,5B,19,P,1H,9,1116,14,6K,E,A,22J,15,84,C,1217,N,D,MTotalAvg
GAethers Medjay FR 33-122-132-132 36 27 35 23-127 45-131231.2
1Golden Knights US 31 21-127-231-134 23-130 24 23-340-128428.4
2Tunnel Vision US 30-120-127-227-132 24 31 24 24 38 27727.7
GArizona Airspeed US 29 21-124-326 32 23 29 24 22-141 27127.1
GQatar Lions QA 27-220-123-327-127-220-126-320-222 37-124924.9
3SDC Rhythm XP US 26-317-323-326-126-418-329 20-222 37-124424.4
GQatar Cheetahs QA 25 17-224 24-128 21 29 20-220-235-124324.3
4Killers of Hopes and Dreams US 23-217-224 23-127 19 27-120-122 31-123323.3
5XPerimental US 25 15-123 22 24 18 21-219 19 28-121421.4
6Buc-ee's and Boot-ee's US 22-215 19-122 22-118 22-116-219 22-319719.7
7GPTNT US 18-115-120 19-121-115 19 17 14 20-117817.8
8Kirk and the Double D's US 15-412-120 22 18-115 19 15-214-227 17717.7

Golden Knights - Tunnel Vision - Arizona Airspeed at the Paraclete XP Indoor Championship 2025
New complete Arizona Airspeed lineup at Paraclete XP
Arizona Airspeed would have been eligible to compete for the U.S. delegation at the indoor world championship with two returning members (Joey Marshall, Chris Kuhlmann), according to the U.S. indoor regulations. However, Allison de Vargas does not have eligibility status yet for FAI/ISC events, where each country's delegation has to follow FAI/ISC regulations, no matter who represents the country.

The combination of U.S. qualification and FAI/ISC eligibility rules eventually created the Airspeed lineup combination who will represent the United States at the indoor world championship. New Airspeed tail Doug Hendrix will compete together with three reigning indoor and outdoor world champions at his own first world championship.

Arizona Airspeed's complete new lineup finished behind Tunnel Vision, with competitor Niklas Hemlin, and Golden Knights, with coach Niklas Hemlin, at the national indoor championship. Joey Marshall, Chris Kuhlmann, Niklas Hemlin with Doug Hendrix will be facing the world's strongest international 4-way teams at the next event, including Aethers Medjay (FR), NMP PCH HayaBusa (BE), Lions (QA), Echochamber (SE). None of the teams are probably expecting to oppose the new French 4-way power seriously, while the event is also a re-match between NMP PCH HayaBusa and Niklas Hemlin. The Belgians outscored both U.S. teams (Tunnel Vision, Golden Knights) at the Wind Games. The next duel between NMP PCH HayaBusa and Arizona Airspeed will heavily depend on the performance of their new members, Ray Loden (BE) and Doug Hendrix (US).

Wind Games 2025
RankAAA ClassL,N,O,6M,3,A,JB,D,5,KQ,10,722,1,C15,11,FE,14,178,21,49,20,HG,19,P,13 TotalAvg
1Aethers Medjay FR 39-143 48-129-126 29 32 25 38 32-134134.1
2NMP PCH HayaBusa BE 39-137 42-126-126 25-129 22 34-128-130830.8
3Tunnel Vision US 38 37 44 27 23-126 29 22 33 29 30830.8
4Golden Knights US 38-135 43-327 25-128 28-121-228-53230530.5
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